Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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Tini said:
And what do you mean, you are gone for the rest of the day? Starting to abandon us? This is becoming a pattern, Joy! Stop it. :p

Hey! I have a life outside of these boards...sometimes :lol: I went to a tennis tournament and I got to see a lot of very pretty players but that is completely not relevant to Swarrick so I'm moving right along...

Wouldn`t that be funny? End the marriage like it started: In the first episode of the season!! :lol:

You know, that wouldn't surpise me one bit. Season six openener: Oh, by the way, I'm married! Season seven opener: Oh, just so you know, I'm divorced! That is exactly the way the show handles personal story lines, especially when it concerns Warrick.

Love it when you say things like that........And by the way, I never thanked you for saying you believe Grissom truly loves her. :) That was the sweetest sentence, coming from your mouth, ever!!

No need to thank me. I really meant that, I alwsy thought that Grissom really loved Sara and what I didn't get was that he kept hurting her despite of that. Now he's clearly come to his senses and that's ok with me. Doesn't make me a shipper because he will never be Warrick but I'm ok with it :)
And that was the sweetest sentence coming out of my mouth ever? I tell you I love you all the time and you think that me saying that Grissom really loves Sara is the sweetest thing I ever said? :lol: Weirdo...

Ok, off to read the new chapter of Bound now :D
Joy22 said:Hey! I have a life outside of these boards...sometimes

How often do I have to tell you? Nobody is allowed to have a life outside these boards. Especially since CSI is on "vacation"! :lol: We need all folks we can get. :D

Season six openener: Oh, by the way, I'm married! Season seven opener: Oh, just so you know, I'm divorced! That is exactly the way the show handles personal story lines, especially when it concerns Warrick.

See, it wouldn`t surprise me either. Typical for TPTB, though they said next season is going to give us more about their personal lives, but weren`t that the same words for season 6 too? *rolls eyes* So much about their promises....... That`s what makes it so sad. War deserves more than 5 seconds on screen!! :eek:

I really meant that, I always thought that Grissom really loved Sara and what I didn't get was that he kept hurting her despite of that.Now he's clearly come to his senses and that's ok with me.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, when was the last time I told you that I love you?

And that was the sweetest sentence coming out of my mouth ever? I tell you I love you all the time and you think that me saying that Grissom really loves Sara is the sweetest thing I ever said? :lol: Weirdo...

Oh come on, you know what I reason to insult me! :lol:

How`d you like Raven`s Swarrick update? Wasn`t it the sweetest thing ever? They kissed.....*sigh* Soooooooooooo cute! :)
Tini said:
War deserves more than 5 seconds on screen!! :eek:

He does!!!! He does!!!! Ehm, yeah, that's all I have to say about that :lol: But lastly, I want more Warrick screentime next season!! How can you ship someone with anybody if you never see the poor guy?

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, when was the last time I told you that I love you?

Ehm...just now and eh...well, you tell me you love me all the time :lol: I don't even think my family or friends tell me more often then you do :lol:

Oh come on, you know what I reason to insult me! :lol:

Coming from me weirdo is not an insult, I use the word all the time. I tell my friends they're weirdo's often. Of course they tell me I'm weird pretty often too :D Who would have guessed, huh? :lol:

How`d you like Raven`s Swarrick update? Wasn`t it the sweetest thing ever? They kissed.....*sigh* Soooooooooooo cute! :)

It was very sweet and so well written! I have Warrick play chess with me any time. Don't know the rules of the game but who cares if he kisses me in the end :lol: It made my shippy heart beat faster so good job, Raven!

I have a new scene for you guys in our very own Season Combined Hotness Seven:

Greg: Why are all these scenes always about Warrick and Sara?
Nick: I don't know...Hello!!! I'm still here too! I'm the good looking guy on the show! The all American pretty boy! I was traumatised, give me some love!
Greg: I'll give you some love.
Nick: Eh, no thanks. I'm good.
Grissom: I'm here too! Hi, everybody.
Nick and Greg: Good to see you, boss!
Cath: Here's Catherine!! (loved that line in your story, Raven. Had to borrow it ;))
Greg, Nick, Grissom: Hey, Cath! Boy, you're still as pretty and blond as ever! Where's your kid?
Cath: I have a kid? [Goes off to look for her]
Grissom: I like bugs, did you guys know that?
Greg: I did!!! I did!!!
Nick: Hey, the focus was on me! I'm pretty!!!
Greg: I'm funny!!

[Behind them]
Warrick: What the hell are you guys doing?
Greg, Nick and Grissom: We want to be in Season Combined
Hotness Seven too!
Warrick: You're in the Swarrick tread, get out!!!!
Sara: Yeah, get out!!!!
Greg: But I'm funny...
Warrick and Sara: Get out!!!!
Greg: Fine.
Nick: I have muscles! Look!
Warrick: You want me to show you my muscles and clock you?
Nick: Fine, I'll go but I'm still prettier!
Grissom: I am the leading character of the show, I'm staying!
Warrick and Sara: You are not the leading character in the Swarrick tread! Get out!!
Grissom: Fine, but one last thing. Tini, thanks for supporting my ship and defending me when they diss my beard and call me old! Love you, hun!
Warrick: Leave, already!
Sara: Finally, we're alone.
Warrick: Yeah, I thought they'd never leave. Want to talk?
Sara: Nah, no talking today. Want to make out?
Warrick: Sure, why not.
Nick, Cath, Greg and Grissom: Guys, one more thing...
Warrick and Sara: Get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was a very long post :lol: Hope you liked it.
Joy22 said:How can you ship someone with anybody if you never see the poor guy?

