I think that Riley is close enough to a Mary Sue to warrant the name...she DID stand up to Grissom too soon and does seem to have a general air of "I'm smart and don't question me cos I'm as good as you'
The way she was with Grissom is a character flaw (which everyone has). Mary Sues typically don't have any character flaws. A character thinking they're flawless isn't the same as them actually being flawless. It's a mary sue when everyone else thinks the character's flawless and can do no wrong. That is clearly not the case with Riley. She's been "reprimanded" by both Nick and Grissom and sort of by Catherine (when she made the drug joke in Art Imitates Life). I think that's great that they are giving her flaws already. I think she may come across has having a bit of an ego at times (though I don't think it's her intention).
I don't think she thinks she's as good as Grissom. I just think she feels like he's treating her like a newbie in the CSI field when she's a Level 2 and doesn't think she should be treated like a newbie (which can be understood- it's the equivalent of a teenager not wanting to be treated like a child). But then again, Grissom tends to treat everyone like that. :lol: He did it both with Greg and Nicky (and has also done it with Catherine on ocassion and maybe even Sara and with Warrick as well). I think Riley can be a bit defensive sometimes, but that's probably stems from the fact that she has shrinks for parents.
with Riley nobody seems comfortable with her...in that sense..even on-screen I feel like character/actor/actress interactions are awkward..Riley just doesn't seem to fit in yet.
I think it's not that they're not comfortable with her, it's just that they are maybe afraid of getting to know someone new and then something happening to that person, so they are trying to stay indifferent.
And at least we can be grateful that the CSI ptb aren't as bad as the Miami ptb are about throwing an actress' assets in the viewers faces. I mean yeah, every once in a while Catherine wears a low cut shirt or something, but it's become less frequent as of late. And they seem to always have Riley fairly covered up. So, thank goodness for that at least. :lol:
Let me go in a different direction here for a second. By having Riley question Grissom, I think that what they are trying to protray is that Grissom is losing his objectiveness (not sure if that's the right word, forgive me I'm a little under the weather right now lol) in a sense... which will probably be part of the reason why Grissom leaves. Although in last night's episode, Grissom seemed to be back to his old self, previous episodes have shown him to be losing faith in his ability to lead his team. I am not in any way putting Grissom down cause I like the guy and I particularly loved him last night. But, I think Grissom is starting to realize that its time for him to move on and let someone else take the reigns.
One thing I wanted to ask (but forgot to earlier lol) about last night's episode is: Was Park confused about what actually took place? Did it seem like he had blocked out the fact that he had been the one who shot his mother? Or was he just flat out lying? I didn't understand the writers' intention on that.
I liked it, it was a very shocking twist. I think Grissom (and me) didn't think of the kid being the one because he felt sorry for him because he was ill. Very unexpected and sad.
I felt the same way. I don't think anyone expected the kid to be the shooter. And you couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor little guy. I don't think he should be prosecuted for killing his mother cause he was in a way acting in self defense of a third party (the uncle whom he apparently loved more than he did his mother and with darn good reason).
I am glad Grissom was more less back to normal, guess Lady H gave him what he needed last week.
Yeah, that's true. I guess she did help him a lot. I just hope that Natalie doesn't undo all of that progress next week. :lol:
Loved how Riley stood up to Grissom and together they figured out what really happened.
I like that they let both of their theories be wrong. I like it when anyone questions Grissom cause he can't be right all the time. And whereas Grissom makes or has made some of the characters nervous (ie Greg, Henry, Hodges to an extent, etc), Riley is not intimidated by him.
Loved how much Greg was in the episode, guess Eric finally got some decent screentime in his contract since Gary left. Way to go!
I too loved all the Greg-ness in this episode. My favorite scene has to be the one with Cavalier when Cavalier got hurt and Greg was so concerned and checking him for wounds.
On Riley, who doesn't like her?
I thought from prior posts & prior episodes, she was a gift from heaven. I remember when Sofia was new, and go so much slack, most fans couldn't stand her, and then that chick who lasted one day [forget her name] Nick and Warrick had a bet on her.
I didn't dislike Sofia, but I didn't like how she was all flirty flirty with Grissom either. That really bugged me. :lol: It was just weird, but I grew to respect and like Sofia and I wish she'd come back personally. Oh and that reminds me, that first scene last night when it first showed Riley from the side and you couldn't see her face very well, for a second I thought it was Sofia. :lol: And the girl whose name you can't remember, that was Holly Gribbs. I liked her. I was sad when they killed her off.
And then Ronnie she was sweet, but annoying, and she disappeared real fast. Mia seemed to be liked by eveyone, what happend to her?
I agree about Ronnie. She did seem sweet, but asked way too many questions. Sara got annoyed with her and I did too. :lol: As for Mia, I liked her alright until she got snarky with Greg and was all "Sara said you didn't lose your virginity until you were 22". That made me want to smack her. That comment was just so uncalled for. :lol:
Question: if the writers are somehow uncomfortable with Riley still, does that flow down to US, the fans?
I don't think they're uncomfortable with Riley. I think they're uncomfortable or for a better word unsure of the show's future due to the fact that Billy's leaving and so many polls are indicating that they may lose some viewers due to that. And I think that somehow is reflecting in the way they are writing all of the characters, not just Riley.