Ok, its a tV show. Now, having said that. I still don't buy Sara coming to work on the team again. I can't wait to see how they explain this one, because here is a list as to why I don't buy it.
1. She was insubordinate to a supervisor and the Assistant Director of the lab (Catherine & Ecklie)
2. She had complaints from co-workers (lab workers, I'm assuming) in her file
3. She was stopped for a DUI (right there that should've been termination)
4. She walked off the job with no notice or anything
5. She left cause she can't deal with the job anymore, she's burnt out
6. She comes back and helps Greg with a case and then gets frustrated at the outcome and says "see this is why I can't do this anymore" and then she just leaves again
7. There isn't a company out there or lab that would hire back someone who just walked off the job with no notice or anything.
8. Especially a person that has been insubordinate in the past, had complaints in her file, was stopped for a DUI. (oh, that's right, Sara is perfect and has no faults. I forgot

and I can name faults for all the characters including my favorite and they aren't perfect either
9. Not to mention that Ecklie wanted her fired and doesn't like her and frankly, Ecklie could have terminated her whether Grissom liked it or not.
Nope, don't buy it at all and it so not realistic.
Now here's a thought that has nothing to do with this. "Lady Heather's Box" was on Spike tonight and you know what would be really nice, if they actually solved Eddie's murder. Granted the female suspect is now playing 'Abby' on NCIS, but still it would be nice (funny because I always thought they did solve it in a later episode, but apparently that happened somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind :lol: and believe me you don't want to go there :lol
