Personally, I think the episode would have been a lot better if it would have had LESS Ray, I think it would have worked extremely well if it was an episode centered around Sofia, Brass & Nick.
There is too much Ray, yes LF gets the first credit, but he doesn't get paid the most, he hasn't been with the show the longest nor is he a fan favorite, its an ENSEMBLE show, and IMO if the writers can't write for an ENSEMBLE its George/Nick & Marg/Catherine have been there since day 1 and both deserve to be at the front of the show, season 6 worked well because it put Marg front & center, and we can see CSI is at its best when George is heading the episode ("Turn, Turn, Turn" and "Gum Drops" for example)
George & Marg have great acting talent and while so does Fishburne (I loved him in "The Matrix"), he doesn't work as an investigator, this show isn't right for him.
the cast all have great talent AND can play cops/investigators, and as part of an ensemble without coming across on screen as being obnoxious, hell even Riley was more convincing than Super-Ray (I am so pissed he stole Super-Dave's nickname!), again nothing against LF, but he needs to step back, I understand its the writing, but I can't help feel his ego has a lot to do with it becoming CSI: Langston too.
In fact, I'm not calling this CSI Season 11 anymore, its CSI: Langston Season 3 :lol::wtf: