Police Officer
I agree with Desertwind. Ray isn't like that serial killer.Ray like all the CSI wouldn't hurt wouldn't any one without a reason, like their lives were in danger.
I agree. A rational Ray would never react in that way, BUT this is 'what if land', right? Everyone here is throwing out possible scenarios, because we know that tptb and the writers often like to have the characters act 'out of character'.
Ray, as many of us here admit, is very laid back and methodical in his actions. I wonder how much of that is his conscious effort to retain control due to his 'gene'? If he was put into a scene where a man who 1) is a recognized serial killer, 2) tried to kill him once before, 3) puts someone he loves into danger, and 4) would love to see him lose that famous self control, I think Ray could definitely 'go to the dark side', at least momentarily. I think Haskell would give his own life to get that reaction from Ray. Just saying......