Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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I agree with that, 1CSIMfan (and I take forever to post, so here's what I said anyway :lol:).

These are all adults, and they should all be in functional relationships (I'm not even going to mention Stella's relationship with Frankie). However, as much as I like the idea of Danny/Angell over Danny/Lindsay, I don't want the show to end up being everybody paired with everybody else. The idea of Mac/Stella, Danny/Lindsay and Hawkes/Angell is just...I don't like that in fanfic, why would I go for it on the show? Yes, they might date other cops, but there's a whole precinct, they don't have to hook up with the ones they work with all of the time. In season 2 they conveyed that Danny was dating by mentioning a girlfriend twice and having him flirt with a girl once--so he was dating, good for him. Stella had her boyfriend, which was fine and dandy until he turned psycho--and that's one of the things that turns me off of the idea of romance on these shows, that everything gets twisted for ratings...

However, I still can't help being excited about the possibility of a sexually-charged scene between Angell and Danny. That is one seriously hot duo right there. :lol:
Faylinn said: However, as much as I like the idea of Danny/Angell over Danny/Lindsay, I don't want the show to end up being everybody paired with everybody else.

Holy cats why DOES everyone have to be paired off with everyone else?? Why do all the characters need ships?? I'm not adverse to little bits of romance here and there but it's getting a little ridiculous. D/L, D/A, M/P, rumours of S/H, geez why are the writers so obsessed with everyone getting it off with each other when it's a procedural show? :confused:

'Scuse me ranting but it's getting beyond. :rolleyes:

I'm having a bitch of a day and needed a say :D
I'm curious, this Danny/Angell thing seems awfully rushed IMO. I mean they work together for four episodes in a row,(the fourth ep being the one where they have this moment between them, and its also only two episodes after Lindsays departure) its like the show are trying to establish something between them before Lindsay returns from Montana. I have to ask myself.Why?

Do i sense a triangle sort of scenario coming up, I mean why have Danny call Lindsay and tell her(well not her exactly her answering he misses her?(which he does after his moment with Angell) Are we supposed to think he's conflicted or something?
*scratches head* Huh, wait. So this Danny/Angell/Lindsay triangle is going to be canon? And they're already pushing Danny and Angell together right after the whole Lindsay-has-issues-and-ditches-Danny fiasco?

Okay. Who switched things with some cheesy daytime soap opera? Lemme go get my whip ... may be better, as much as some of us adore our ships, to keep from making it canon so it won't ruin the show. GSR didn't on LV IMHO but they aren't having everyone go at it and even GSR is marginalized. I can see how too many pairings can turn it soapy.

*gasp* I just hope NY isn't becoming Miami redux! No offense, I'm starting to like Miami too...
paigeS said:
I'm curious, this Danny/Angell thing seems awfully rushed IMO. I mean they work together for four episodes in a row,(the fourth ep being the one where they have this moment between them, and its also only two episodes after Lindsays departure) its like the show are trying to establish something between them before Lindsay returns from Montana. I have to ask myself.Why?

Do i sense a triangle sort of scenario coming up, I mean why have Danny call Lindsay and tell her he misses her?(which he does after his moment with Angell) Are we supposed to think he's conflicted or something?

Did I call this or what? :lol:

People, people. This is Step Number #8 in Cliched TV Pairings. Lindsay's issues are about to be put to bed, and she's going to come back from Montana with an armful of flowers for Danny...only to find him with Angell. And then she's going to mope about it for two seasons, until she finds out Angell is an alcoholic boyfriend abuser who's beating Danny with baseball bats, and then Lindsay will rescue Danny from her, but they won't be able to be together because...

OK, I could go on, but I'm going to stop before I bust a rib laughing. The sad thing is this stuff actually works when the couples have chemistry (Ross and Rachel on Friends, Jim and Pam on The Office, etc., etc.).

Anyway, that said, I hope Danny and Angell pull a Joey and Pacey and that their chemistry together is so fantastic that Lindsay is left in the dust like Dawson on Dawson's Creek was. Angell and Danny have the potential for chemistry, which is more than I can say for Danny and Lindsay. And it could be that the writers are trying to transition away from the Danny/Lindsay pairing because they realize it's not working and that Angell could be a better match up.

