Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P1

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Dang it! I was doing something during that commercial break and it was the only one I got up to do something during. Hope CBS puts it up on their site.
Huh? When did they show a promo? I watched the last few minutes of the ep tonight just to see if there was one and I didn't see it. They showed a preview for NCIS: LA instead.

The commercial was about 45 minutes into the show, they didn't show anything at the end of the show.

Crap! I turned it over there about that time and it was on some commercial I couldn't stand, so I turned the tv back to Nick at Nite (Lopez) and forgot to turn it back on time. :(
Dang it! I was doing something during that commercial break and it was the only one I got up to do something during. Hope CBS puts it up on their site.

Just to warn you though, Greg wasn't in it. I know Nick and Sara was, I believe Catherine was, Langston, Brass. I looked up after it started so I didn't get to see the whole thing, but I'm waiting for them to load it on CBS to see it.
Two people have it up on Youtube. I wasn't sure if I could link it or not. Just type in CSI promo and you'll see it. It's .14 seconds long. I knew it went by too quickly. Was that Catherine that went down? No offence but Miami gets like 2.21 minutes and we get .14 seconds? What's up with that?
Yeah, sorry...I had said Sara was walking with the guy that was shot but it's actually Catherine. Of course, there's so much going on and it switches so quickly, you really can't tell. Like who's the one that busts through the window after Nick shoots? And Ray's just standing there looking.

I'm just glad it's not *that* much longer until the premiere! Hopefully we'll get some more info on this before then.
They are certainly doing their jobs and have got me curious.

Maybe it's just me, but it looks like the "person" with Catherine is a dummy...
^^^Highly possible, especially since Catherine's wearing latex gloves. Either that or she is helping to reenact something.

Looks great either way. I love Action!Marg, lol
Maybe it's just me, but it looks like the "person" with Catherine is a dummy...

First i thought it could be Henry or Hodges but yeah it really seems like a dummy to me too.

Nick and Sara are worried but Ray looks so calm, maybe too calm. Interesting.
No Greg . No Brass. No Doc... Usual :shifty:
Wasn't the synopsis about this episode that someone is being stalked? Well if they have that person in protective custody, maybe the stalker comes after that person? Or maybe it's the stalker that Catherine has and a person close to the victim tries to shoot them? Hopefully we'll get more scenes soon....
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