Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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Hi csi fanatic87, welcome to the tread! Feel free to join our crazy discussions and it's always good to see a fellow Gary fan in here. :D

Tini said:
Newspaper headline: "Actor disappeard!" - then a picture of Gary - "The famous CSI - Crime Scene Actor Gary Dourdan went missing last night. The police said, a 23 year old woman from the Netherlands could be involved in the crime....." :lol: :lol:

Tini, hun, sssshhhhhh, don't tell the whole world about the plans that I made for the future :lol: :lol: We might tip Gary of and we don't want that. :D
Just so that everybody is clear, that was a JOKE. I don't want the cops standing in front of my house accusing me of stalking the poor guy :lol: I would never do that....mainly because I don't know where he lives :devil:

Right now my favorite Swarrick scene is the scene where Warrick and Sara investigate the case of the lady that burned in her chair. They go back to he crime scene because Warrick wants to prove that she was set on fire but he doesn't find any evidence. She comes up behind him, stands really close to him, and smirks. I love that scene, mainly because of their close proximity.
But I have lots of favorite moment, right now this one stands out.

Oh, and quoth, your post always have a tendicy to be a little naughty but that's ok, we still love you anyway and Tini likes it when there's another person around with a mind filled with smut :lol: :lol:
Joy22 said:Tini, hun, sssshhhhhh, don't tell the whole world about the plans that I made for the future :lol: :lol: We might tip Gary of and we don't want that. :D

*whispers* No problem babe, your secret is save with me! :D I don`t kiss and tell.... :devil: :lol:

Tini likes it when there's another person around with a mind filled with smut :lol: :lol:

Oh yes, I do. But just because Joy is always so conservative. ;) Raven , you don`t write smut fics, by any chance? :lol:

Now about my favorite Swarrick clue, I love all of them cause they are so rare. But if I had to choose then I`d take the one from last week ( mainly cause it`s still in my memory ;)), when Sara and War process in the victims house and she asks him about his marriage! Sweet like candy.

You know I just realized that TPTB cut our "Love you too, Warrick!" scene. Damn!
Tini said:
Oh yes, I do. But just because Joy is always so conservative. ;)

I am not!!!!! :lol: :lol: You are just way to naughty ;) Pfff, me conservative....The nerve of some people! :D

And yeah, they stole our "I love you too, Warrick," scene! :mad: Great, and I really wanted that name for a third tread but that's not really an option anymore. You can't name a tread after a scene that never aired :lol:
Joy22 said:You are just way to naughty ;)

Yep. And you wouldn`t have me any other way, girl! :p

What? You deny being conservative? :eek: Lighten up a bit and start writing smut fics! :lol: :lol: :lol: No......just kidding!

And yeah, they stole our "I love you too, Warrick," scene! :mad: Great, and I really wanted that name for a third tread but that's not really an option anymore.

Know how you feel, I was craving for this title too, but hey it`s not that bad, after all we still got out "Combined Hottness!" ;) :devil: Most fitting name ever!
Joy22 said:
Hi csi fanatic87, welcome to the tread! Feel free to join our crazy discussions and it's always good to see a fellow Gary fan in here. :D

Right now my favorite Swarrick scene is the scene where Warrick and Sara investigate the case of the lady that burned in her chair. They go back to he crime scene because Warrick wants to prove that she was set on fire but he doesn't find any evidence. She comes up behind him, stands really close to him, and smirks. I love that scene, mainly because of their close proximity.
But I have lots of favorite moment, right now this one stands out.

Hello Joy22! Thanks! :D It's great to be here and it's very nice to meet you.

What episode is that scene from?
csi_fanatic87 said:

What episode is that scene from?

It's from 'Face Lift' in season one :)

Joy22 said:
Oh, and quoth, your post always have a tendicy to be a little naughty but that's ok, we still love you anyway and Tini likes it when there's another person around with a mind filled with smut :lol: :lol:

Why thank you, Joy :lol: Tini, you're officially now my gutter sista :lol: :D

Tini said:
Raven , you don`t write smut fics, by any chance? :lol:

You know, I've never tried Swarrick smut before... :lol: *adds to list of things to do before she dies* :p

You know I just realized that TPTB cut our "Love you too, Warrick!" scene. Damn!

