Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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I was bored so I thought I would post this question:

What do you think Catherine and Grissom's reactions would be on the show if Sara and Warrick were to get together?

Obviously, I think they would be pretty jealous, but what would they do?

Wouldn't it be hilarious if they teamed up together to break them up - actually it wouldn't, cause I want them to be together. :(

Well I meant MONTHS, just forgot to type the S! :lol:

And you are a part of Charlie`s Angels here, that makes you partly responsible, too. Don`t try to chicken out now,babe. :p

I´m bored. Let`s start a Swarrick discussion or talk about spoilers, don`t care.... :rolleyes:
Tini said:
And you are a part of Charlie`s Angels here, that makes you partly responsible, too. Don`t try to chicken out now,babe. :p

Heheh, I'm redhead, please let me be the redhead!!! :lol: :lol:

Ok, coming back to earth and answering the question that was posted. What would Grissom and Catherine do if Sara and Warrick got together?
Personally, I don't see Grissom doing much about it. He would be hurt but atually doing something? I don't think so, he knows that he had chances with Sara. Besides, I don't really see him making plans that would hurt them both, especially not since it's Warrick she's with. He's like the son he never had.
Then Cath, I'm not so sure about her. She's a little bit more feisty and she would probably fight harder to get what she wants. I can see her trying to win Warrick over by seducing him or something. :D That would be fun to be honest, I would love to see Rick fight her off while he screams that it's Sara he loves :lol:
Anyway, I really don't think that they would team up to try and break them up but that could be me. Any other thoughts?

Oh, and whohoo!!! Page four, is it me or are we cracking these pages at a reasonable speed?

Cheers and congrats, folks! :lol: Oh I´ll never get tired of saying it :D

Joy22 said:Heheh, I'm redhead, please let me be the redhead!!! :lol: :lol:

Cool down, girl. Ok, you can be the readhead. :)

Nice question, by the way. If they were a couple and told the others I don`t think Grissom would do something either. He would be shocked and hurt, of course, but it`s not like he`d start fighting for her right after the realization: "Oh it might be too late, how can I fix it?"
2 reasons for my theory a) he wants what`s best for her b) he knows that Warrick is a good guy and would treat her the way she deserves it

Well, Cath`s reaction however would be certainly different. And in my opinion she`d more likely blame our girl for "stealing" the guy who belonged to her, instead of simply asking Warrick why he choose Sara! But that`s just me and we`ll never know......*sigh* :rolleyes:

I can see her trying to win Warrick over by seducing him or something. :D That would be fun to be honest, I would love to see Rick fight her off while he screams that it's Sara he loves :lol:

LOL! And she`ll get so angry, she transforms him into a little brown puppy? Mmh....kinda reminds me of a story I´ve seen not long ago. ;)

Anyway, I really don't think that they would team up to try and break them up but that could be me.

No way. This isn`t "The Underdog" :lol: And they are both kinda old to play such childish games.

Page four, is it me or are we cracking these pages at a reasonable speed?

Not just you, girl, I got the same impression. Cracking a page at our old thread seemed like forever! Maybe it`s because we got some new cool people like Raven or your "Gary lovin`Lady`s" who visit from time to time? :) All I can say is that I love it, the way it is!
kurdt said:
you guys keep talking about that fic, and now i want to read it!

You got a link?

Which fic? I would love to give you a link to a story but I don't really know which one you mean.

And Tini, good points, girl! Cath would probably be angry that Sara stole her guy while Grissom would stand in a corner and sulk. But it's not a picture we're going to see soon, it's probably the other way around. While YoBling and GSR make it on screen us Swarrickers will stand in a corner and sulk :lol: :lol:
Ok, that story can be found here:

The Underdog

Please, pay special attention to my wonderul chapters :lol: :lol:
No, just kidding, I hope you like it. We really did the best we could and we had so much fun writing it!
Joy22 said:Which fic? I would love to give you a link to a story but I don't really know which one you mean.

LOL Kurdt, you have to be more specific, cause we talked about quite a few fics in the last couple of days.

And about the link, Joy , didn`t they change the rules of this bord concerning that issue? I thought it`s not allowed anymore, but maybe that doesn`t apply for fanfiction? clue.

