Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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Love the update Raven ! That was a nice solution to the problem that Jorja won't show herself in a bathing suit to us :lol: It was funny as always!

And yes, csi 87 , that was exactly the problem, the posts were wider. Not anymore though so I guess other people really think we're crazy now :lol:

Also, thank you littlesara1 for posting the lyrics of that song, it sounds like a beautiful song and it suits them well, especially the character of Warrick. I can see that song being used for a lot of ships that involve him.

Lastly, here is a scene from our very own Season Combined Hotness Seven:

Sara: Hey, Warrick!! Man, where have you been?
Warrick: I was stuck in the basement, I could only come up to say one line and then I had to leave again.
Sara: You too! I have the same problem, they put me up on the roof and every now and then I can come down and goggle at Grissom before I have to go up again. Say, are you still a CSI?
Warrick: I think so...don't know really. I usually just say 'Yo' and go away. Are you?
Sara: Eh...I think I'm Grissom's love interest, don't know if I'm still a CSI though.
Warrick: But don't you just love all the new people that are walking around in the lab! They are all so cool and sweet. I see them all the time when I come up here and I hear them talking from the basement.
Sara: Me too! Nick told me he was working with them a lot! They seem sweet.
Greg: Guys!!!! I missed you so much!!!
Warrick and Sara: Where have you been?
Greg: They locked me up in my home and I could only come out to make a lame joke and then I had to leave again!
Warrick: You too! Man, are you still a CSI?
Greg: Don't know, I haven't processed evidence in months. I love all the new people though!!
Warrick and Sara: We do too!
Greg: The lab has never been better, hasn't it?
Warrick: I think so.
Sara: Couldn't be better.

[Off screen a voice is heard] Who are these people standing in this shot? Regulars? I don't care if they are regulars!!! Get them out of here!!!

Greg: Oops, time to go home again but first my lame joke: A man walks into a bar and says...
Sara: No time! Where is Grissom, I need to send him a look that speaks of love!
Warrick: Eh, which camera is on me. Camera One? Ok, here I go, [takes deep breath] Yo! There, I did my part for this week.

[Of screen] Now get these people out of here!!

Sorry guys, I'm still mad about the idiotic plan to bring in more characters this season so this is my take on that. I hope you guys enjoyed it :)
Raven, great chronical update! Loved it (especially your Sara in the shower pics :devil:). :D

So that`s the famous Pool scene you were talking about (concerning special "projects") in the Gary thread a while ago, Joy?

And yes, csi 87 , that was exactly the problem, the posts were wider. Not anymore though so I guess other people really think we're crazy now :lol:

You know, there is a difference between "bigger in length" and "wider", no wonder I didn`t get what you mean.......... :lol:

littlesara1 your song was beautiful. I could honestly see Warrick playing the piano and singing it to her. *sigh* How romantic would that be? I always thought he was going to represent the romantic part in their relationship.

Sorry guys, I'm still mad about the idiotic plan to bring in more characters this season so this is my take on that. I hope you guys enjoyed it :)

Time will tell if it`s really as bad as we think. So don`t be angry hun. , maybe it would have been better if I kept my mouth shut about this article? :lol: Still an awesome scenario. :D

Ohhhhhhhh, by the way, I´ve got the latest Jorja photos, you wanna see? :D
:lol: Awsome new scene Joy22! I love how they are all conscious about their jobs/screentime.

Not anymore though so I guess other people really think we're crazy now

:lol: I know! But they will all be whispering to themselves when reading our posts.
"Do you notice wider posts?"
*everyone together* "Nope."
"Didn't think so. Seems like their seeings things and maybe even starting to lose it bit?" *everyone nods* "Yep, Yep."

You know, there is a difference between "bigger in length" and "wider", no wonder I didn`t get what you mean..........

You noticed it too! See me and Joy aren't crazy! :lol: [*clear throat* Not that we're truly crazy or anything]
Tini said:
So that`s the famous Pool scene you were talking about (concerning special "projects") in the Gary thread a while ago, Joy?

