Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

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CSI: New York
Episode 7.22 is entitled 'Exit Strategy.'

CSI: New York
Episode 7.22 is entitled 'Exit Strategy.'

The storyline is that Mac withdraws into his own thoughts; his objective to study a case that's sat on his desk for the past nine years... Dramatic I'm sure!
CBS execs said earlier that they were not planning to cancel any of the CSI shows. So did they change their minds or lie to us? Neither would surprise me. I kind of hope there's at least one more season though.

I vote flat out lied to viewers. Nina Tassler should've never gone on the record and said they'd be back as long as they're competetive on Friday nights. But that's a network exec for you. Say anything to keep the fans holding out hope and then stab them in the back when all is said and done.
7.22 - "Exit Strategy"

Not much info, but here's what I know so far:

~ Mac revisits a case from November 11, 2002. The crime took place at a corner bodega. Two men (Wes and Kenny) are in the middle of committing a burglary. Kenny points a gun at the store owner, demanding all of the money from the register. The owner pulls out a gun and the two engage in a standoff. Unexpectedly, a stockboy walks in and Kenny shoots both the stockboy and the owner. Kenny also gets shot in the shoulder.

~ Wes freaks out and the two leave the bodies behind.

~ A little girl witnessed the murders and has since gone missing. In present time, Mac interviews Kenny trying to find the little girl (Olivia). Olivia is found alive, but things aren't over yet. Olivia points a gun at Mac's head and...

That's where things get a bit too spoilery. :p I do see a Danny/Flack scene, a few Mac/Jo scenes, but nothing on Hawkes, Lindsay or anyone else.

ETA: Here's some more spoilers on the episode.

~ This case is Mac's last unsolved case.

~ Everybody is mentioned but Hawkes and Sid.

~ Jo/Mac have a somewhat emotional final scene.

~ It does act as a potential series finale.
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Thanks for the spoilers, vegaslights! I was waiting for info on this episode. I really hope the 'Exit Strategy' isn't a nod to the series ending, but at this point it could go either way. If it is the series finale, I hope it's a good final episode.

But mostly I just hope we get at least one more season. I'VE NEVER BEEN INVESTED IN A SHOW THIS LONG BEFORE! Well, I've been watching CSI since before I started watching NY, but this is the only show I have consistently followed. I heard about Gary being on the New York-based CSI spinoff and, although I missed the first episode, I saw them all starting with "Creature of the Night"...I can't believe I've been watching this show for more than six years. :lol: I also can't believe I've been on TalkCSI for more than five years.

*cough* Sorry for that bit of nostalgia. :lol:
Sad day for me. I've never been this invested in a TV show. I really hope we get another season. I still want to be spoiler free as possible so I just read the first paragraph and it sounds dramatic. Cold cases have bever been easier to deal with. Evidence get lost. Witnesses forget what they saw, hear and knew. I think this will be a good one.

I'm imagining scenes for the finale. Maybe Mac visits the Ground Zero for his late wife Claire. :( And/or he visits Jane Doe of 'Blink' in the hospital - maybe he's been doing it once in a month since she was put there.

Any idea who wrote the finale?
Thanks for the spoilers, vegaslights! I was waiting for info on this episode. I really hope the 'Exit Strategy' isn't a nod to the series ending, but at this point it could go either way. If it is the series finale, I hope it's a good final episode.

But mostly I just hope we get at least one more season. I'VE NEVER BEEN INVESTED IN A SHOW THIS LONG BEFORE! Well, I've been watching CSI since before I started watching NY, but this is the only show I have consistently followed. I heard about Gary being on the New York-based CSI spinoff and, although I missed the first episode, I saw them all starting with "Creature of the Night"...I can't believe I've been watching this show for more than six years. :lol: I also can't believe I've been on TalkCSI for more than five years.

*cough* Sorry for that bit of nostalgia. :lol:

I have those same feelings. It's kind of sad to say, but the entire CSI franchise has been my life since I was just a kid. Cartoons weren't something that I was too invested in. I've been told I'm like a 40 year old man in an 18 year old's body. My choices in the shows I watch kind of support that theory I guess.

