I’m know I’m going to get flame for this but after everything that I have read, I feel that I most. I will post this in several parts.
1. TPTB goal is not to insult fans, it is not to please actors, it is not to please a small but vocal group, it is not to insult actors or make them feel useless or under appreciated. Their goal is simple: to make MONEY. So every decision they make is with that thought in mind and the main and most important reason behind every decision whether it is bringing back an actor, or paying an actor millions of dollars to replace a main character or under using an old character while over using a new character. It is not a personal insult to anyone.
2. An actor leaving a show after 7 yrs of loyalty to that show because she just needed a break after 11 yrs of non-stop working is not a display of disloyalty. Especially when that actor didn’t just walk out before her contract ended or leave on the day her contract ended. She gave TPTB 2 yrs to work it out and still even after giving a notice 2 yrs ago, she stayed for 7 more episodes when they had still not been able to do it on that time table. She let them know that whenever they needed her, she would be willing to come back, not for long-term but she would show-up and base on her actions, she kept her word. Because every time TPTB needed her for a storyline purpose, she was there. That shows a great deal of loyalty to the show and those who are still in it, and also a great appreciation for what the show had done for her. To me that is a great example of loyalty, loyalty is not about staying in a job when you need a break but it is about what you do as you leave the job and after you leave the job, that really shows rather you were loyal to the job and those you work with. Or whether you were just talking the talk while still loving the job because it is easy to say you are loyal to something that you still enjoying.
3. A returning actor/ character will always get more media coverage than those who are still on the show, because TPTB knows that if you are still watching the show after WP left, than you are an audience member they still have because of the characters/actors on the show, or for whatever other reason but they still have you, so they don’t feel the need to send out balls of fire to get your attention. But the actor/character’s fans who left the show after this character did, they need to send them the message that they can come back now because their fave is coming back. They need to reach those people and hope that when they reach those people and they come back, TPTB can provided them with another reason beside that character to keep watching the show after that character leaves again. And also the reason this coverage is so much is because this main character was last seen in a scene that some fans would like to know more about, like what happened after the kiss? So that curiosity makes it a compelling reason to cover this return. The show is about science but it is the human touch that keeps a lot of fans watching,that is why a lot of you are mad that it seems like your fave is being push aside for another. If it was all about the cases and science and no human touch, which like it or not GSR is, than we would not be talking about the characters but the possible cases that might be on the show this season. It is nothing personal but TPTB trying to get the most they can get for their money.

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Today, 12:35 AM #
477 Truth7
Re: Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1
4. TPTB didn’t hire LF because they had extra money and they wanted to waste it on an actor when the remaining cast can carry the show on their own. They hired him because base on their research they found out that they needed someone with his star power to at least keep the show from going down like the titanic and before you remind me of the low ratings, ask yourself a question, how much lower would it have been without LF? Because I know the only reason I kept watching after WP left is because of him. And now because of fan fiction , will add Catherine to that list. And really I don’t understand why anyone was surprise by this move because TPTB were not willing to let the remaining cast, with Sara and Warrick included carry the show when WP was leaving for an absent of just a few weeks. They felt the need to hire a big name star for just those weeks. I mean seriously TPTB confidence on the cast without WP was so low that they would not let them attempt to carry the show for just a few weeks without him. That tells me that despite the decisions that TPTB are making that seems like bad ones, they have good reasons to believe they can’t let the remaining old cast carry the show. I mean TPTB loves money and the more money that can stay in their pockets the happier they are, so for them to hand their millions of dollars to big name stars, one for just a few weeks of episodes, tells me that they know something we don’t. So because of that while I’m not happy with how they decided to go about this transition, I’m going to give them the benefit of doubt and hope they know what they are doing and that somehow they realize that using the other characters beside Nick and Ray is a good thing. Because Ray and Nick were the only ones who really got to be on display last season after Grissom was gone. I would love to see Catherine front and center for at least a few episodes, especially since she is one half of the lead characters.