Hehe, this is so true! LOL. Guess the YoBling folks got the same problem. It`s a shame, really!!!

Ehm...just now and eh...well, you tell me you love me all the time :lol: I don't even think my family or friends tell me more often then you do

That`s a bad thing? :rolleyes:

I have Warrick play chess with me any time. Don't know the rules of the game but who cares if he kisses me in the end

You were right, you are a weirdo! :lol: Maybe Raven should write a fanfic about you playing chess with Warrick? :devil: I´m sure there are folks who really ship themselves with a CSI character in their stories. Strange. :lol:


Grissom: Fine, but one last thing. Tini, thanks for supporting my ship and defending me when they diss my beard and call me old! Love you, hun!

Tini: *shouts* I LOVE YOU TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO; GRISSOM!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

Damn, you had me bouncing like a little school girl about this one! That was sooooooooooooooo amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :D :D :D

See, this place is getting so attractive, our CSI`s are dying to be a part of it!

By the way: In 2 hours begins the soccer game!!!!!!!!!
Tini said:

Grissom: Fine, but one last thing. Tini, thanks for supporting my ship and defending me when they diss my beard and call me old! Love you, hun!

Tini: *shouts* I LOVE YOU TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO; GRISSOM!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

Damn, you had me bouncing like a little school girl about this one! That was sooooooooooooooo amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :D :D :D

So, you liked it then? :lol: It was kinda hard to tell :lol:
I'm glad you liked it though, I wanted to write about all the characters for once and this seemed like a perfect way to do it.
Besides, I had to get you to like me again after calling Grissom the old guy with the beard in one of my last scenario's ;) Did it work? Did it? :lol:
War deserves more than 5 seconds on screen!!

Amen to that! Let him get some valuable and much needed screen time this coming up season.

Joy22, that was an awsome chapter! :lol: I loved it! Nick wanting stay because he's pretty, [not saying he's not] that was good. :D
Eh...people, again I'm asking a weird question but remember that we celebrated cracking page 12? Why the hell are we at page 15 :confused: now? I don't get it! We jumped two pages, now I know my posts can be long but this kinda ridicilous.
Also, thanks csi 87 , glad you liked it!
Joy22 said:
Eh...people, again I'm asking a weird question but remember that we celebrated cracking page 12? Why the hell are we at page 15 :confused: now? I don't get it! We jumped two pages, now I know my posts can be long but this kinda ridicilous.

Huh you are right!
What is wrong with this thread? :confused: Maybe we should ask a mod?
That seems to be happining with almost all the forums. I was in another ship thread I frequent all the time and they had jumped like 2-3 pages!

I know it seems like this started happening after the forums shut down for a while, but I'm not sure what could have caused this.
csi_fanatic87 said:
That seems to be happining with almost all the forums. I was in another ship thread I frequent all the time and they had jumped like 2-3 pages!

I know it seems like this started happening after the forums shut down for a while, but I'm not sure what could have caused this.

Mmh.....ok. Well I brought this question to the "Question Thread", maybe somebody is able to answer us? We`ll see.......It`s still strange. :eek:
Hey, look at it from a new angle, we're five pages away from a new tread! :lol:
And thanks for bringing this up in the question tread, I was beginning to think I was going crazy yet again! I keep seeing things when I enter this forum :lol:

Edited to say:I found the answer, yay me! They made changes to the forum and one of them is that you now need 40 messages to go to a new page instead of 50. Which explains why we're at page 15 already.
That still leaves a question though, do you still need 20 pages to go to a new tread or do you need to have a 1000 replies? Mods, help!!!

And also, Tini , you need to say your line three times now sine we cracked three pages in one day :lol:
Joy22 said:
Hey, look at it from a new angle, we're five pages away from a new tread! :lol:

Sorry but, no we`re not! :rolleyes: Our thread still needs 1000 posts for us to start a new one and we only got 567. *shrugs* Sorry hun.............. :cool:

I keep seeing things when I enter this forum :lol:

As long as you don`t see dead people, I´m fine with it!!! :lol:

ETA: Why do I even bother to answer you when you are always faster? :eek:
Tini said:
[ETA: Why do I even bother to answer you when you are always faster? :eek:

Because you love me? :rolleyes: :lol: Anyway, you did answer my question about the number of posts we needed to get to a new tread, I guess I was happy a little bit to soon. :D

Now that we sorted this out, back to our topic of conversation which lack of screentime for Warrick and how she would react is she found out he got divorced. I would love to see his reaction when he finds out about GSR by the way, I have a feeling he would be happy but find it strange at the same time.
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