Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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How did I become a Swarrick shipper? well, I think I shipped them before I knew who they were lol. The first episode of CSI I ever saw was "Chasing the Bus" Major Swarrick Love <3 Then I bought the Season 1 DVDs & saw "Cool Change" -- I was hooked!! They just have this ... thing, amazing chemistry there. Sparks fly every time they're together - fighting, flirting, or even just standing there, Swarrick = Love!
Tini said:
Gotcha! :lol: You know Raven, she`s just always trying to hide it and make us look like dirty little girls instead. But we are too clever for that, hun. ;)

You girls go me figured out :lol: I'm a smut addict but I'm not allowed to talk about it, that's what they told me at the last SA meeting. That stands for Smut Anonymous :lol:

When are both of you updating? :)

I'm having a heavy filled paper week that should end next week so I will write a new chapter next week when writing is fun again :D

ETA: Whow we got a Sara/Warrick song thread? :eek: Why did nobody tell me? This is really cool................ :) Now I have to go through all my music.

I didn't know it either, sweetie until I found it by accident. Thanks littlesara1 for starting one! I'll go through my songs one of these days!

Lastly, yes Tini, Ballack is cute but he's ALWAYS cute :devil: Please cheer for us tonight, we need it against Portugal.

Etited to say: We cracked page 16!! Yay us!!
First of all, thank you guys for answering my question so thoughtful and honest, it`s really interesting to read how each of you became addicted to this ship. :)

littlesara: They just have this ... thing, amazing chemistry there. Sparks fly every time they're together - fighting, flirting, or even just standing there, Swarrick = Love!

Well said hun, well said! :) I mean both "individually" are just so damn hot, you must be blind to not see how good they look together.......combined hotness, Lady`s and Gentlemen. ;)
Ok, now I just have to ask : Is Swarrick your only ship, littlesara? I´m kinda curious, because of your banner :rolleyes:, could mean nothing, could mean everything....

Joy22 said:I'm a smut addict but I'm not allowed to talk about it, that's what they told me at the last SA meeting. That stands for Smut Anonymous

This one had me cracked up for 10 minutes! :lol: :lol: We knew it, didn`t we Raven?........
About your update, don`t worry I´m patient so take your time.

Thanks littlesara1 for starting one! I'll go through my songs one of these days!

The funny thing is, some days ago I thought: "Mmh, we are the only ship with no song thread, even LH/Gil has one and she`s only been on screen 3 times!!!! That`s too bad" :( But then our cookie must have read my mind. Thank you :)

Please cheer for us tonight, we need it against Portugal.

Of course babe. That`s what friends are for. :cool:

Etited to say: We cracked page 16!! Yay us!!

You guys still want me to bless each site? :confused: You know I really love my sentence and it wouldn`t be the same without it, but since they`ve shorten the length and we don`t need an eternity to crack a page anymore......kinda spoils the fun! *shrugs* You tell me. ;)
Yay! Tini, I'll cheer for Germany then! Thanks. Holland's going to win. And, a song thread? *Runs off to thread*
Tini said:
Ok, now I just have to ask : Is Swarrick your only ship, littlesara? I´m kinda curious, because of your banner :rolleyes:, could mean nothing, could mean everything....

Ah. You noticed my banner. Nope, Swarrick's not my only ship, I ship Gil/Catherine as well. :D
Tini said:
Joy22 said:I'm a smut addict but I'm not allowed to talk about it, that's what they told me at the last SA meeting. That stands for Smut Anonymous
This one had me cracked up for 10 minutes! :lol: :lol: We knew it, didn`t we Raven?........
About your update, don`t worry I´m patient so take your time.

:lol: Yes, we did know it! Joy, we won't report you to the other SA people so don't worry ;) Talk all ya want!

And the update? Not sure yet, but I think I'll get another chapter up soon! :D
Hello folks. I'm a new member and I loooooooove WS. They are just too cute for each other.
Tini said:
This one had me cracked up for 10 minutes! :lol: :lol: We knew it, didn`t we Raven?........

You guys think you know me so well :lol: :lol: Well, I haved you know that the people in my SA group do not appreciate this kind of humor, they think it will set me back and lead me to my old ways so please be gentle with me ;)

Also, hi csi4eva , isn't that a coincidence :lol: We love WS too so welcome and join our discussion any time you like!