While YoBling and GSR make it on screen us Swarrickers will stand in a corner and sulk :lol: :lol:

Hey, speak for yourself, girl. I´m all for it and you know it! :lol:
Thanks Joy, I added it to my favourites - I'll read it later when Im not so tired. I should really go to bed...
Tini said:
Hey, speak for yourself, girl. I´m all for it and you know it! :lol:

Yeah, yeah, I know! :lol: :lol:
You damn multi-shippers, life is so much easier for you.

But to be fair, I could stand to see YoBling, not so sure on GSR though. There is just something about that one...I find it a unhealthy relationship for both of them but this is not the tread to talk about that so I'm moving on now.
See Fogi , I'm learning how to control myself here :lol:

Anyway, Kurdt, I hope you enjoy the story but you haven't answered your own question yet.
What would Grissom and Cath do if Sara and Warrick became a couple? You started it, you finish it :lol:
Joy22 said:Yeah, yeah, I know! :lol: :lol:
You damn multi-shippers, life is so much easier for you.

Are you calling my GSR life easy? Honestly? :eek: .....I suggest you reconsider that statement and if you still think it`s true, tell me again!

You know I was wondering why TPTB kinda seems to be on the relationship track, at the moment with all these "Maybe we get *cough*YoBling*cough* next season and *cough*GSR*cough* in this one ?" interviews of the writers . I mean, don`t get me wrong I love this new direction it`s just really.....confusing.......Why now? They had 6 years to do it? Mmh, strange.......hehe and how about Swarrick, dear writers? :rolleyes:
Joy22 said:

Anyway, Kurdt, I hope yu enjoy the story but you haven't answered your own question yet.
What would Grissom and Cath do if Sara and Warrick became a couple? You started it, you finish it :lol:

Well, I agree that Grissom probably wouldnt do anything, but sit back and accept it - I reckon he would just want her to be happy.
But, Cath - I think she would show her emotions more - i think she would probably be quite snarky towards sara after she finds out.
Yooo Hoooo -We talking about the same Cath? :eek:

Warrick went off and got MARRIED to which Catherine was visibly unhappy about when she first got the news, but then tried to indifferent soon after. Then even when Warrick basically cornered her to tell him what she really thought of his marraige -she was honest yet mighty graceful IMO.

The marraige has shown Cath to have 'stood down' this season IMO. -The best example this season was the infamouos 'You're married, dont flirt' scene where Cath didnt jump into Warrick's banter but was visibly humored at how Hodges called Warrick out. So I dont think she'd act any less graceful toward Sara, unless they start making out in public. :rolleyes: C'mon, a girl's got her limits. :lol:

As for Grissom, since I've only seen him shut Sara down -I dont see him doing anything about it either. He may feel something but he'd never be the one to show it. Not the way they've written him these last few seasons.

I think the biggest consipirators would prolly b Greg and Nick. I think Nick would love to tease the hell out of both of them and Greg hasnt been as smitten with Sara as he once was, but I still think there's something there.

Well this is my 'trying to look at it from all angles' approach... Please dont pelt me with rotten produce! :p
ruzila said:
Well this is my 'trying to look at it from all angles' approach... Please dont pelt me with rotten produce! :p

I won't sweetie, I won't. I know this is a tough subject for you :lol:

Ok, now let me try to explain what I was trying to say. First of, I agree, Cath has been very graceful about his marriage but I think that a relationship between Warrick and Sara would be different because Tina is not a part of the group like Sara is.
I think Cath would feel betrayed by Sara because anybody who has eyes and works in that lab knows that Cath and Warrick have a thing between them. I'm not saying that it will be a big catfight or that she will do anything mean to seperate them but I do think that she will let Sara know that she feels betrayed. Grissom would probably not because, let's face it, the man is living in his own little world.
So that's my theory, I don't believe that Cath would resort to childish games but I do feel that she wouldn't hide the fact that she was hurt by the relationship. I also think that Cath would accept the relationship but that it would take her a while to deal with it.

However, we will never know. I don't really see Swarrick happening in the near future but you never know of course...Although the day that Swarrick happens is probably the day that Nick confesses his love to Greg :lol:

Oh, and Tini, I know that your life as a multishipper is no picknick. I know how much pain you feel every single day, don't worry :lol: :D
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