Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

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okay you all gotta admitt.. .. sara looks different this season?
She does? I don't think she looks different, at least not in the caps from the episode related promos.
It's just the TV guide photos that look weird, not only because of the enhanced breasts, but in general. It looks like a manip or something to me. Bt that could also be the clothes and the hair + camera angle.
Well like she didn't used to wear her jeans/pants higher than her belly button but now you can Ima loser. but I mean she had her clothes like that for the tv guide pic...but it was even worse in screen caps.. I think she's pregnant...on the show not real life. lol. But then again I also think that my teacher, my neighbor, my friends mom, and my aunt are pregnant.. I think that I'm losing my pregnant feeling powers. =*[
I don't know.. I really am freaking out though.. I feel like I am annoying but I really want to see this ep. tonight. and I want to see sara and grissom.
Just a reminder, if you guys want to get in depth on any ship discussion, come over to Shipper's Central. I'm in quite a few of the threads over there (GSR, CatNip, Sonic, Brass/Cat), so come on by for in depth coverage and discussion of whatever ship you ship!

As for the TVGuide pics, they were going for a Film Noir feel. Film Noir, for those unfamiliar with old film, was a style used primarily in the 40's, if I remember correctly, and primarily in black and white. The term "film noir" was coined by the french. Before WWII, most American films were bright and happy, the era of musicals and such. However, post-WWII, the darker movies found their way to France, and were dubbed "Film Noir" or, "Black Film" because they were so much darker. The styling, clothing, and even expressions of Mr. Petersen and Ms. Fox in their TVGuide photoshoot was designed to reflect that era, short of the black and white, of course.

Edit: For those curious about film noir movies, "Double Indemnity" is a classic film noir, where you can learn about the femme fetale, the flawed lead male character, and all that. "Out of the Past" is another good one for case study. Pay close attention to the lighting, camera angles, framing, and even clothing. You'll understand the TVGuide pics even more. :)

Sorry. I was a film minor in college. :)
probally not... thats pretty funny actually your right.. they should have one of these a hum.. "girls" come to the lab.. I am startin ta think he's going the lance bass way. =]
LOL, hey that could be instore for his character. He was so obsessed with girls he was in denial? (I'm kinda trying to be open but i have many gay friend but I'm hoping against hope that this is not so, I'll still love him!)
There is a thread for things you would like to see happen on the show (and after reading what I just wrote, for those with gutter minds, be mindful of the adult content rule lol) :)
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Thanks, Destiny for fixing my posting sorry for the trouble.

Enjoy CSI everyone
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

No problems, no troubles, and you're very welcome. :)
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

Nice but where's pics of Eric! His episode but no promos of him as of yet. :( :(
Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers**

I love Behind-the-Scenes pics, thanks Shane.

I can't wait to see how good K-Fed's acting chops are.
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