Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

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ETA: Thanks for the scan, eszmanda_luver!!! OMG is it just me or he looks incredibly hot in that pic???

It's not just you, Silhouette. I'm supposed to be at work in less than an hour and I can't take my eyes off of that picture. He is absolutely gorgeous, and on top of that, I cannot wait for the new season to start. OMG - what a lovely young man! :cool:
I still think it will be like I said before. Not only will Greg have to make a decision about his future, others will have to change their persectives on him.
Well I'm sure they will. I mean, everyone acts differently in certain situations.. you know? And especially sense we never really see Greg super serious or in pain or anything. I mean, Play With Fire was it, but that's when he was still a tech so they didn't do much on him at all. So, seeing someone in a bad situation, and how they handle is enough to change anyones perspectives a bit to say the least.

Now, the question is, how bad exactly, will his situation be?
Well, the article said that Greg gets into the line of fire. Uh-oh. Greg don't carry no gun! :eek:

Um, well this post was written when I was trying to get my eyes off that gorgeous pic. of Eric. Heavenly. *faints*
Thanks for posting; it was still hard to read; and the lovely pic didn't hurt :D But I just copied and pasted into Image Expert and magnified it once and it was totally readable.

I'm also anxious now to see what happens to him. And surprised about the beginning of the page....who'd want to hit his pretty face :confused:
ok well, im really not that worried after reading that atricle. yeah, he does gets caught in the line of fire, and he does get hurt physically and mentally, and it does say that he debates staying in the lab or going bak out on field work, but they wouldnt make him a CSI 1 and then make him the DNA tech again.he even says that it WAS hard to be on such a big show and not really feel like he was "part" of the show, so i highly doubt they would make him less important to the team. if anything, i feel like this will make him MORE of the team.

just my opinion on things :)

Haha I know.. that also struck me as a bit odd. Haha, Eric seems like a pretty nice guy, so I don't know what would prompt that lady to hit him...

But yeah, I'm very anxious!!

I definately agree with you. I really think that after this event, whatever it may be, the team will see him in a new light. and not just as, crazy newbie Greg.. which I really would like to see. Even if it does mean he has to go through a little to earn his respect.
I'm a little relieved after reading that article. I mean, "making a fool of himself" in there just sounds like he tried to ask out Sara or something only to find out she was already with someone else. As for getting caught in the line of fire, he can handle it. Nick has been the plot-line punching bag for a long time, and he's only come out as a better character. I bet this will be the same way with Greg. Hey, at least he'll be onscreen, for once.
Yeah the thing I learn is, if there's conflict there's story. We know about a character by his action towards this conflict. So, applied to the Greg scenario.... I think it's a good chance for character development. There's conflict he has to endure to grow as a character... and I'm sure he will endure it. I mean, c'mon, who wants to see him back at lab?? If he's back to the lab, well that's a step back.. I'm pretty sure they'd lose a lot of audience if they do that :rolleyes:

And besides, when you see a character you care about facing a conflict, you WANT him to endure it. I think that's the only way to satisfy your audience (well, that's the only way to safisfy me ;)) so the question 'would he or wouldn't he' is just to make you curious.
Silhouette said:
Quoted from Kegel on csimedia forum:

Even so, he still hopes Greg will get the girl. "I encourage the writers to explore how Greg's infatuation with Sara is going to be affected - because Greg hasn't given up on her," says Szmanda, who is single. "I'm sure Greg is going to make a big fool out of himself."
That's the whole paragraph. And it's good news for Sandle fans! ("Greg hasn't give up on her"?? There's still hope!!) *SQUEE* I am one happy girl :D

Awwww, Eric I forgive everything!
I was admittedly bitter after he broke up with Sara in TV Guide last year but now..Could there still be hope? Since Grissom is leaving and all.

I may still tune in for S7 in spite of the finale. :)
I hope not. Greg did break up with Sara. I'm sorry, I just don't think Greg and Sara belong together but they do looks cute when they work together. Sara see him as a brother, not as a lover. Greg need someone that except him for who he is. I like Greg with Wendy.
Aww Gilbert, thanks for bursting my bubble... :(

Kidding. :p But you know, it's not nice to burst someone's bubble ;)
Haha sorry maybe my happy energy came out too strong :lol: But I assure you, I know better. Usually I get so skeptical towards spoilers. And of course, I know tptb says a lot of things, and I respect other shippers too. Well while you're not a Sandle fan, but aww can't we have a happy moment for a while? At the end we know it's not for us to decide. :) We're just trying to keep positive (hence the Sandle Positivity cookies ;)). Besides, 'hopes' produce fanfictions, which is a good thing :D
And I just think it's sweet that Eric wants Greg to be happy :)
I wrote it off. Hate it when you did that when you use that sad icon or whatever that called, (I can't remember.) You go ahead be happy and joy and jump up and down. I'm not Sandles fan but I don't care if they get together or not but I do love Sandles cookies. You are multi-shipper or what, GSR and Sandles.

I just don't like to see people sad. I don't, believe me, I like to see people smiles. Just like Nick and Greg, they love to see people smiles.

Just keep positive, just like I'm keep positive for my Snickers. I agree with you, we don't always get what we want.
Edited: Sorry I didn't mean to upset you either... okay, I won't use that sad face again. You can't stand seeing someone sad, do you? That's nice :) And I can't stand making someone upset either...
So, friends? ;) *gives a handful of Sandle cookies* :D (well you did say that you like 'em ;))

And your last sentence (in the first paragraph), is that a question or a statement? :D But nevermind, it belongs to the Shipper Thread.

Okay, back on topic--
I wonder what ''monsters' of Sin City' means? At first I thought of Crayken :lol: (nevermind me, I've just watched Pirates :lol:) then I thought maybe it's like a street gang or something?
No, you didn't upset me, I don't see you upset. Thank you for the Sandles cookies but no nuts.

That was a statement, I guess.

Can I ask you a question? I read over Sandles shipper, Where you get the article that Jorja say she want Sara with Greg? I don't remember she saying that. I remember she saying last old tv guide said, Grissom and Sara will get revisit but I don't remember she saying that.
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