Season 12 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 2

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This is where my memory is a little foggy. I always thought she only got the 'Supervisor' title when the team was originally split. So while she may have been Grissom's 'right hand' it was more of a self designated title and not really an official one. I think I'll rewatch a few older episodes this weekend to see if I can figure it out. I think it was round about 'Grave Danger' time.
I, too, thought it was an informal role early on. But according to this Wikipedia bio, Catherine was the grave shift co-assistant supervisor with Grissom in the pilot. Then she became assistant supervisor from the "Cool Change" to "Mea Culpa" episodes, then became swing shift supervisor from "Mea Culpa" to "Grave Danger," then went back to grave shift assistant supervisor from "Bodies in Motion" to "One to Go," then was promoted to grave shift supervisor starting with "The Grave Shift."
Catherine was always the Assistant Supervisor, that's why she took over from Grissom whenever he was absent and she got her own team in Season 5. Well, that's how I saw it. There is a line in one of the earlier seasons where Catherine talks about how long she has been Grissom's right hand for (I believe she says she was his right and left hand)
This is where my memory is a little foggy. I always thought she only got the 'Supervisor' title when the team was originally split. So while she may have been Grissom's 'right hand' it was more of a self designated title and not really an official one. I think I'll rewatch a few older episodes this weekend to see if I can figure it out. I think it was round about 'Grave Danger' time.

I don't remember her actually being referred to as "assistant supervisor" either, before season 5. After season 5, she'd been promoted to Supervisor of swing, so she wouldn't be *demoted* just because Grissom wanted her back on grave; she kept the supervisor rank then, but second to Grissom because he had seniority over her.

I thought she just took over when Grissom went away because she had seniority, due to experience on the job. When they were both away, Warrick got to supervise a shift, so it's not a requirement to have a supervisory rank first (or technically, even seniority).

I almost hope that there isn't an Assistant Supervisor now. It would be too much for both Catherine and Nick to keep their positions, so it would just cause more tension between them if one did and the other didn't. Plus there's just too many supervisors and not enough for them to supervise, with all the other CSIs being level 3 by now, and most of the lab rats seeming to work part-time, if at all. :p Although maybe with Ecklie's position being combined with Undersheriff, some of his old duties (paperwork and such) have gotten passed down to the shift supervisors, and that's part of why Catherine was so overwhelmed before?
This is where my memory is a little foggy. I always thought she only got the 'Supervisor' title when the team was originally split. So while she may have been Grissom's 'right hand' it was more of a self designated title and not really an official one. I think I'll rewatch a few older episodes this weekend to see if I can figure it out. I think it was round about 'Grave Danger' time.
I, too, thought it was an informal role early on. But according to this Wikipedia bio, Catherine was the grave shift co-assistant supervisor with Grissom in the pilot. Then she became assistant supervisor from the "Cool Change" to "Mea Culpa" episodes, then became swing shift supervisor from "Mea Culpa" to "Grave Danger," then went back to grave shift assistant supervisor from "Bodies in Motion" to "One to Go," then was promoted to grave shift supervisor starting with "The Grave Shift."

Wikipedia isn't the most reliable source since anyone can update it even if they don't really know what they're talking about. I was always under the impression she wasn't asst. supervisor in the early seasons, but that's from someone who doesn't watch on a regular basis.
Nice clip. I think Ted is going to be a welcome addition to the show. Looking forward to the new season.
Catherine was not the Assistant Supervisor until the team was brought back together in season 6.

Grissom always had her as his 'right-hand', but that doesn't equate to being an Asst. Supervisor.

Because Grissom wanted the team back together after Nick was buried alive, they kept her as Asst. Supervisor so she could retain her supervisory status.

In fact, I think they mention that in one of the episodes, but I could be thinking of a fanfic, also, so I could be wrong. :guffaw:

Yeah, I don't think there'll be an Asst. Supervisor anymore. It would have to be either Catherine or Nick and I doubt Ecklie will allow that.

As for the suspensions, I highly doubt they would wait so long and Catherine would have been demoted right away. Ecklie would have covered being the boss during the hiring phase, but then again maybe he won't demote her until he had hired someone.

Oh for crying out loud, IS IT SEPTEMBER 21ST YET? :scream::scream::scream:

I was telling my mom last night about this stuff and I told her 'ah the good old days, when there was not internet, no spoilers and there was an ignorant bliss of NOT knowing what was going to happen.' :lol::lol:
Wikipedia isn't the most reliable source since anyone can update it even if they don't really know what they're talking about.
Yup, I know. I just thought I would post what they have, but realize that Wikipedia often has to be taken with a grain of salt. Unfortunately, I can't specifically remember, myself, which is why I looked it up.
'CSI' goes mafia with guest star -- EXCLUSIVE

CSI is doing a mob-themed episode, thanks to the opening of an actual mafia museum in Las Vegas.

For an episode this fall, the show has cast Frances Fisher (Titanic, The Shield) in a guest star role, playing the wife of a notorious hit man. The episode will take place at The Mob Museum, one of two new mafia-themed museums opening in the city. (The first, The Las Vegas Mob Experience, is already open at the Tropicana; The Mob Museum opens in February.)

Also, former Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman will have a cameo in the episode. CSI returns on Sept. 21 and, of course, has a new star on board with Ted Danson joining the team.

Dustin Lee Abraham wrote this episode, which is titled "Maid Man."
Awesome video, we have less than a month to go! :hugegrin: CAN'T WAIT!!!

Who's Greg looking at? Morgan or Sara?
And what is the whole group looking at? DB?

Since its about the mob I sure hope Greg has some old Vegas moments, its right up his alley.

Agreed I'll be so mad if he doesn't
I just had a thought and I don't think it was brought up yet.

Regarding Nick and Catherine.

Maybe the reason Catherine is pissed at Nick is because he wasn't demoted, where she was.

So because of this, she blames Nick.

Now, of course, this is speculation, but another scenerio to consider and argue over. :lol::lol::lol:

Now will she flat out tell Nick she blames him or will we see Ecklie demoting her? Will she ask 'what about Nick is he being demoted'? or after Ecklie demotes her, that is when she blames Nick.

And she treats Nick 'badly (for lack of a better word), Nick doesn't know why and finally asks?

Hmmmm, all things to consider.

Maybe we should, you know, be like Vegas and take bets (or at a least a poll) as to what will happen and see who's right. :lol::lol::lol:
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Since its about the mob I sure hope Greg has some old Vegas moments, its right up his alley.

Agreed I'll be so mad if he doesn't

I know that Greg has an interest in Vegas history, but I'm thinking this might have more to do with Catherine since Sam Braun was from that era, and Catherine is a Vegas native. More and more I'm thinking that Catherine leaves CSI to run Sam's casino, not because she's cheesed off at being demoted.
Since its about the mob I sure hope Greg has some old Vegas moments, its right up his alley.

Agreed I'll be so mad if he doesn't

I know that Greg has an interest in Vegas history, but I'm thinking this might have more to do with Catherine since Sam Braun was from that era, and Catherine is a Vegas native. More and more I'm thinking that Catherine leaves CSI to run Sam's casino, not because she's cheesed off at being demoted.

Well yeah there probably will be a mention of Sam and Catherine stuff but surely they can spare a minute or two for Greg to talk about Old Vegas
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