Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 2

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Welcome the "Season 11 spoiler lab part 2"!!! Link to Seasons 11's first spoiler thread can be found over here. Just like last season's Spoiler Lab, Smokey & DJRideout ask that you read, remember, and respect the following regarding this thread.

This thread is for the discussions of spoilers regarding future episodes, story-lines, and characters as they relate to the current season in the US. This thread has nothing to do with the actors/actresses themselves, ship discussions in general, or past episodes. Each of these have their own respective threads and/or forum. Some comparisons to past episodes is fine as long as it follows the line of your current discussion, but don't let it dominate.

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Remember... respect the rules, respect each other and to respect each others opinions...oh, and of course to have FUN. :thumbsup: Let the conversing continue!

Honestly, my heart broke a little knowing that Marg leaving is finally written in stone and it also signals to the possibly end of CSI. The whole show has a special place in my heart, being the reason that it gave me hope that being a science geek was cool and that there was something called forensics. I think my past 10 years of my life was inspired by this show and I even went on to intern with my country's CSI; so it ending is just so... sad. I mean, we all knew it wasn't going to last forever but still.

Oh, and not being able to see my cool punk-rock-scientist Greg is going to be hard. *grins*

But Marg's exit may be inevitable, though who knows TPTB might surprise us and pull off an L&O? As for how ER did it, I thought it went down pretty well, but it helped that the main cast started leaving early in the show's life and so the transition wasn't after 10 years of being comfortable with the camaraderie, which made it easier. We'll see how TPTB handles this, but as Marg says, with them pulling the economy-is-bad-card, they just might cancel this and invest in more reality TV.
Holy crap! the new season is still nearly two months away and we've already finished a spoiler thread! That's impressive.

It's sad that Marg's leaving, but she's gotta do what she feels is best for her.
Good luck to Marg! I know this is inevitable but still sad that she's leaving. Favorite actress on favorite TV show, how can you beat that? Anyway, I hope her next TV project is not a hospital drama - I just don't care with those shows! :lol: But maybe my view about it will change if she does it. :) In my opinion, she's a little bit underused on CSI. She can't show her full acting skills with this type of show. I hope her next project will use her talent to the fullest so that she will win another award.

She's 51?! Wow, she looks younger and hotter now than in season one. :thumbsup:
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Holy crap! the new season is still nearly two months away and we've already finished a spoiler thread! That's impressive.

I know, I was thinking the same thing

How many spoiler threads will there be this season I wonder? Especially with everything going on like Liz and Marg leaving, Justin Bieber, and who knows whats next and right now I'm scared to find out
At least she wasn't fired. :lol:

I'm with kaylyne. As much as I'll be sad to see Catherine leave, I'm extremely happy for Marg because leaving the show and moving on means new possibilities for her. I wish her all the best and hope she's happy about her decision. :)
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given this recent news, I would not be surprised if this turns out to be the shows final series, not sure the show is going to work without Catherine, alot of the orginals will have left.
i dunno if it will be the shows final series to be honest. i do feel they have so much more to do. this may lead the series 11 to have some twist in it for us.
i dunno if it will be the shows final series to be honest. i do feel they have so much more to do. this may lead the series 11 to have some twist in it for us.

I agree, it's certainly not the end, even Marg in her radio interview said "the show can go on for years" We've go all most all of the original cast and we've got the talented Mr. Fishburne, I really thought he'd bail after S/10, so to me that's a big plus. And who knows maybe she'll even change her mind. So two weeks ago we read she's signed on for S/11, then she announces this is her final season. I wished she'd have waited for a while to announce this. Back to back is to me strange~ :confused:
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So, will this mean that Nick gets to be boss of the crime lab? Cool!
(sorry to the Cath fans, but I was never a big fan of hers)
I am surprised that Marg stayed this long, she will be missed. I have always enjoyed Catherine.

I think the others should follow her lead and make this the last season, but if the show must go on then I hope this means Nick will become supervisor. But my fear is that Langston will get promoted to CSI3 and he will be put in charge over the others. I hope not because I will quit watching, that is something I will not tolerate.
I am surprised that Marg stayed this long, she will be missed. I have always enjoyed Catherine.

I think the others should follow her lead and make this the last season, but if the show must go on then I hope this means Nick will become supervisor. But my fear is that Langston will get promoted to CSI3 and he will be put in charge over the others. I hope not because I will quit watching, that is something I will not tolerate.

I wouldn't be surprised if Langston made a miraculous recovery, returned to the lab and was crowned Head of Night Shift :shifty:

What I think would be ideal is if Catherine quit (not killed) to settle down with Lindsay and Vartann, Nick would be supervisor, Greg asst. supervisor, Ray stays as CSI 2 throughtout the season, Sara stays in Vegas if Grissom comes over, or she moves back to be with him, and everyone's happy.
I think because of his senority Nick will be promoted the the lead, and everyone else will stay the same after Catherine leaves. He's the most with the authority and the know-how, but one never knows what the writers have in mind. It just seems right. I do love the camraderie between Nick and Ray, it's awesome. He's so cordial and thoughtful of his feelings, and showing him the ropes. He's great with the whole team as well. We've just got to wait and see. It's still two months off before the premiere and lots of things can change~
Hey I'm new to this site and I'm so glad I finally made an account! All the news that's been going on has made me crazy! First off, SO glad everyone is back! Well except Wendy :( I was just liking the whole wedges thing too. Everything with the season premiere, between the new explosives tech & JB, has got me thinking. Even though I am not a JB fan I will give him the benefit of the doubt until his debut. And I still don't like the whole "Wendy pretty much being replaced by a new younger explosives tech" BUT I have accepted it. :)
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