Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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Woooooooo hooooooo!!! I can't wait I can't wait!!

Fannysmackin' Is going to be my favorite episode EVER i the sounds of it anyway!! Hee hee.

As for the Hodges and Sofia in the opening credits, I think it's nice...I mean they're on the show quite a bit, why not give them recognition :)
Oct 12th is when FannySmakin airs. I cannot wait, I don't want to see Greg hurt but I want to see him shine in this episode.

The thought of that pretty face all bruised up is heartbreaking! :(
Wojo said:
Oct 12th is when FannySmakin airs. I cannot wait, I don't want to see Greg hurt but I want to see him shine in this episode.

The thought of that pretty face all bruised up is heartbreaking! :(

:eek:greg gets injured! what hapens? how do you know this? please say it aint so! :(
Here this explains everyhting; it's from about Fannysmackin'. Three tourists are beat up, badly. One is dead, Alfonzo. Jessica is beat up pretty badly. Stanley, the last tourist is saved by Greg who in turn gets hurt and ends up hospitalized. Our Greggo is a hero!
AWW yes he is and I love it a lot!

Anyways, I'm going to be quite honest with you, I personally don't like the thought of more people added to the credits. They do deserve to be credited.. but Eric was on the show for a long time before he got credited. And I know Hodges has been on for some time.. but not a long time. Not that I can remember anyway. And Sophia.. I hardly remember any of her scenes. I know some of them.. but they are just blurs. And yeah, they do not need any more characters because everytime they get a new one, they still focus on the same ones and just tease you with the others. I hate that.
But, this new season, everyone seems to be having something. I hope there isnt a whole lot with Sophia or Hodges because I'm not a huge fan of either. But for you guys tht really like them, I do hope you guys are satisfied with what you get because I know how it feels to love a character so much and hardly see them at all ... cough GREG. So for your sake.. more of them I suppose.

And.. Steve Irwin's death is tearing at my heart so RIP Steve!! May you restle those crocs in heaven!
grssom89 Read through this spioler thread and you'll find out more, starts on page 11, I believe.
If you look at the amount of screen time Hodges and Sophia already have they are justified at being in the opening credits.

I just hope that they keep Hodges in the lab. I don't see the character successful in the field the way he acts around the CSI's.

Sophia seems to be the only other detective (except Brass). I think I can count on one hand how many times the others appeared on screen since A Bullet Runs Through It. Vega was in Poppin Tags briefly but I don't think we've seen the others. It's just been Sophia and Brass.
^ Vartann was in Bang Bang and he was hot. :D

But I have to agree with you on the lack of other detectives' appearances since ABRTI.
I dont see how they can fit more people in the credits. They already have everyones name in the credits for like 1 second and then they switch to another person. I also agree about how Sofia hasnt been around long AT ALL, and she gets to be in the credits o_O
Well, I do not know wheter you all will take this as good news, or as bad news... but from what I have read of the scripts, there is a LOT of Sophia. True, they can change and true scenes are usually a lot different when acted out so her scenes may go by fast, but either way, she seems to have a lot of scenes. So I guess they figured that they would go ahead and put her in the credits because they knew she would have a lot more screen time this season..

Personally, that sucks because I want to know more about Greg mostly because I love him, but generally, Greg, Warrick... Maybe a littl more with Nick.. NO MORE CATH DRAMA!! I personally have had enough of her. No one yell at me... I mean.. I like her enough I suppose, but all the crap happens to her and it is getting a little much... and very overwhelming. But anyway.. yeah.
I agree, I hope after the first two episodes they will tone down the Catherine drama. I too am tired of her getting all the action.

I want more Greg too! (Greg & Nick working together)
eszmanda_luver said:
Well, I do not know wheter you all will take this as good news, or as bad news... but from what I have read of the scripts, there is a LOT of Sophia.

Personally, that sucks because I want to know more about Greg mostly because I love him, but generally, Greg, Warrick... Maybe a littl more with Nick.. NO MORE CATH DRAMA!! I personally have had enough of her. No one yell at me... I mean.. I like her enough I suppose, but all the crap happens to her and it is getting a little much... and very overwhelming. But anyway.. yeah.

Yeah, that really blows! I always wonder what is in the writers or producers heads when they think that cast bloat is a good thing. I see nothing positive in increasing Sophia's and Hodges roles. It really takes away from the regular cast, and yes, I freely admit that I'm selfish in that I want to see more of Greg. We've seen so little of him so far. It's why I cannot wait for the "Fannysmackin" episode. It very well may be Greg's highlight of the year given the heeeuuuge cast. Makes me really angry and frustrated. :mad:
Sofia- NO- that does blow- :mad: I can't say anymore because, it will be considered character assassination:(but I'd so rather see the others featured more- and Greg would be great ;)
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