Damn! I was looking forward to that, too! :(
quoth_the_raven said:
You know, I've never tried Swarrick smut before... :lol: *adds to list of things to do before she dies* :p

I'm sure that Tini just read that and fainted :lol: :lol: She wants to read Swarrick smut before she dies so I guess it all works out then ;)
But, just because I like having you girls around, I hope we don't see any Swarrick smut in the near future.

I was just over in the Gary tread... yeah, I hang out there some times...Who would have thought, huh? :lol: It seems like they cutted a fair amount of scenes with him in it and I guess our "I love you too, Warrick" scene was one of them. To bad, I would have loved to see it. :(
Stupid people, cutting my man out... :mad:
Awwwwww, I´m your gutter sista, Raven ? Really? :rolleyes: *gets excited*

Joy22 said:I'm sure that Tini just read that and fainted :lol: :lol: She wants to read Swarrick smut before she dies so I guess it all works out then ;)

Always straight to the point, right Joy? Well, I hope it`s not necessary to wait soooo long for some Swarrick smut, hehe, hurry up writing sister. :devil:

I was just over in the Gary tread... yeah, I hang out there some times. It seems like they cutted a fair amount of scenes with him in it and I guess our "I love you too, Warrick" scene was one of them.

Thanks for the info, I checked the Gary thread.....They cut a YoBling scene? :eek: Ohhhh, Ru must be furious! It`s too bad and I just don`t get it. What`s wrong with TPTB, we`ve never seen such little screentime for Warrick like this season. Sometimes I almost forget he`s one of the main characters or even a part of CSI! And when he actually is on TV I´m like: "Hey, there is War.....Wow, haven`t seen him for a while, have I!? " :(
csi_fanatic87 said:
Aww man. Did they give any reason why? I would have loved to see that scene.

No, but we haven't been given reasons for many scenes that were cut. Including the YoBling scenes that Ru is indeed not happy about. The lack of Warrick screen time is hurting both ships really :(

But, we still have one more episode to go, we may get some good (S)Warrick scenes. You never know! The finale is almost approaching, Tini, are you excited yet? :D
It is. You see less Warrick hurts many people and's just not right. Of course the remedy is simple. I'm looking forward to tonight. Based on the promos we know he's in there, but hopefully he gets to play a bigger part than he has in past episodes.
Conclusion: *shouts* Bring back Warrick, TPTB! Contrary to your opinion, he is a main character on CSI! :lol:

Joy22 said:The finale is almost approaching, Tini, are you excited yet? :D

I didn`t know it was possible to die of excitement! These are the hardest hours of my freakin`life, honestly. :eek: Tonight, when the ep airs, ( which is ca. 3 in the morning here in germany ) I will sit in front of my computer and go nuts!!! No sleep for me!!!

Well, folks I still got one problem and maybe you could help me and give suggestions: I don`t know if I can ignore these cute little spoiler boxes after the ep aired! After all I´m going to watch "Way to go" on friday, means it`s only some hours.........God these options....what should I do? On the one hand I want to be prepared if something bad happens to a certain ship which I´m not allowed to name here, cause it would be the wrong thread ;), but on the other hand I still want to be kinda surprised. What now? :confused:
Be surprised, girl! C'mon, what fun is there in knowing everything in advance?
I made the mistake last year to be completely spoiled when Grave Daner aired and it really took away some of the fun I had in watching it. In the end, nothing really bad can happen. It is just a TV show, remember that :) Even if something bad happens to your *cough* GSR *cough* ship then it won't be the end of the world. Repeat after me: Just a TV show :lol: :lol:
Remember that and you'll be fine!

On another note, I'm working on a ehh...Swarrick project as we speak and I really want some opinions so you guys might get a PM from me when it's done. Just so you all know :D
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