Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion

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I happen to love NCIS...

David Rambo leaving is not a good sign of things to come, I hope I am wrong about that though. I too hated his GSR obsession but loved the way he wrote for Greg and also pairing up Greg with Nick was great too. Oh well we shall wait and see.
WOW, this was a complete shock to me David Rambo is one of my favorites of all time, [and he's e-mailed me numerous time] A big GSR avocate, :bolian: He's done some marvelous writing and producing for CSI, but as Grissom said in "Dead Ringer" Sooner or later, everyone gets replaced" nothing stays the same. It seems the writers and some paramout staff members are moving on, but we will have new ones replacing the older ones. It might be refreshing and different. I always try to see the bright light in all scenerios~He will be missed, that's for sure, but I wish him the best of luck in his new endeavors!
But you don't think Paul is returning

I'd LOVE for Brass to stay. But if he were to leave, I have a theory, a very dignified way to go, just like Grissom.

Have Brass be promoted to the Undersheriff, that way he can be gracefully written off the show if that were the case.

Have Vartann promoted to take his place. That way Vartann doesn't have to be in every episode either. :)

Again, those are just theories on my part, nothing definitive.
Carol Mendelsohn and Ann Donahue are staying

Thank's sharp good news:bolian:Carol Mendolsohn is my idol, and if they've signed up for 4 more years, they won't be just writing for Laurence, so this is a good sign that all the others have signed up as well. Just report it already:confused:
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Aside from any of the actors leaving, quite frankly I'd like to see what some new, fresh writers come up with. Yes, it's a little scary, but it could turn out to be awesome! :) I think it gets a little boring when you can count on one particular writer writing one particular subject or character well. Might be nice to have a little variety and some surprises. :)
Carol Mendelsohn and Ann Donahue are staying

Thanks for finding that.

That's all just fine and dandy, but I don't care about them and Fishburne, what we want to know is:

WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THEM? :scream::scream:

Is it so friggin' hard to tell us?

Sorry :shifty:, had to get that off my chest.
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Carol Mendelsohn and Ann Donahue, are the heart and soul of CSI, and have big time clout pertaining to the cast, and who signs on, and who doesn't, without them we might as well, bite the bullet and say buh-bye to the whole show, this is great news. Carol was instrumental in offering and luring Laurence Fishburne to the show, and she's got great taste:bolian:, she said about him Fishburne topped our dream list, he's a powerful & intense actor, with an incredible range. So it does matter that they're still on the show and have signed on for 4 more years
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Aside from any of the actors leaving, quite frankly I'd like to see what some new, fresh writers come up with. Yes, it's a little scary, but it could turn out to be awesome! :) I think it gets a little boring when you can count on one particular writer writing one particular subject or character well. Might be nice to have a little variety and some surprises. :)

I would have to agree. A fresh perspective on things might not be such a bad idea. Sure it may be a little scary, for we all have a certain image that we want to have kept, but perhaps it is time to shake things up a little. It's a shame, though, that some of the actors have to suffer because of these creative changes etc.

As for the cast'll be interesting to see who's names are on it. I still have my fingers crossed that all will return...well, almost all.
I hate to get off topic but did anyone else read about Carol's new contract and saw the EIGHT FIGURES she got offered? I couldn't help thinking that maybe some of that chunk of cash could have went to Liz...just an idea. I mean really, was anyone worried about Carol not coming back? She's the backbone of the show. If she left the show the franchise would have collapsed upon itself and all of the fans would have started watching something else like The Closer or Castle.

But really, I'm excited that at least some info is finally coming out from CBS. Even if it's not exactly the info I want to hear.
The entertainment industry is just like the sports industry - They're all overpaid. I'm personally much more interested on who is in front of the camera, those who we see each week, not who is behind the camera.

Did anyone catch this little tidbit from DLA's Twitter (back on June 26)?
@PageKennedy Sux! But good problem to have. u have too much work. I'll figure some Dollar sh*t out. But this was perfect cuz it's Drops.
Hopefully Drops means some good Brass and Nick (I love the way the 3 of them play off each other :lol:). Hopefully it means we got Paul and George back and they've just said nothing about contracts, like usual! Why do we always have to wait for someone to casually mention it to find out when/if they sign for this show?

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