Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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The Chronicles of Warrick and Sara Part Ten (Ten! Whoo!)


Warrick: So explain this whole thing to me again? Why was Grissom pinning you down?
Sara: Warrick, we were re-creating the crime-scene. It wasn't what it looked like.
Warrick: You're seriously telling me the truth?
Sara: Would I lie to you?
Warrick: I don't know, would you?
Sara: You don't give up, do you?
Warrick: It's a flaw.

And then Warrick and Sara made up.


So there was a little of this...


..and a little of this...


and a little of this...


and a little of this...


[/i]and a LOT of this...[/i]


But was someone watching...?



EDIT: I cracked page seven! WHOOO! :p
:lol: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, Raven you cracked page 7, babe!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers and congrats, folks! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Am I the only one who thinks the last one was the fastest page ever? :confused: Wow, this thread has never been more alive.............I´m so proud of you, guys! :D

This chronical part was awesome, Raven ! And these cute little smileys, I especially liked the kissing ones. Toooooooooooooooooooo cute. Thanks a lot, you really know how to brighten up my day! :)

Edited: I just realized that "day" isn`t the right word, cause it`s almost 2 in the morning here in germany, so let`s change that into "night", ok?! :lol:
I remembered another Swarrick scene. In 'Daddy's Little Girl' when they both went in the house together and found that girl sick on the couch.
Tini said:
:lol: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, Raven you cracked page 7, babe!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers and congrats, folks! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yay!!!!! Page 7!!!!!
And yes, this was a fast page, go us!!!! Whoohoo!!!
Raven, I loved the new part, to cute for words. Girl, I really love these Chronicles :)
Ok, folks before I start on anything else......about last nights episode: SQQQQQQQQUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! * hops up and down*

I died and woke up in heaven, honestly! :lol: Just to warn you, I´m a happy camper right now which means excitement til you can`t take no more!! But y`all love me, right? :D

Well, no Swarrick last night.........wait! *stops jumping around*............that`s not true, they actually huged! Oh my god I almost forgot! :lol: Yep, after Jim woke up and the whole team stood outside the window she turned around and huged him. How cute...... :D

That`s all, nothing more to say, except my big fat grin isn`t going to leave me the whole week, hell maybe the whole summer? :lol: :lol: :lol:

ooh hey guys i been lurking around for such a long time this is my first post i think sara and warrick is a nice couple and wow you make nice picas and caps and all so cute smile cons...
wow warrick and sara hugged oh well i have to wait for this eppie to be shown here in my country for the next couple of mos.
Tini said:
Well, no Swarrick last night.........wait! *stops jumping around*............that`s not true, they actually huged! Oh my god I almost forgot!

They hugged and you almost forgot????? :eek: :eek: Don't make me mad at you, girl!!! That's the most important thing in six freaking years of Swarrick moments and you forget?? :lol: :lol: Hell, even GSR hasn't really hugged on screen!
Ok, my turn now: SSSSQQQQQUUUUUEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They hugged!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sorry, but c'mon, touching bodyparts, that's exciting :D :devil:

Edited to say: I forgot my manners in all the excitement...Welcome to the tread cocoa girl18! And remember, don't lurk, just post! That's our motto here :)
Joy22 said:Don't make me mad at you, girl!!! That's the most important thing in six freaking years of Swarrick moments and you forget?? :lol: :lol

Oh come on, happens to everybody, once in a while. After all I made your day , right? ;) So things are reversed and you squuuuuueeeee now -> mission completed, my hun is happy. :D

Hell, even GSR hasn't really hugged on screen!

Hey, they did a lot of other things off sceen, baby! :devil:

Sorry, but c'mon, touching bodyparts, that's exciting :D :devil:

*hands up* Didn`t say anything agains it. I´m all for some touching, kissing, hugging, cuddling, loving.............. *coughlickingcough*

Before I forget.....which is not rare today :lol:......welcome to our lovely Swarrick thread cocoa girl18 ( can I call you Coco, I think that`s cute? ) hope you enjoy our discussions and don`t hesitate to jump in!
Like Joy said: don't lurk, just post! That's our motto here :)
YAY! We got a hug.

Oh, btw, I'm a ghost now... cos CSI just killed me... so Sunny didn't post this. It's her ethernet taking over her thoughts in this vast infinite super highway of information.[/sarcasm]
Why did it kill you, hun? Because of last nights ep? The best day of my life, honestly!

Come on, tell us what`s bothering you! :)
See, Sunny was superbly busy in the RL and CSI got a little boring for her so she stayed away from all the spoilers and boards and didn't pay much attention to the sixth season at all. Some of them were funny, some character interaction was supreme, like the sharing of lunch, cute little head tilt and *clickstounge* in your loverly av btw, and the 'Was it the happiest day of your life?' and 'It happened so fast.' non-answer/banter of our dear sweet couple. And then last nite whilst hoovering outside Brass' hospital room there was the VERY VERY flush bodyparts touching and arms wrapping hug IN PUBLIC and Sunny was like, YES! SO OUTTED!!!! And then the last scene just K-I-L-L-E-D Sunny. That's right Sunny has joined the underworld of ships. She's dead, officially. And has been for the last 12 hours according to rigor being set. See, Sunny made it to Coroner ranking and someone didn't appreciate that so they decided to KILL BILL... *ahem* this ghost means, Sunny.

Ta. *floats into the ether*
Oh, Sunny, I´m really sorry, but it`s not like it wasn`t there for 6 years and came out of the blue. Please tell me you refused to live in denial and didn`t really believe Swarrick was going to happen after all this GSR and YoBling stuff, did you? :(

I mean , the man is married and almost kissed Cath last season. :rolleyes: Baby I´m really sorry for you, but that`s the way it is and nobody can`t change it now. What can we do to help?
Okay gang, please compartmentalise. If you're multishippers, ship your ship in the appropriate thread. This is Warrick/Sara - ship accordingly.

Tini, people ship who they ship - please don't suggest that people are in denial just because they don't see the world the same way you do. Shipping is subjective and its fun, so lets not ruin it by arguing or casting aspersions. Thank you.
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