Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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1CSIMfan said:
I've checked on the spoilers and this is what I've found out so far:

Danny and Angell work together and there is an intense, sexually charged scene between them then later Danny calls Lindsay but she doesn't answer and he leaves an awkward message.

Mac, Stella, and Hawkes work together.

I never saw anything mentioned about Flack but I'm sure he's working with Mac, Stella, and Hawkes.

Adam and Peyton are in this episode too.

I need to go back and see what the cases are actually about. I have to admit I was overly excited when I found out about Danny and Angell. :devil: Here's to hoping they keep up whatever they're doing with them. All I can say is from what I've seen, it sounds awesome. :p They have so much chemistry together and I noticed that from the first scene they were in together in People With Money.

Where did you find your spoilers? :D :p *all I found were Christina rumors and a whole bunch of nothing*
Personally, I'm excited about the potential Danny/Angell scene, but not about Danny calling Lindsay. Danny, m'boy, give it up. She's avoided your advances for a year and a half, when you asked her out she stood you up, she gave you a lame 'it's not you, it's me' excuse, she's leaving and only giving you a note rather than telling you to your face that she's going, and then she won't answer your phone calls. Meanwhile, Angell is right there and doesn't seem like she'd be nearly as reluctant to be in a relationship. Plus, let's face it, Danny and Angell could sizzle together, Angell isn't a main character so it won't take over every episode, and Emmanuelle is, in my opinion, a far better actress than Anna. I can easily see her pulling off this 'sexually-charged' scene where Anna hasn't convinced me of anything other than an immature crush on Danny, if even that.

But, all that aside, I'm curious about details for the cases themselves. As much as I'd rather see Danny with Angell instead of Lindsay, in the end I don't want to see any relationships overtaking the show. Imagination, not to mention fanfic can take care of all of that for those of us who are so inclined to explore it, but CSI got famous for the crime scene investigating. Please, writers, concentrate on that.
I prefer Danny/Lindsay. Sorry but I don't like long is she going to be on for?

I do agree the show shouldnt focus too much on relationships tho..I dont like Macs girlfriend this season either.
Damn you Fay, making me actually find out the cases. I totally forgot about that.

Danny and Angell are working on a case of a woman found dead in a bathtub that's full of water.

Not sure of the other case yet. **hides behind Danny again to avoid your sporks.
Second case involves a dead music promoter. Mac, Stella and Hawkes work it. Couple of suspects, including a singer who can't sing anymore because she ruined her voice with drugs.
Yeah, you'd better get a little bit of info on the other case. Don't want too much, a little goes a long way. ;)

Sorry but I don't like long is she going to be on for?
Er, ok. She's only been in a few scenes spread over, I think, four episodes, but we're not all going to like everyone. No clue how long she'll be there. Personally, I hope she sticks around. I like her. :)

I prefer Danny/Lindsay.
And I'd prefer if that ship just slid into the abyss of storylines that never happened. The writers have left themselves plenty of ways to leave it open and never go back to it, so I'm hoping for that.

edit: thanks for the info on the other case, catey. :D
Oh, and I forgot one of the suspects in the music promoter case is an accupuncturist who uses fire cups.(whatever that is)
Good one midnight. I'm sure he is and maybe he'll get lucky. :p Maybe he'll ask her out at the end of the episode.

Thanks for posting the other case catey1234. I saw the bit about the accupuncturist but I still wasn't sure what the case was and yeah, I've never heard of the fire cups either. :confused:

And I'd prefer if that ship just slid into the abyss of storylines that never happened. The writers have left themselves plenty of ways to leave it open and never go back to it, so I'm hoping for that.
If anything, you're right to the point Fay. :devil: Maybe TPTB are just testing the waters and seeing how the fans react to Danny/Angell vs Danny/Lindsay. You never know what they are doing.
Fire cupping involves heating glass jars and placing them on the back, which creates a vacuum as the air inside cools. It's a form of 'acupressure' and (supposedly) leaves a feeling of relaxation and invigoration. (I knew the basics but looked it up on wikipedia to be sure and for more specific information, but I'm not sure it would be alright to link to the definition, because of a few things on the page.) Essentially, it's related to acupuncture. *shrug*

And yes, 1CSIMfan, you never know what'll happen. We can't say for sure how things will turn out until the episode actually airs. :)
Awww, man. Peyton is back? Again? Gaah. That's like, three eps in a row! As much as I'm a Mac!Whore, I'm starting to get tired of their storyline. I hope there's only one scene about their relationship and she comes back much, much later in the season. As for that D/A thing, I was hoping for Angell/Hawkes but foiled again. Oh, well.

But hey, thanks for the spoilers :)
Yah he needs someone...and me, I'm on the pro-D/L side, I wish we had more. Not entirely happy about more Peyton either but I'll save it for the ship threads.

Thanks for posting :)
Personally I don't like it when main characters are canon. They're together all the time that way. I like that Peyton and Angell are recurring characters. The Mac/Peyton relationship is tolerable because she's not in every episode and I kinda like them together. With her being recurring, we don't have to wonder if there will be a shippy moment in every episode.

As for Danny/Angell, maybe TPTB have decided to change directions. She wouldn't be on the show all the time either and I see them as a more realistic couple than DL. I know there's lots of people who like DL but I seriously see nothing between them. No spark, chemistry, or anything. Maybe Lindsay going to Montana is a way to get something going between Danny/Angell. February sweeps is coming up.
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