I'm not holding my breath though. And when Angell starts wielding baseball bats and Danny comes to work with a mysterious broken arm that Lindsay hounds him about...well, I'll tell you what the next step is. (Hint: Think amnesia. Those baseball bats are hard :eek: :eek: :eek: )

Ooops. There went the rib! :lol:
My understanding of the Danny/Angell moment is that it's unexpected and sudden. Whether it means anything at all remains to be seen. And whether any sort of 'triangle' will exist also remains to be seen. At this point, it's one sexually charged scene. And as for Danny/Lindsay, am I the only one who hasn't seen anything since episode 3? Yes, she leaves him a note and Hawkes says something about them being 'close,' but from what we've seen on the show Danny is closer to Hawkes than he is to her, knowing all about his work schedule in "Raising Shane," etc.

In the end, there's no telling just what will or won't happen. I'm going to remain excited about this scene between Danny and Angell regardless of whether it'll be something big or not.
LOL Top you're too funny :)

I'm really going to go nuts though if Mac starts gazing off into the horizon and dramatically putting on/taking off his sunglasses, (He looks great in them, just please no doing the whole H deal)and then we find out he's got a Hummer...
Excuse me?? They are doing what?? I have to sit down for this...

They can't mess with D/L I forbid it!! As for Mac/Payton I'm not totally against it, just glad Mac is allowing himself to love someone.

And I so agree Sheldon needs a woman! :)
Kimmychu said:
Okay. Who switched things with some cheesy daytime soap opera? Lemme go get my whip ...

You wanna hand there, Kimmy? Got another one I can use?

Top41 said:

*nodding* Yep you did. You did you did you did. I remember. Can I just say ... hurl? :rolleyes:

Still, any way to sink the D/L ship in a storm I s'pose :lol:
Top, ya better knock some wood, 'cause I have this sudden ominous feeling that's exactly what the writers are going to pull. :eek: :lol:

I'm just very skeptical about these developments thanks to how the Danny/Lindsay thing was handled. If they couldn't write that well, I don't know how a triangle like this is going to turn out. And Danny calling Lindsay up to tell her he misses her? That's, uhm ... after what she did? That makes him seem kinda ... not Danny. I dunno. We'll see what happens. These rumors always seem blown out of proportions at the end. :p
:lol: I can spot cliches from a mile away. I get all tingly inside.

But I wouldn't mind it if Angell swept Danny off his feet and the show went in that direction. Who knows? Anything's possible, and maybe he's just calling Lindsay so he won't look like a vapid whore who puts out for anyone who flirts with him. :lol:

I still see baseball bats, though. :eek:
But won't it be even better if Lindsay comes back from Montana newly married a la Warrick on LV? [/sarcasm] :lol: (I believe 1CSIMfan said that on Messenger at some point. *giggles*)

I can definitely see the cliches coming from a mile away, but at the same time, while I'd hate for this to be some ploy to make angst for D/L (for several reasons, including the fact that I like Angell and don't want her character to be used up and tossed aside), I'd like for it to be a sign that Danny is moving right along. Kimmy, for him to call Lindsay and say he misses her is pretty out-of-character, I agree. How many ways does it have to get thrown back in his face before he gets past it? Liking someone doesn't mean that you're soulmates and can never have a relationship with someone else. I fail to see how Danny 'liking' Lindsay is a sign that he could never date anyone other than her, or that they're meant to be. In a romance novel, maybe, but on a tv show, no thank you.

While this is a procedural drama, I doubt that the Danny/Angell scene will be more than a minute, and ditto with the phone call to Lindsay--so it will hopefully not take away from the cases themselves. As much as I'd like to see the writers toss Danny/Lindsay aside and usher in Danny/Angell instead (if they simply must have a canon relationship for Danny), it's not worth losing sight of the premise of the show.
Top: Dude, you're scary.

puts her fingers in her ears at the canon pairings and reads fanfic instead

So, uhmm. Where do Flack & Hawkes figure in again?
^ ^
Top41 i'm with you there, I can spot cliches a mile away also, and thats what worries me. I don't want this show turning into a soap opera. If they wanted to establish something with Danny/Angell why not take it slowly, why have them have this moment only two episodes after Lindsay leaves. Whether its supposed to be sudden or unexpected doesnt matter its still there. It wouldnt bother me so much, if they didnt have the scene in there of Danny calling Lindsay and saying he misses her. Its like he is supposed to come off looking conflicted. I just cant shake the feeling the show are rushing this, for a reason.

I also thought your explanation of why he called Lindsay was . And Top41 you did call this, about 2 pages

Though I suppose we should sit back and see if anything comes of it like Faylinn said. Also add me to the list of those who don't want to see the Angell character used as a ploy,or plot devise to keep D/L apart for another season or two. I really like the character and it would be a shame if thats the only reason she's there.
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