Me?? Talking about Gary in a pool?? I would never do that, I respect Gary as an actor and I would never look at him as sex on legs only...Oh, who am I kidding? Yes, I talked about that scene and yes it's my favorite scene on CSI, ever :lol: I don't think that scene can be topped, unless they decide to let him work undercover in a stripclub :devil:

You know, there is a difference between "bigger in length" and "wider", no wonder I didn`t get what you mean.......... :lol:

Eh...yeah, I tend to confuse those words. That can get me into a lot of trouble... :lol: Ok, getting my mind out of the gutter now :D

Time will tell if it`s really as bad as we think. So don`t be angry hun. , maybe it would have been better if I kept my mouth shut about this article? :lol: Still an awesome scenario. :D

Ohhhhhhhh, by the way, I´ve got the latest Jorja photos, you wanna see? :D

The article about adding more characters was on the front page of talkcsi so I would have read it eventually. It's not your fault for telling me. And I'm over my anger now, after talking to you about it, starting a topic and making a poll about it and writing a scenario about it :lol:

Also, yes, we want to see those new Jorja pictures. Bring them on!

Finally, csi 87, we are not crazy! Just a little ehm...different sometimes :lol:
Joy22 said:I don't think that scene can be topped, unless they decide to let him work undercover in a stripclub :devil: your mind in the gutter today. :lol: But don`t worry, been reading GSR smut the whole day. Even found a threesome fic with........hehe, you won´t believe it: Greg, Sara and Grissom!!!! :eek:
Which episode was the pool scene from? Damn, how I always manage to miss the fun, can`t remember watching it, sorry. :(

And I'm over my anger now, after talking to you about it, starting a topic and making a poll about it and writing a scenario about it :lol:

Wow, you are really pissed, aren`t you? Actually more than Tini........and I´m usually the first to freak out about new stuff, well that`s different. :lol: Calm down hun, I still got faith in TPTB. :rolleyes:

Also, yes, we want to see those new Jorja pictures. Bring them on!

Your wish is my command! :D


Cute, isn`t it?

Got these from the Jorja picture thread (by the way your name came up cookie, but don´t worry - nothing bad ;)) Doesn`t she look absolutely beautiful?
2nd one: Marg and Jorja were performing a song, on stage!Respect Lady`s! *claps hands*

You know I totally forgot to read your new Swarrick chapter......shame on me! Gonna do that right now! :)

Edited to say: I bet the next post will start page 12!! Just so you know, my bf is currently trying to change his server, if my pics kinda disappear, don´t worry they`ll be back later! :lol:
Tini said:
Raven, great chronical update! Loved it (especially your Sara in the shower pics :devil:) :D.

Haha, somehow I knew you'd like those pics, Tini :devil:

Which episode was the pool scene from? Damn, how I always manage to miss the fun, can`t remember watching it, sorry. :(

It's from Table Stakes :p A great episode from the first season! Shirtless Warrick, a pissed-off Sara who was called in on her day off (she's so cute when she's pouty and cranky :D)... what's not to love!?

Got these from the Jorja picture thread (by the way your name came up cookie, but don´t worry - nothing bad ;))

:lol: *raises hand* Sorry Joy, I brought your name up :p But I had to! Your line about Jorja being the kind of woman who makes you question if you're as straight as you say you are was priceless to us Jorja fanatics! :p Especially coming from a Gary fanatic! :D

You know I totally forgot to read your new Swarrick chapter......shame on me! Gonna do that right now! :)

Hey Tini, just wanted you to know that the next chapter of Bound is going to be lighter and fluffier :p I'm hoping to make the chapter mostly just an interaction between W/S...and I have a few tricks up my sleeve... :devil:
quoth_the_raven said:
Tini said:
Raven, great chronical update! Loved it (especially your Sara in the shower pics :devil:) :D.

Haha, somehow I knew you'd like those pics, Tini :devil:

What can I say? You are my gutter sister, after all. :D

It's from Table Stakes :p A great episode from the first season! Shirtless Warrick, a pissed-off Sara who was called in on her day off (she's so cute when she's pouty and cranky :D)... what's not to love!?

No comment! *sigh* I´d still like to marry her. :rolleyes:

Ahhhhh, thanks for the info. Remember the ep, but not the scene...........mmh.......which brings me to the question: How can somebody forget a shirtless Warrick? :confused: Unbelievable!!!!!

Your line about Jorja being the kind of woman who makes you question if you're as straight as you say you are was priceless to us Jorja fanatics! :p Especially coming from a Gary fanatic! :D

Yep, we had a little talk about you hun! ;)

Hey Tini, just wanted you to know that the next chapter of Bound is going to be lighter and fluffier :p

Thank god, the first chapters were really depressing. ;) Give our 2 hotties a little love, would you? Cause they deserve it.

