Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 4

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I agree with Desertwind. Ray isn't like that serial killer.Ray like all the CSI wouldn't hurt wouldn't any one without a reason, like their lives were in danger.

I agree. A rational Ray would never react in that way, BUT this is 'what if land', right? Everyone here is throwing out possible scenarios, because we know that tptb and the writers often like to have the characters act 'out of character'.

Ray, as many of us here admit, is very laid back and methodical in his actions. I wonder how much of that is his conscious effort to retain control due to his 'gene'? If he was put into a scene where a man who 1) is a recognized serial killer, 2) tried to kill him once before, 3) puts someone he loves into danger, and 4) would love to see him lose that famous self control, I think Ray could definitely 'go to the dark side', at least momentarily. I think Haskell would give his own life to get that reaction from Ray. Just saying......
Ray is NOTHING at all like sociopath Haskell, he's totally insane. Ray has keep some things private, because he's a private person. But his demeanor with the team is a low-key, laid back, calm, cool, sweet gentle soul, and has been embraced by the whole team. With the exception of the perps who get in his face and on his case. Every team member has run amok at sometime or another. Sara suckered-punched that woman in "Shock Waves", Cath told the guy at that meeting "Shut Up", Brass is snarky and mad at someone every episode, Nick, [hasn't he shot someone before?] Greg, even Doc which is his right. They've all been mugged, drugged, beat-up shot, and buried. Maybe Haskell will kill Lady Heather, and Cath will take him down, nothing seems to be sacred or out of the realm of possibility on CSI:confused:

I don't know if Nick actually did shoot someone, but he was ready to shoot McKean until Brass talked him down. And the departed ones have done things too...Grissom was yelling at Natalie trying to pry info about Sara out of her, Warrick raged a few times. A Little Murder comes to mind, his jumping on the uniform for endangering Cath. And Cath's memorable blow up to me was Lady Heather's Box, that chick of Eddie's complaining about Lindsey. Cath went into mama bear mode real fast.

I think it's a common thread among all the shows, although I'm not a big Miami follower. I can name several NY characters who've done the same stuff...Mac and Stella both have lists of blow-ups, Flack, Danny,Hawkes, Aiden...probably Lindsay too but IDK. Jo only doesn't because she's so new. think it's a part of the job, really. Things happen that get under their skin and they have every right to blow up sometimes. I think Ray could well blow up at Haskell, considering his response to the kidney bean mail. I just hope that if they have it out, it's done properly...I'd rather he shoot Haskell in self defense than flip out and kill him when it wasn't necessary and commit career suicide. Which is probably a requirement if he's staying on the show lol
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Nick shot and killed Jekyl. And he (with others) shot and killed Jason as well as his brother.
I don't know if Nick actually did shoot someone, but he was ready to shoot McKean until Brass talked him down.

Nick shot the ground next to McKeen, before Brass even got there. He hadn't actually shot anyone until Jekyll and the McCanns.

It would be interesting to see Ray's obsession with Haskell (and Haskell's tormenting of Ray) drive him to extremes. It would be an interesting way to write the character out, since a lot of other leave-takings have already been done (burn-out, death, etc). We did already get an idea of how obsessed Ray can become, with his hunting of Jekyll (to the point of being almost-suspended from work).
Ray is NOTHING at all like sociopath Haskell, he's totally insane. Ray has keep some things private, because he's a private person. But his demeanor with the team is a low-key, laid back, calm, cool, sweet gentle soul, and has been embraced by the whole team. With the exception of the perps who get in his face and on his case. Every team member has run amok at sometime or another. Sara suckered-punched that woman in "Shock Waves", Cath told the guy at that meeting "Shut Up", Brass is snarky and mad at someone every episode, Nick, [hasn't he shot someone before?] Greg, even Doc which is his right. They've all been mugged, drugged, beat-up shot, and buried. Maybe Haskell will kill Lady Heather, and Cath will take him down, nothing seems to be sacred or out of the realm of possibility on CSI:confused:

I don't know if Nick actually did shoot someone, but he was ready to shoot McKean until Brass talked him down.

Umm, actually Brass did not talk Nick down from shooting McKean. Brass wasn't even around when Nick shot his gun. Nick made the decision not to shoot McKean on his own.

As for Ray being all those things, Desertwind, it's the 'quiet, nice ones' you have to watch out for. How many times have heard from neighbors or friends 'I'm shocked he murdered someone', 'he was so nice', ' he was really quiet', 'no problem at all', etc. etc. You've described the perfect person to commit murder. :p
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Nick shot and killed Jekyl. And he (with others) shot and killed Jason as well as his brother.

Thank's Smokey How could I forget that scene:confused: 11 years it's hard to remember all of the scenes, but that was paramount. I dropped the ball on that one. And on Ray he's quiet, reserved, but has shown his temper numerous times, when the writers had him show this side of his personality, so he's not always the "quiet one", but is with his team members:cool:
New episodes start on March 10. And we have a title change!


"The List" — While investigating the murder of a convicted ex-cop, the CSIs stumble upon a list in his prison cell with names of several individuals he believed might have been his wife's true killer, on CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, Thursday, March 10 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Dr. Raymond Langston Laurence Fishburne
Catherine Willows Marg Helgenberger
Nick Stokes George Eads
Captain Jim Brass Paul Guilfoyle
Sara Sidle Jorja Fox
Greg Sanders Eric Szmanda
Dr. Robbins Robert David Hall
David Phillips David Berman
Hodges Wallace Langham

Conrad Ecklie……………..Marc Vann
Detective Vartann………….Alex Carter

Detective Lucas Martin……Louis Herthum
Jody Cambry………………Melinda Page Hamilton
Carlos Salavar……………..Rey Gallegos
Anne-Marie Tolsom……….Dina Meyer
Tomas Molinez…………….Luis Jose Lopez
Vance Tolsom……………...Bryan Friday
Jose Casita…………………Hector Atreyu Ruiz
Aryan Skin Head…………..Scott Haze
Jarrod Malone……………...Max Martini
Canine Officer……………..John L. Curtis
Warden Clinton Malton……Chris Ellis

WRITTEN BY: Richard Catalani
DIRECTED BY: Louis Milito
In a way, I hope they don't go this route, because the "vigilante forensic employee" angle has already been done so well by "Dexter" . . . so it will feel highly derivative.

Yet I can just see Ray standing over Haskell -- a la Dexter Gordon -- saying, "I'm a surgeon, so I know how to make you suffer long and hard. And I'm a CSI, so no one but the two of us will ever know what happened here."

I agree with those who say that the quiet ones are the ones to watch out for. Someone in my family once said as much to me . . . sadly, with some personal experience to back it up.
Normally, seeing Dina Meyer's name as a guest star would send me into loud fangirl squees and giddy excitement - however, I'm reminded that this is CSI, and they usually waste the performances of guest actresses. Anyone remember that she was on before? No? Of course not, it was a bit part and totally wasted her talent. Am I bitter? Uh, yeah.:devil:
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