NY has rebounded so well this season. It's doing very well on Friday nights, despite the horrible time slot. Sela Ward joining the show made things better in my opinion, and I don't think I'm ready to say goodbye to one of my favorite shows (especially since many of my favorites have died off within the past year: 24, Lost, Party Down). Perhaps it's time to start organizing a campaign. :confused:

(Oh, and I updated the spoilers a little bit. *tear*)
All I can say is if CBS pulls the plug on NY at the end of the season I pull the plug on being a regular CBS viewer. I know it won't influence any of their decisions or make any difference to them, but I'm done listening to network execs say one thing and then do the opposite.
^ (at all the preceding posts)

i'm kind of the opposite really - i have nothing against the show really and over the years have REALLY enjoyed it, but i definitely think it's run its course (and in fact over run somewhat), it's nothing like as good as it used to be, i don't think there's much more they can really do with it.

also, just from a gary fan perspective, i feel gary's genuine acting talent (and probably one or two of the others too) is wasted on it. i understand his reasons for doing the show, but i think it's got to a point now where the writing has gone extremely rapidly downhill, their continuity errors get worse all the time, and half the time half the cast seem like they're going through the motions.

and that, for me, is infinitely more sad than ending it. i would much rather kill it now while it's still (just...) ahead than let it limp to a lame ending. as the great cobain said, it's better to burn out than fade away.

edit: don't get me wrong, i will miss it horribly and i've enjoyed it loads over the last few years (especially mac ;) :drool: ) but i think i'd rather it went out on a high than because a shadow of its former self and a show where people go "oh, that used to be amazing and now it's just crap" (which, frankly, i think it's not far from already)

also i think if this is the end execs have known for some time and certain things coming my way have seemed to back that up, but y'know, until it's officially announced i guess we just don't know. as for doing one thing and saying another - what were they supposed to do? without advertising they can't make shows and even in its friday slot csiny was geared to pulling in finance from commercials. if they'd said they were gonna cancel it after, say, 8 episodes or whatever, how many advertisers would've wanted to buy those slots? none! so although i agree that it's a scummy thing to do, it's also business so i understand why they did it. this is, of course, assuming it's the end which we don't know for sure yet.

also - one question: what the hell does miami have that NY doesn't?!?!!!!!! much as i think this, if it is a decision, is the right one, why is miami still going? it's AWFUL.
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What could they (TPTB) do? They could have NOT gone on record as saying the show would be back if it stayed competitive on Friday nights. They should've just kept their traps shut until the final announcement. :rolleyes:
The current season of Miami has been its best season in a very long time in my opinion. I've liked the addition of Sela on NY though and I do think the show should have at least one more season.
:( I really hope it's not the end. This is the first year I've enjoyed NY so much. It's been a great season and I want more Sela/Jo. Also I do think it's been doing decent enough for the death slot it is in. At least on Sundays' nights people are home; much more than on Fridays.

~ Jo/Mac have a somewhat emotional final scene.

Warning: shipper question....:p

Is it emotional as in colleagues/friends having a close moment or emotional as in there's something more?

also - one question: what the hell does miami have that NY doesn't?!?!!!!!! much as i think this, if it is a decision, is the right one, why is miami still going?

My thoughts exactly when I read about NY coming to an end. I don't get why Miami is safe and NY isn't. NY can have all the continuity issues of the world but Miami has inconsistent writing, out of character writing, continuity problems, lack of team unity, lack of forensics, and Horatio. This season especially has left me with very few highlights and yawning through most of the episodes.
What could they (TPTB) do? They could have NOT gone on record as saying the show would be back if it stayed competitive on Friday nights. They should've just kept their traps shut until the final announcement. :rolleyes:

well yes there is that but if they were asked the question directly (as i seem to remember they were at one point, i believe it came up at their junket thing a few weeks ago, something ny was notably absent from on any level) they can't just evade it altogether. don't get me wrong, i think it stinks, and i also think the kowtowing to ad revenue stinks but i also think realistically it's just how these things go and that's that. it sucks but there's not much anyone can do about it.

of course there's also this new show slated for pam veasey (, and tbh when i heard about that i deduced it as the final nail in NY's coffin. the options are so limited - either she leaves NY and because it's her "baby" or something it has to get wrapped up, or she leaves but hands it over to someone else - which at this stage in the show's development would just be a huge backwards move i think.

don't get me wrong, i'm not happy per se that the show's ending, i've enjoyed it very much - i just think the way the writing's been going and that at least some of the actors seem to be on autopilot, it just would be better to put it out of its misery instead of letting it limp on. which is a real shame because when it's good it's bloody great. it's just that recently, it's not been so good.

:( I really hope it's not the end. This is the first year I've enjoyed NY so much. It's been a great season and I want more Sela/Jo.

me too really - i know i've been saying the writing's gone downhill and i still believe that's true but so far this season's been an improvement on last season and quite a bit of season 5 as well. last week's ep was great but the 3 i think before that were just a bit "meh", kind of on a level with s5 or 6, ok but nothing special.

i think it's fair to put the improvement this season down to sela - not necessarily her acting (although she does the part very well) but that the writers had a new person to think about and some fresh material. but it hasn't managed to be sustained all season, the continuity issues are still huge, and tbh, when i watch later eps from, say, s6 (and even this season) against eps from s1 or 2, it just makes me sad. where did it go so wrong?!

~ Jo/Mac have a somewhat emotional final scene.

Warning: shipper question....:p

Is it emotional as in colleagues/friends having a close moment or emotional as in there's something more?

haha i wondered that too :D

also - one question: what the hell does miami have that NY doesn't?!?!!!!!! much as i think this, if it is a decision, is the right one, why is miami still going?

My thoughts exactly when I read about NY coming to an end. I don't get why Miami is safe and NY isn't. NY can have all the continuity issues of the world but Miami has inconsistent writing, out of character writing, continuity problems, lack of team unity, lack of forensics, and Horatio. This season especially has left me with very few highlights and yawning through most of the episodes.

yeah - the odd thing is that miami's had more cast changes too, ny is the one with the most solidly reliable cast - apart from aiden/lindsay and stella/jo it's basically the same central bunch. miami seems to have chopped and changed much more. which may well be a positive as it allows them to change stuff up a bit, but one thing i, and i guess most people, like about NY is the consistency of characters, we've been able to see them develop as a group without all the ins and outs of new people.

also miami is ubercheese.
I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. S6 was an unmitigated pile of inexcusable, sloppy drek, and even though the writing and acting have improved dramatically in s7, it's a case of too little too late. The cack-handed writing, gaping continuity and plot holes, the DL debacle, and Mac's steadily-escalating self-righteousness have contributed to a massive fannish exodus, and moving the show from its Wednesday night slot, where it was guaranteed to turn in respectable ratings, to the infamous Friday night death slot was the final straw. They alienated their older viewers with ridiculous stunt casting and their juvenile, stunted handling of the DL "romance", and then they moved the show into a slot in which their target demographic had little interest. Few young adults are going to sit at home watching mediocre actors have badly-simulated sex and wangsty bouts of stilted emo when they could be out getting laid themselves.

I will miss the show, and I will be heartbroken to see the last of Flack, but perhaps the show can go out with a bit of dignity and not a pathetic whimper as it drowns in a morass of dreadful writing and uninspired acting. Here's hoping for the best.

As for CBS' duplicitous waffling, this is just par for the course from a network that has systematically undermined and rogered other successful shows like Criminal Minds, which, thanks to executive meddling and "budget-cutting" has gone from one of the best shows on television to a frenetic, unrecognizable mess that makes me want to give myself a rectal exam with a pair of barbecue tongs. They'll quite happily wreck their successful lineup chasing the next Big Thing.
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