Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

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It wouldn't make much sense if she came back. As people said ^, she left because she couldn't take it. Even if she did have a complete change of heart, is a totally different person and wants to come back, there are some things she's done that would definitely count against her.
I'm not sure Ecklie even knows about the DUI. I'm thinking only Grissom knows (besides the cop who pulled her over that is).

However, it is a little weird that she's suddenly going to be okay with the job after all the frustrations it caused her, but I guess we'll have to wait and see what the writers have cooked up as for her reasons to return. :)
I'm not sure Ecklie even knows about the DUI. I'm thinking only Grissom knows (besides the cop who pulled her over that is).

However, it is a little weird that she's suddenly going to be okay with the job after all the frustrations it caused her, but I guess we'll have to wait and see what the writers have cooked up as for her reasons to return. :)

In Nesting Dolls, Ecklie tells Sara that she lucked her way out of a DUI.

And as far as all of Sara's faults, yes she has many. I think anyone who's a realistic person understands that and can admit to that. Just like Speedystokesgirl said that everyone has their faults. Many of the things mentioned about Sara were said by Ecklie in the 5th Season(her insubordination, complaints in her jacket, etc). Yes Ecklie at that time said to fire Sara and Grissom refused. Ecklie relented and that was the end of that.

I really don't want to get into a debate because frankly I'm seriously tired of hate Sara vs. like Sara goings on. But if Ecklie really wanted to get rid of Sara then he could have when the relationship came out. But he didn't. Why? Who knows.

Sara left in November 2007. She wrote Grissom a letter. She left Grissom. There is no evidence to support she just up and left the lab without telling Ecklie about it. Nothing said she did, nothing said she didn't.

Sara at the end of The Happy Place left Vegas again because she couldn't handle it. In LOATR she told Grissom via her webcam that she was happy. This was November/December 2008. The new episode is going to take place September 2009. Now it's almost 2 years after she left in the first place and 1 from the second time. It's not impossible that she could have gotten help with her problems and feels confident enough to return.

And before anyone goes off on me, I'm not saying that Sara's return does or doesn't make sense. I'm simply stating the facts. And in RL it is possible to leave a job and actually be welcomed back even if you messed up.
In Nesting Dolls, Ecklie tells Sara that she lucked her way out of a DUI.

Oh, I guess I forgot about that. :lol: My memory sucks.

I think the biggest issue with the job for Sara was probably the cases that reminded her of her family history (her parents). But, if she's gone to counseling for that, then maybe that issue is resolved and maybe she'll be able to stand the job again. Like I said before, I'm looking forward to seeing her interact with Greg and Nick again as well as all of her other former co-workers. I just wish we had some pics of Sara and Greg like we do of Sara with everyone else (or at least the other CSIs).
In Nesting Dolls, Ecklie tells Sara that she lucked her way out of a DUI.

Oh, I guess I forgot about that. :lol: My memory sucks.

I think the biggest issue with the job for Sara was probably the cases that reminded her of her family history (her parents). But, if she's gone to counseling for that, then maybe that issue is resolved and maybe she'll be able to stand the job again. Like I said before, I'm looking forward to seeing her interact with Greg and Nick again as well as all of her other former co-workers. I just wish we had some pics of Sara and Greg like we do of Sara with everyone else (or at least the other CSIs).

I absolutely love the promo pic of Sara and Nicky as I would assume they are going to hug. You can tell the genuine admiration between the two of them. Would love to also see Greg and her do the same.
I absolutely love the promo pic of Sara and Nicky as I would assume they are going to hug. You can tell the genuine admiration between the two of them. Would love to also see Greg and her do the same.

I know... as much as I loved that, the fact that Greg wasn't in any of them kind of took the joy out of it for me. :lol:

Does anyone else get the feeling that Warrick's death made them all appreciate each other even more than they already did?
I absolutely love the promo pic of Sara and Nicky as I would assume they are going to hug. You can tell the genuine admiration between the two of them. Would love to also see Greg and her do the same.

I know... as much as I loved that, the fact that Greg wasn't in any of them kind of took the joy out of it for me. :lol:

Does anyone else get the feeling that Warrick's death made them all appreciate each other even more than they already did?

I'm sticking with my theory that they are saving the best for the actual episode; meaning a good convo between Catherine and Sara, and a great scene with Greg and Sara.:)
I hope tptb use this opportunity to address some of the issues brought up here regarding Sara coming back and how other characters feel about her. I really think that the most unevenly written relationship has been between Sara and Catherine. I think there is mutual admiration there, but is there an actual friendship? Catherine is probably under alot of stress from the job, so I think she could use a friend, a female friend, to talk to. And I'm anxious to see how their relationship has evolved with all the events of last season. I hope the writers address it, and the TV Guide article gives me hope.
I also think that Warrick's death will be addressed again. Since the theme is 'family', I think we may hear more about his son.
I'm sticking with my theory that they are saving the best for the actual episode; meaning a good convo between Catherine and Sara, and a great scene with Greg and Sara.:)

I hope so. :)

I hope tptb use this opportunity to address some of the issues brought up here regarding Sara coming back and how other characters feel about her. I really think that the most unevenly written relationship has been between Sara and Catherine. I think there is mutual admiration there, but is there an actual friendship? Catherine is probably under alot of stress from the job, so I think she could use a friend, a female friend, to talk to. And I'm anxious to see how their relationship has evolved with all the events of last season. I hope the writers address it, and the TV Guide article gives me hope.

