Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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Hestia said:
I've never tried to convert anyone in terms of shipping, but I might do so for this little thread... (or maybe I'd be too embarrassed to try) :eek:

That's how I usually feel...:lol: Which is why I've never tried to persuade someone to join. What would I say.. "Come on, so what if they don't have screentime together and are both in a relationship. They're HOT!!!" Yeah, that would send a whole lot of people over... :rolleyes:

Anyway, you bring up a good point. We need a new discussion to take us to thread number three. I would be a pity to see this ship sink when we can alsmost see thread number three before us on the horizon. I've been thinking about new discussions and I think I found one...It was hard thinking it up though... :lol: If you got the chance to write for the show what would you write for Warrick and Sara without screwing up the storyline? Would you like to see them working together on interesting cases, develop their friendship or would you go all shippy and throw in some 'sexy' moments?
*popping in to support you on the way to thread #3*

Nice question there, how would I write Sara/Warrick scenes... I'd give them something controversial. Like a case that has lots of evidence that can be interpreted in different ways. They'd both go off into opposite directions, with lots of bickering but no real arguing. I'd keep it playful because I feel that Warrick often brings out Sara's playfulness.
Anyways, in the end they'd come to the same conclusion about their case, (of course they had both been right - to a certain degree) and then they'd celebrate cracking their case over breakfast where Sara keeps insisting that her approach was the better one and Warrick teases her about her stubbornness. [insert (sublte)flirty comments/glaces here]

Um, yes, that's what I would do if I was to write a Swarrick ep.
Sounds good Mia ^_^ Actually every bit of screentime they get together is good lol but hmm... I'd maybe like them to have seperate cases at first but they each lead to the other one's so they have to work together. Maybe one of these cases that get Sara angry and sad and Warrick would be there to be a shoulder to cry on or to calm her down :) Nothing too obvious though, the rest should be left to our fantasies :p
I would love to see some comforting between them. Warrick radiates this calmness that I think would be good for Sara when she's upset or angry. I mostly see their relationship on a level of friendship, despite the flirting (I think Warrick just can't help it, no matter who he talks to it always looks like he's flirting) for me it would be enough to see them get closer. But I also wouldn't mind a bit more of a flirtatious undertone in their relationship, it's damn cute to watch ;)

PS: Night, don't know if I said this anywhere before but I love your avi :)
Alright, not we got a discussion going! I would have to agree with MiaCharlize; the part where you mention a case that has "lots of evidence that can be interpreted in different ways. They'd both go off into opposite directions, with lots of bickering but no real arguing" reminds me of the spontaneous combustion episode from way back in season 1. :D If only they had something like that this season.

Anyway... nothing overly shippy or 'out there' (it wouldn't be believeable) but flirting and friendship development is always good. Throw in that interesting case and no one can deny that these two have something. :)
Mia thx :) I've got some more at my live journal, if you're interested: :) That was the first epi of season 6 I really liked lol...

Hestia I agree with you, it shouldn't bee too shippy... I'd be glad if they were 'only' working a normal case together with normal screentime together ^^

Or Sara finds Warrick at a casino, gambling again, when she's there on a case and something like this [could as well be the other way round with him finding out that Sara's been drinking again ^^] but that would probably be too obvious again...
It's alive!!! The thread is alive!! :lol: :lol: I knew you girls would save it, I have faith in you.

Night said:
Or Sara finds Warrick at a casino, gambling again, when she's there on a case and something like this [could as well be the other way round with him finding out that Sara's been drinking again ^^] but that would probably be too obvious again...

That could be to obvious but that depends on how you write it though. I can see them working a very tough case, maybe involving children, that affects them both. They could feel the need to numb themselves afterwards, both turning to the only thing that ever numbed them before, with alchohol and gambling. I can easily see a scene where they help each other fight that urge, all in a friendly sense though. I agree with all of you that I would not write shippy scenes between them. That would seem off in the show and ruin the connection they have now. I would work on introducing that friendship we've seen snippets from over the course of the seasons. I still think the characters have an amazing chemistry together and seeing more of it would be awesome.

Wow, did I babble... :lol:
Hestia: Also, I have a banner stowed away for a certain Tini and I cannot relinquish it until we reach it a new thread (approx. 60 posts)

Yes, you have.....and I can`t wait.....that`s why I try to come up with the poll tomorrow!!! Unfortunately some of your titles are too long (esp. the "french fries" one you all love so much)......does anybody mind if I shorten some of them?

Joy22 said:
It's alive!!! The thread is alive!! :lol: :lol: I knew you girls would save it, I have faith in you.

