Season 10 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Pt 3

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From Ausiello:

Question: I would ask if you knew if Jorja Fox was going to re-sign with CSI, but the chances of getting an answer are slim to none, right? – ALS
Slim to none…yes and no. I have an answer for you, but it’s sorta “nebulous.” “Jorja and I haven’t sat down and talked about next season,” E.P. Carol Mendelsohn tells me. “But [she's] definitely in the finale, and since the finale is a ‘to be continued,’ I would say it’s a pretty good bet that Jorja will be back for at least some or all of next season. It’s been great having her with us this season.”

Question: A rumor has been circulating about the CSI season finale regarding Catherine Willows’ fate. Any scoop on that? —Ann
There will be blood, and according to Carol Mendelsohn, it will belong to “more than one CSI.”

Wow..maybe the writers want to leave us guessing who is coming back and who isn't..:eek:

Of course..this is a possibility..

Nick is walking down the hallway, trips and scrapes his knee, Greg trips over him, falls flat on his face and gets a nose bleed. Catherine comes storming out and gets a paper cut...Sara is laughing so hard she hits her head on a desk and cuts herself..and so forth..

Nobody has said how the blood gets there..;)
Of course..this is a possibility..

Nick is walking down the hallway, trips and scrapes his knee, Greg trips over him, falls flat on his face and gets a nose bleed. Catherine comes storming out and gets a paper cut...Sara is laughing so hard she hits her head on a desk and cuts herself..and so forth..

:guffaw: I'd actually like to see that scenario. :lol:

Nobody has said how the blood gets there..;)

Yeah, that's why I thought maybe Jekyll gets into the lab using Ray's ID that he stole from him and gets into Grissom's blood supply and uses the stored blood for something. I'm sure that bloody supply is still there. :lol:
Of course..this is a possibility..

Nick is walking down the hallway, trips and scrapes his knee, Greg trips over him, falls flat on his face and gets a nose bleed. Catherine comes storming out and gets a paper cut...Sara is laughing so hard she hits her head on a desk and cuts herself..and so forth..

:guffaw: I'd actually like to see that scenario. :lol:

Nobody has said how the blood gets there..;)

Yeah, that's why I thought maybe Jekyll gets into the lab using Ray's ID that he stole from him and gets into Grissom's blood supply and uses the stored blood for something. I'm sure that bloody supply is still there. :lol:


I HATE cliffhangers!

Sorry, it had to be said. :D
I HATE cliffhangers!

Sorry, it had to be said. :D

I'm with you. I HATE cliffhangers! :scream:

I feel CSI's particularly bad at them. I think they spend too much time on the cliffhanger part that they forget to make the rest of the story interesting. The only thing this could tell us is that we'll have to wait until next season to find out who has a contract for next season!

How trustworthy is what Carol Mendelsohn has told us been (or Ausiello?) lately? With all these execs for CSI saying things I keep forgetting who's good at telling the truth and who's good at blowing things way out of proportion.

Howw trustworthy is what Carol Mendelsohn has told us been (or Ausiello?) lately? With all these execs for CSI saying things I keep forgetting who's good at telling the truth and who's good at blowing things way out of proportion.

Carol seems to me to be the absolute worst. Most recently, she was the one who told Ausiello that there would be a kiss in TPS. So, how'd that work out? :devil:
I for one am tired of these annoying cliffhangers. I mean all three CSI shows are supposedly going to have one this season. Annoying! Can't they just have a normal season ender for a change? :lol:
I hope nothing happens to Catherine.She has suffered too much already.And I can not even think about the posibility of her leaving the show!!!:(
Just found this on the CBS press site under press releases previewing the finales of all the shows:

Thursday, May 20 CSI-As the team closes in on the Dr. Jekyll serial killer, Nate Haskell (Bill Irwin), a murderer who Langston (Laurence Fishburne) helped put behind bars last year, holds the key to Dr. Jekyll's true identity. The CSIs must get him to reveal the killer before it's too late. (9PM eastern)
I think we all were guessing it would end with Haskell being the one that they needed help from
Just found this on the CBS press site under press releases previewing the finales of all the shows:

Thursday, May 20 CSI-As the team closes in on the Dr. Jekyll serial killer, Nate Haskell (Bill Irwin), a murderer who Langston (Laurence Fishburne) helped put behind bars last year, holds the key to Dr. Jekyll's true identity. The CSIs must get him to reveal the killer before it's too late. (9PM eastern)
I think we all were guessing it would end with Haskell being the one that they needed help from

I figured Haskell would be involved. Now I'm happy :) He's the only thing from Ray's character arc that I find interesting.
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Aw hell. :(

I hate cliffhangers. And especially I hate them when the whole reason for them is will the actor return next season or not? I hope that isn't the case this time.

And I hate the idea of bloodshed for "more than one CSI". *sigh* Still, I'm thinking Laurence Fishburne won't be back next season, so perhaps it's him.

And they have to find Jekyll before "it's too late"?? Why? Too late for what? Sounds like someone's in danger (besides Jekyll's obvious killing spree).

I'm depressed now. :lol:
I'm depressed that they went the ultimate predictable route of making Haskell the one who knows Jekyll's true identity. They pulled the same storyline on Criminal Minds with The Reaper (another serial killer had the keys to the reapers identity). Annoyed now. I really did want it to be Heather who discovered the identity. :lol:
Aw hell. :(

I hate cliffhangers. And especially I hate them when the whole reason for them is will the actor return next season or not? I hope that isn't the case this time.

I hate that too. Either the actor decides before the finale is filmed or they're history. I mean really. :rolleyes: I could understand it some family emergency came up and they want to still be on the show, but doesn't know who things would work out or something like that.

I shouldn't have to sit all summer speculating what happens because an actor/actress is being a baby and/or throwing a temper tantrum. :rolleyes:
I don't think that's the case this time though. I think it's just for suspense. But I'm sick and tired of the "CSIs in danger-will they survive?" season cliffhangers. It's getting way old. All three of them are doing it this season I think. Annoying as hell.
Found this one EW, by Ausiello.Ausiello files
CSI is bringing back a familiar face to assist Langston (Laurence Fishburne) in his season-long pursuit of Dr. Jekyll.

Tony winner Bill Irwin is set to reprise his role as Nate Haskell (a.k.a. the Dick and Jane Killer) in this season’s final two episodes.

“Nate knows who Dr. Jekyll is, which is kind of interesting since he’s been in prison for the last 11 years,” notes executive producer Carol Mendelsohn. “The [May 20] season finale is all about what it will take to get him to give them a name.”

His return adds a nice twist to the Jekyll plot since, as Mendelsohn reminds us, “It was Nate who pushed Grissom out of the lab and put Langston in back in season 9.”

The finale builds to a violent confrontation with Jekyll, during which “blood will be spilled,” Mendelsohn confirms. “And it will belong to more than one CSI.”
Oh excellent. :rolleyes: The "final two episodes" AND it's a two part cliffhanger?? All about Ray and his quest for Dr. Jekyll?? Please...why on earth don't they get the fact that the loyal 10 year viewers couldn't be less interested???

Fine print: I realize that I am speaking for myself and not for every single viewer. ;)
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