Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

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I will tantrum if they change it! Alyssa just sent me a picture of a fannypack. I haven't stopped laughing at the item yet! TPTB - INSIST on calling it Fannysmackin' in the UK!!
Thanks for the pictures, abc. I really do appreciate all of the pics you post, and I'm glad to see something is being released about "Fannysmackin."

One would think though that since this episode is supposedly about Greg, that we would actually see at least one picture of him. Instead we get Nick with the most atrocious haircut in the world, one too many pics of Sophia, and oh joy, Mr. Britney Spears, the wannabe rapper/actor.

I'm crossing my fingers hoping that we'll also get to see some of Greg and Grissom one of these days soon.
i like the buzz, nicks handsome no matter what. but to each his own. ive never read anything about the episdoes so i didnt know that was supposed to be a greg centred episode. but if last year was any indication whos in the promo shots doesnt necessarily indicate whos the main focus of the episode, so fear not! i do agree it can be frustrating when youre favourites arent in the promos, and greg is way overdue for his turn.

and i asked before about the posed season 7 stills, and i think shane says he gets them in october (or was it november? i forget) which doesnt make sense to me but well just have to wait!
Wojo said:
I think its more like, fanny is another name for butt or ass so fannysmakin means kicking/beating someones ass. My opinion anyway. In other words, Greg gets his ass kicked.

That makes sence too.. but they only beat up tourist (unless someone comes up and tries to help... GREG) but otherwize, they only attack fannypackers. I guess it can be a duel meaning. How very clever!
on the title of the UK we never really actually see the titles of the episodes do we? i mean, i never have.....but if we do i think they should keep would be hilarious
Elbystar said:
on the title of the UK we never really actually see the titles of the episodes do we? i mean, i never have.....but if we do i think they should keep would be hilarious

If you watch the eps on Five then no - no titles. However, if you have Sky and watch the repeats on Living TV - they publish the titles. So, fingers crossed! :lol:
The titles are also on the DVDs.

Of course the best thing about the DVDs (except them containg CSI eps, obviously!) are the recent blurbs next to the certificates. They start off ordinary:

Season 1 - 15cert: contains strong violence and mild language
Season 2 - 18cert: suitable only for persons 18 years and over (I'm thinking we have Lady Heather to thank for that ;))

But then they get more specific:

Season 3 - 15cert: contains strong violence, sex, drug references and crime scene horror
Season 4 - 15cert: contains strong bloody violence and gory forensic images (what! - no warnig about clown sex!!?)

I've not got season 5 yet but I would like the blurb to be as follows -
15cert: contains strong violence, sex, crime scene horror and a fat man in a nappy

And perhaps season 6 -
15cert: contains contains strong violence, sex and drug references, crime scene horror and lead characters wearing really bad shirts during inimately romantic moments.

Maybe :devil:
csi_fan_uk said:

And perhaps season 6 -
15cert: contains contains strong violence, sex and drug references, crime scene horror and lead characters wearing really bad shirts during inimately romantic moments.

Maybe :devil:

LMAO!! That is hilarious... nice.
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