Yeah, we`ve come a long way baby. Thanks girls and sorry for being absent for such a long time.

I would work on introducing that friendship we've seen snippets from over the course of the seasons. I still think the characters have an amazing chemistry together and seeing more of it would be awesome.

Absolutely! When was the last time they worked together? Season seven, episode one? Pfffftt.....Hell, I haven`t seen more than 5 min of Sara in the last 2 eps, is she trading with season 5Warrick now? :eek: An appearance here and there? God, it`s all so frustrating.........

Great, now my icon is gone again. Sometimes life sucks!
All we can do now is hope Sara gets more time with Warrick - heck the whole gang - when Grissom goes on his sabbatical. Although I must say, it is kinda funny that when Sara is onscreen, Warrick doesn't appear much, and vice versa. This would go back to the whole 'life sucks' statement;
I have to concur - life sucks indeed... sometimes. *dramatic sigh*

I for one don't mind if your shorten any titles (like the 'french fry' one). I can suggest these variations if it helps:
'French Fry Stealin' Love'
'(Because) He Loves Her French Fries' (drop the 'Because' if it's too long)

Okay that's all I got. :lol: BTW, did I mention I'm glad to see you again, Tini? Because I am! :D
Because he loves her french fries is great! ^^ I love everything with the french fires in it xD

Joy and Tini, welcome back again ^^ The thread isn't the same without you two :)
And we somehow have to find an other entertaining topic, because we can't let the thread die so short after opening nr 3, can we?
It's just that nothing crosses my mind at the moment xD. Any ideas?
Night said:
Joy and Tini, welcome back again ^^ The thread isn't the same without you two :)

*Blushes* Thank you! I'm sure Tini appreciates that too. Right, hun? You see, life does not always suck... ;)

I like the shorter versions of the French fries titles you came up with, Hestia . Both are fine with me but I'm not the pool making one around here that's Tini. *cough* We need a poll, hun *cough*

Sara and Warrick never seem to have much screentime, expecially in the last three years. It's very rare when they work a case together, season seven opened with a bang for me because I think it was the first case they did together in a whole long time. I was kinda hoping it was the start of a good Swarrick season but as always we must imagine Swarrick scenes in our own heads... :lol: But maybe, just maybe, the sabbatical of Grissom will lead to more scenes. You never know!

*Goes off to try and think of a topic that would get us through a third thread*
lol... yesterday I saw Gum Drops and when they sat next to each other while having lunch (or whatever that was) I was like squeeing all the time xD That scene didn't last too long though :(

To see at least something good in the non-existant Swarrick episodes lately: It's always something special to see them on screen together xD
If at least there were more Fan Fictions to read... *doesn't look to Joy and Hestia at all* xD Ok, I guess I could write some too, but yours will always be better :)
Night said:
lol... yesterday I saw Gum Drops and when they sat next to each other while having lunch (or whatever that was) I was like squeeing all the time xD That scene didn't last too long though :(

That scene made me happier then I should have been too... :lol: I was watching it and telling the people among me: "Look, they are sitting next to each other!!!" Now I'm not allowed to watch CSI with people anymore. They don''t want to watch it with me anymore. ;) :lol:

If at least there were more Fan Fictions to read... *doesn't look to Joy and Hestia at all* xD Ok, I guess I could write some too, but yours will always be better :)

Your wish is my command, it's not much but I posted a new Swarrick drabble in the Swarrick drabble thread. Check it out and let me know what you think! Also, don't sell yourself short, my Swarrick stories are not gems either, the important part is to have fun in writing.
We're going to have to do some brainstorming here, girls! Swarrick topic... ummm... I like Gum Drops also! Seeing the four younger members working together (we really need that!) In fact, we need more Warrick, period. Yeah... that's my input. :p

If at least there were more Fan Fictions to read... *doesn't look to Joy and Hestia at all* xD Ok, I guess I could write some too, but yours will always be better :)
Oh you flatterer! :D Come over to my thread and request something, Night, my dear. ;) *points down* Meanwhile, I'll be going to check out Joy22's new drabble!
P.S: As usual, I agree with the 'queen of swarrick drabbles' (is that a better nickname? Kinda long but better than JoyZ! :lol:). Night, I'm sure whatever you write will be absolutely wonderful.
YAY!! you all love my french fry thread idea!! <3
They have a thing for each other's food. Well, actually, it's more like Warrick has a thing for Sara's food. :) Her sandwiches, her french fries... is there something I'm forgetting? Her nightgown - oh, wait, that's not food. :lol:
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