Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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I don't know if this has been mentioned Kyle Gallner (I can't remeber if that's his last name) was also on Veronica Mars. He played Cassidy "Beaver" Casablanca.
^^ he played beaver?! HEs a good actor...i knew i heard his name before... i have to agree though, but from what the previews have shown i dont think he'kk be trouble...he just wants to find his family
I'm excited for the paintball gun story. Not that I play it, but I've always had a secret desire to. I'm hoping Danny is on this one.
I think he is, I saw pics of him and Stella I wanna say talking to a guy in what looked like a paintball arena..
It looks like maybe there's only one case. Has anybody seen information that included a second case? All I can seem to find is the paintball case and Stella's 'stalker.' So maybe we'll see everyone working together this episode. Although, because it seems like it'll concentrate on Mac and (maybe)Stella, the others will probably be in the background...
I remembered read somewhere that another case in this ep involved an old case Flack worked on several years ago and involved someone within the PD.. And there's a little uneasy between Flack and Mac. But I am not very sure..
I was thinking about that, but then I read this on the futon critic site:

"When a professional paintball player is shot in a warehouse, the team assumes the murder was committed by an opposing player who took the game too far. But their investigation becomes more complicated when his opponent goes missing. The evidence at the scene proves to be "black cocaine" originally confiscated in a raid by the police department months before, and Mac's suspicions of an internal leak causes friction within the department. Meanwhile, Stella grows increasingly paranoid when she suspects that she's being followed."

So the drugs tie into the paintball case. Maybe it starts as one case that splits into two when they find this extra info?...hmm...I guess we'll see on Wednesday. :lol:
MacsGirlMel said:
What aliens?
At the end of this week's promo you see Stella and Flack go to some woman's appartment and when she opens the door Stella say's: "We've come for the alien". And that same woman is putting a colander on her head :lol: so that 'they' cannot read her mind.
Faylinn said:
It looks like maybe there's only one case. Has anybody seen information that included a second case?
the team assumes the murder was committed by an opposing player who took the game too far. But their investigation becomes more complicated when his opponent goes missing
Since there's a death body in the 'alien' lady's bathtub it could be another case or perhaps the missing opponent (the outfit of the db does look a little like the paintball gear).

But since we can never really trust the promo's :rolleyes: we indeed have to wait and see.
I'm totally looking forward to the "alien" part. Flack looked so amused by the whole situation in the promo, there's gonna be at least a couple of memorable lines! :lol:
God I cannot WAIT for Flack in this one!! Him and Stella working together, tension with Mac. I'm so excited!
dutch_treat said:
MacsGirlMel said:
What aliens?
At the end of this week's promo you see Stella and Flack go to some woman's appartment and when she opens the door Stella say's: "We've come for the alien". And that same woman is putting a colander on her head :lol: so that 'they' cannot read her mind.

I saw the preview, and I believe the colander woman offers them the "helmet," and Flack, in all his snarkiness, says, "We're good." Hee. It's amazing how much he as an actor packs into two words.
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