Here is a new scene in Season Combined Hotness Seven:

Warrick: Eh...Sara, your hair is a bit messy and...what the hell? Someone ripped some of your hair out! Are you ok?
Sara: Oh, shut up!!! This all your fault {storms off}
Warrick: Huh? What the hell was that? {After a pause} Hey, Cath! Eh...your blouse is ripped, are you ok?
Catherine: Shut up, you awful sexy...just shut up, I saw you first and she will know that!! {storms off too}
Warrick: What am I doing wrong today?
Greg: Rick, my man, you should have seen it!!! A huge chickfight in the locker toom. Sara and Cath were going at it, screaming that some dude was theirs alone and fighting like crazy...It was damn hot!
Warrick: But Grissom left a while ago. Sara would never...why would she fight over some man?
Greg: Got me, I just enjoyed the action. {walks off with a smirk on his face}
Warrick: {Still shaking his head when Sara and Catherine run by him, screaming like maniacs and hardly seeing him} I'm surrounded by mad people!
Nick: Warrick, dude, you got to do something! Make a choice, take them both, anything. They are ruining the lab.
Warrick: Huh?
Nick: {smacks him on the head} Wake up and smell your hotness!!! They are fighting over you!!!
Warrick: No, they're not!!
Catherine: {Running by} Warrick's mine!!!!
Sara: {Right behind her} He's mine, you blonde bimbo!!!
Warrick: Or maybe they are...{Stares after them blankly}
Nick: So, what are you going to do about this?
Warrick: {A slow smile spreading on his face} I think I'll take them both! {Runs off after them}
Nick: Lucky bastard...

So, here it is, my take on what we were talking about recently. The chickfight over Warrick, I hope you guys enjoyed it!

PS: We lost yesterday :( On the other hand, yay!!! No more soccer madness :lol:
That was soo cute. BTW please call me Eva. I also want to say your stories on are great. Do You really think that Warrick would pick the both of them?
csi4eva said:
That was soo cute. BTW please call me Eva. I also want to say your stories on are great. Do You really think that Warrick would pick the both of them?

Ok, Eva it is ;) And thank you for your comment about my stories, it's good to know that people like those.

And no, I don't think that Warrick would pick them both. After season six ended we decided to write our very own season seven in the Swarrick tread containing Swarrick scenes. Although I'm the only one writing them so I guess 'we' is not the correct word :lol:
Anyway, they're not realistic at all and mostly written for fun. So when you come across these scenes in the future, don't take them seriously nobody else does either :lol: Least of all me. They are meant as a break from my 'real' stories and I like writing these scenes, I'm allowed to make them say whatever I want because it's comedy.
First of all : Welcome to the Swarrick thread, Eva! :D It`s always great to have new people around, especially since this ship isn`t very popular......mmh.....I wonder why? :rolleyes:

Ok, Joy your cat fight was awesome, my favorite sentences: "Wake up and smell your hotness!!!" what?! :lol: LMAO and "{A slow smile spreading on his face} I think I'll take them both! {Runs off after them}" I got no clue how you come up with this stuff, but it`s hilarious. Thank you sooooooooooooo much!!! :lol:

PS: We lost yesterday On the other hand, yay!!! No more soccer madness

It was a pretty nasty game, wasn`t it? I hope you still cheer for Germany hun?! :D

Joy22 said:Although I'm the only one writing them so I guess 'we' is not the correct word :lol:

Which reminds me that it`s really time for a new chronical part. *shouts* Raven get your ass over here and give us something to drool about. :D

Well, since nobody felt the need to answer my qouestion about posting icons, I´m just gonna do it now (mods: feel free to remove, if not allowed!):


Ain`t that the cutest thing you`ve ever seen? *melt* Created by Vicxntric at LJ!!
That icon is the cutest darn thing in the world. Warrick+Baby=Love <3 And Joy your latest scene is awesome! "I'm surrounded by mad people!" LMAO!! :D :lol:
That baby icon is soo cute. So Joyce, you said that you guys write your own Swarrick scences?
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