Got a question for y`all:
You guys think War is getting divorced next season? And how will Sara react?

Damn, I really hoped to crack page 12 with this post. :lol: *sigh* Guess it`s going to be the next lucky poster! .....or not.....:D
Tini said:
Thank god, the first chapters were really depressing. ;) Give our 2 hotties a little love, would you? Cause they deserve it.

Just finished the new chapter, and it's really light and fluffy. ;) Hope you like it!

Got a question for y`all:
You guys think War is getting divorced next season? And how will Sara react?

I think Warrick probably is going to end up getting divorced next season. As for Sara's reaction- the writers haven't given us insight on any of the other members of the team's reactions! Only Cath (which is understandable, but..). Does Sara even know Warrick's married?? :confused:
ETA: *claps hands and jumps up and down* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I cracked page 12, I cracked page 12!!!!!! :lol:WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Cheers and congrats, folks!! :D

Feels better than Germany winning in soccer (pffffff, who am I kidding, nothing feels better than Germany winning in soccer)....coughsorrycough.......Boy that was driving me nuts, but this damn page 11 had to come to an end eventually.

quoth_the_raven said:Just finished the new chapter, and it's really light and fluffy. ;) Hope you like it!

Sweeeeeeeeeeeet!! :D Going to check it right now!

Does Sara even know Warrick's married?? :confused:

Hehe you are funny, Raven. :lol: :lol: LMAO
*shakes head* Of course she knows, they talked about it in "Bang, Bang" . Did you forget this scene?
:lol: Hey! I can't help it! :lol: I have so much knowlegde in my mind, there was no room, that's why ;)

ETA: Yay! Page 12! Whoo! And I see Tini has already given us her threadly (ha...funny word I made 'daily' ;)) blessing! :D

'Twas going through screencaps from Coming of Rage...and I must say, I found the scene where Sara has to go collect the hammers quite interesting. She shoots Grissom a look...maybe she was mad about having to leave Warrick! :lol:


:lol: Look at her eyes! :lol: It looks like she's thinking, "I'll deal with you later." :p

:lol: Reference to Joy's story, maybe she's even thinking, "NO! They already shipped Warrick with Grissom! I'm not going to leave him alone with him!" :lol:
Congratulations guys!!! We cracked page 12 and since Tini was the one to do it, I don't have to ask her to say her famous line.

A couple of things, first off, why are you people talking about me in the Jorja tread? :lol: You guys know I'm shy and I want to be as low profile as possible :lol:

Second, Raven , I'll read your next chapter tonight since I'm gone for the rest of the day but I look forward to reading it and also, yes, I think that Sara knows that Warrick is married :) All Warrick did last season was sit around and remind everyone that he was married, it was kinda hard for her not to pick up.

Lastly, I think that Warrick will get divorced, or maybe they just mention he's divorced in the first episode of the new season. Sara's reaction to it: I think one of friendly concern and worry but seeing how last episode ended I don't think she'll party because he's single :lol:
Well, first of all: I hate it when the board goes down!!!!! :eek:

Oh Raven, it`s can`t know everything, that`s the reason why you got me, isn`t it? :lol:

Joy22 said:You guys know I'm shy and I want to be as low profile as possible

Yeah......sure! ;) And what do you mean, you are gone for the rest of the day? Starting to abandon us? This is becoming a pattern, Joy! Stop it. :p

Lastly, I think that Warrick will get divorced, or maybe they just mention he's divorced in the first episode of the new season.

Wouldn`t that be funny? End the marriage like it started: In the first episode of the season!! :lol: Mmh, poor Warrick. Ok, actually it`s not very funny, cause I think he really tried everything to make this relationship work and it`s going to need some time for him to get over it. About Sara`s reaction.......well since she knew they had problems I think it`s not such a big surprise. But I go with Joy on this one: she will be worried and concerned about her friend.

but seeing how last episode ended I don't think she'll party because he's single :lol:

Love it when you say things like that........And by the way, I never thanked you for saying you believe Grissom truly loves her. :) That was the sweetest sentence, coming from your mouth, ever!!
*cheer* Page 12! We are moving right along! :D Thanks for the picture and your comments quoth_the_raven! :lol:

Yeah, Warrick getting a divorce should be happening next season, but hopefully early on. Based on what they left us with last season he's not too excitied about continuing the marriage.
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