Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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Anyone know which ep. Lindsay's secret is?
Ep. 10 is "Sweet Sixteen" right? is this her deep-dark-secret ep.? since ep. 11 is "Raising Shane" or am I mistaken?

I've heard that it is most likely going to be ep 12 (don't know the title yet). At least mid season something 'big' is going to happen.
Mid season?! i can not wait that long!! Them writers are sneaky hooking us with 'deep dark secret' bait then letting us grasp at the episodes to see if anything comes about! :lol:
Okay guys, episode #12 is called "Silent Night".

There's a guest star in this one from the sports world.

Stella, Danny and Det. Angell are working together. Mac, Flack and Hawkes are on the other case though I'm not sure which one is the "A" case.

- There appears to be some tension between Mac and Peyton
- Stella covered for Lindsay who apparently went MIA during an investigation. She also tries to talk to her, to tell her that she can confide in her if she wants.
- There's a hostage situation, but nothing really interesting
- Adam is back, he's got a scene with Danny
thank you orison
some tension between Mac and Peyton: Yes
Stella try to speak with Lindsay, great!!
And a hostage situation??? What'happen??
Ah I cant wait!!!
Thanks Orison!!

Did Claire Forlani sign 4 eps for her recurring role?

I am kinda worried about the tension, seems a bit serious than lover's quarrel. -- I hope nothing hurts and I really want her stay around.
I find somes information in tv guide
episode sweet 16
A wealthy Throggs Neck father is murdered in a new, expensive car he was about to give his daughter for a 16th birthday present. While searching the car, Lindsay is bitten by a cobra hidden inside. In Tribeca, a man who raised racing pigeons is murdered. His body is discovered after a parachutist, who was advertising an upcoming sporting event, dies because his open parachute is pummeled by dozens of dead, blood-covered pigeons that mysteriously fall from the sky.
LMAO!Seriously?that sounds like 1 crazy ep!thanx celtess.
At least they're being different.Lindsay doesn't get shot,caught in an explosion or kidnapped at a crime scene.she gets bitten by a snake in a car!
Just to add to Orison's spoilers: The sports figure guest-starring is figure skater Sasha Cohen. Apparently another skater is killed and they think someone thought the vic was Cohen - a stalker situation.
Hmm well the snake is certainly different. And unexpected in NY since Las Vegas is where you're most likely to get snakebit. Or maybe Miami. No one expects it in the city.

Is this next week's ep?
Oooh, thanks for the spoilers. :D

Stella, Danny and Det. Angell are working together.
Danny and Angell working together again? Must_not_get_shippy... :p Plus, you know, I have a major girl-crush on her. :lol:

Adam is back, he's got a scene with Danny
*boogie* I love Adam, and he and Danny have hilarious scenes together. :D :D :D

Stella covered for Lindsay who apparently went MIA during an investigation. She also tries to talk to her, to tell her that she can confide in her if she wants.
Ooh, this sounds good. I hope we get a really great scene between these two. Their interaction hasn't been nearly as great as I know it could be so far. :D

There appears to be some tension between Mac and Peyton
Hmm, I'm curious what this means. If they are ending Peyton's role after 4 episodes like they initally planned, could this be the way she leaves the show? Maybe she decides to leave the ME's office--even if they broke up, I'd think she'd probably still have to leave to justify why they suddenly never saw each other any more--unless maybe she switches to a different shift and works with Pino or something. :lol:

celtess, those spoilers for "Sweet 16" sound really interesting in a sort-of weird way. :lol: Talk about more totally random deaths in NYC. :p Don't people just shoot someone anymore?
Grrrr.....this is SO FRUSTRATING :mad:

Orison and celtess, how come you get series three in Italy and France while we're still on series two in the UK :confused:

Not fair *pouts*
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