Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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Did I miss something or did TV Guide not say a thing about Don Flack? WTF? Where's my detective! I know he's not a CSI but he is a regular cast member.

I can't wait to see who they bring in as Stella's love interest.

I don't know whether it's that sex sells, or if it's because of people like me who are suckers for relationship dynamics between humans but apparently the show is doing better since bringing in more personal stuff. I'm all for it, though of course I don't want them to lose the science. I don't want it to turn into a soap opera, but I don't think that having some personal interaction between the characters is a bad thing.

The TV Guide hits the stores on the 1st? I keep looking for it.
hidinginmyeyes said:
Did I miss something or did TV Guide not say a thing about Don Flack? WTF? Where's my detective! I know he's not a CSI but he is a regular cast member.

No, you didn't. They didn't say anything about Danny either other than mention him as a love interest for Lindsay... :rolleyes:
Txs Celtess I was so looking forward to that promo. I looks great!! Cannot wait to see if this ep will love up to the expectations!!
Thanks celtess :D

Mmm, Hawkes is becoming more like Danny in season 1-2.
Problems with the law, with Mac...
Thanks for posting the schedule, celtess. I figured "Silent Night" would air sometime in December... :)

Anyway, episode #14 is called "The Lying Game". I'll be back as soon as I read about it.
MacsGirlMel said:
What;'re the Silent Night spoilers?
This is on TV (txs to Moriel21 at the D/L thread for posting that):

"A 19-year-old deaf woman is gunned down in her parents' house. Lindsay arrives at the scene, but quickly leaves and later opens up to Stella about a dark incident in her past that continues to haunt her. Elsewhere, a 16-year-old skating star is murdered while practicing at a local rink, but Stella believes another skater, a national champion, may have been the intended target."

So we will finally know Lindsay's secret!! :eek: :)
Speaking about Lindsay, episode #14 will be her final one until Anna gets back from maternity leave.

There's a scene towards the end in which she's talking to Hawkes and pulls a card out of her bag, asking him to give it to Danny. Hawkes' doesn't like what she's doing but she brushes it off. Then he's like "everybody around here knows how close you two are" :eek: (insert sharp intake of breath here, that totally took me by surprise!) and that she should at least call him to let him know she's leaving. Lindsay thinks about it for a moment then says it's better this way. She places the card on Danny's desk and walks away.

As for the episode, we have Mac, Danny and Det. Angell working on a case and Stella, Lindsay and Flack working on another one involving a female impersonator and a congressman. This might be one of the "political" episodes they were talking about...
^ Wow, that's some spoiler. Txs!! So she's not leaving after her talk with Stella in #12 but she leaves :( in #14. I wonder were she will go and why? Still some more unresolved issues :confused: :rolleyes:
^Yes, probably. Makes me curious how many ep's she will be gone for.

But I'm even more curious what the note to Danny says. You've given us shippers a lot ;) to talk about.
Well, that was basically the most interesting info of the whole episode so I decided to be nice... ;)
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