I completely agree with you on Sara and Cath. :)

I also think that Warrick's death will be addressed again. Since the theme is 'family', I think we may hear more about his son.

I'd like to know what's going on with Eli as well. I wouldn't mind seeing him visit the lab (or at least Nicky). :) I get the feeling that Nicky probably goes to visit Eli and that maybe that's what really helps him cope with his best friend's death. Because Warrick will live on through Eli. :)
I saw it the other day. I think they're all clips from last season (they did that with the other two CSIs as well) cause they showed Riley.
Yeah, those clips are all from last season.

Anyway, 10x05 is supposedly called 'Bloodsport' and it's about a beloved college football coach found dead and his house is drenched in his blood. Apparently they're looking for lots of name actors.

On another unreliable site I read that it was about Cath witnessing a shooting at a college of several teens including her daughter. I'm pretty sure that's not true but that would be horrible.
The better not be thinking of killing off Cath's daughter. That's just too much too soon. Eddie then a few years later, Sam and then Warrick and then Linds? No way!
Ankeila is right about 10x05.

After a beloved college football coach is found dead and his house drenched and spattered with his blood, the CSI team hunts for the killer who didn't find COACH JIMMY lovable at all...

[BUDDY] 50s, aggressive, slick, smooth talking, charismatic President of the Mustang Booster Club. Buddy is a major major college football fan who has been supporting the Mustangs for so long that his nickname is "Buddy Booster." Apparently a guy who genuinely loved Coach Jimmy and his phenomenal team, Buddy volunteers himself as an expert on the Mustangs. But when his car is pulled out of Lake Mead with a long-dead body inside, Buddy has to do some very fast talking, and it had all better be the truth...GUEST STAR. PLEASE ALSO SUBMIT NAME ACTORS (12)

[JULIAN] Early to Mid 20s, All-American, once fresh off the farm & naive, but now hardened. Julian has a true love for football as well as his coach & teammates, so much so that he is willing sacrifice anything to help them win. Julian used to be one of Coach Jimmy's star linebackers -- but a ripped cruciate ligament in his knee sidelined him permanently. Julian misses the spotlight, but still tries to play the part, even though disappointment has seeped into his eyes. A man who talks about "Julian" in the third person because he tries to pretend that his uninjured self is another person, Julian has a powerful motive to have bludgeoned Coach Jimmy down to the blood and gristle...GUEST STAR. PLEASE ALSO SUBMIT NAME ACTORS (30)

[TEDDY] Early 20s, a charming, hot, great looking college football linebacker with a great body, Teddy conveys the easy charisma of a born leader who is destined to go pro. Seemingly the most loyal member of Coach Jimmy's team, but really in it for the girls and the money, this young man addresses his teammates after the news of Coach's death breaks. Teddy in fact had quite a bit of reason to hate the Coach. A young man who spent an evening with a hooker, Teddy drove a borrowed car off a bridge into Lake Mead, leaving the girl to drown and a Good Samaritan who dove into the lake to die with her. Having screwed up royally, Teddy later conceals the basic fact of his relationship with "beloved" Coach Jimmy: the coach blackmailed him to stay on the team when the NFL came calling...GUEST STAR. PLEASE ALSO SUBMIT NAME ACTORS (11)

[COACH JIMMY] 50s, a tough love giving good guy/father figure, a former ball player turned beloved college coach. A man with a "win at any price" mentality, Coach Jimmy was guilty of using blackmail and intimidation to pressure his players to behave according to his will -- and somebody killed him for it, hard. Coach Jimmy is bludgeoned during the night, and wakes up in the morning, dying but oblivious, his conscious brain smashed to pulp and his instinctual brain still working on auto-pilot. After dropping dead in his own front yard, Coach Jimmy has his past investigated closely by the CSI team, and he's not as lovable as his "ego wall" of trophies would indicate...POSSIBLE GUEST STAR (1)

[CAMPUS SECURITY GUARD] 20s, Male. He spots a blood-drenched Coach Jimmy standing outside his yard, nearly dead from blood loss and brain damage, and watches him keel over and die. Later, the uniformed rent-a-cop is busted for having his girlfriend list some boosted memorabilia from Coach's home on eBay.sptv050769..GUEST STAR (2)

[SEARCH AND RESCUE SERGEANT] Mid to Late 30s, Male. The police officer in charge of the search of the floor of Lake Mead, he reports to Sara and Greg...CO-STAR. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ETHNICITIES INCLUDING CAUCASIAN. (33)
:gasp: OMG! The spoilers actually mentioned Greg! Color me shocked. :lol: So we know Greg's working a case with Nicky in ep 2 and a case with Sara in ep 5. So, he's at least got one scene with Sara. :lol:
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