Sara & Warrick # 2 -- " Hey Girl ! "

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Megara said:
Joyce : There's a problem with the link of your fiction. But if it's " Choices ", I already read it and post a extremly good review on it !!

Oh, yeah, it seems like I posted the link to my own life preview. A bit stupid because only I can see that page :lol: :lol:
Ok, I'll just try it again, not because you people still need to read it because I think you all did just that but I need to be able to post a link correctly, damn it! :lol: :lol:

This better work...

It works!!! It works!!! Yay, me :lol: :lol: Ok, sorry about that but I never said that I was sane :D
Woohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! I´m feeling good, folks. Sun is shining, weather is great...Let`s talk........

God, I so can`t wait for the season finale, but what do you guys think season 7 will bring us? Regarding Swarrick? Will Tina be gone? Will he be depressed? So many questions.

Joy , your link fiasco? Priceless! :lol: :lol: :lol: I actually wanted to tell you it`s not working right away, but I wasn`t sure if it`s just my mistake ( not registered, remember? ). Well, obviously not! :lol:

When is Raven giving us a new Chronical part? *shouts* Come on, girl, we`re graving for it..............

Edited: Oh, I almost forgot again( sorry, wanted to do it since my last 3 posts ): Great new avie, Joy !
Tini said:
God, I so can`t wait for the season finale, but what do you guys think season 7 will bring us? Regarding Swarrick? Will Tina be gone? Will he be depressed? So many questions.

Good question! I have no clue, I guess it kinda depends on some other spoilers...But I do think that their friendship can get stronger if Tina should go. But who knows? My guess is that we will see little scenes and be all happy about any scene that we can get because,lets's face it... Swarrick hasn't been a priority in any season so far.

Joy , your link fiasco? Priceless! :lol: :lol: :lol: I actually wanted to tell you it`s not working right away, but I wasn`t sure if it`s just my mistake ( not registered, remember? ). Well, obviously not! :lol:

Hey!!! Anybody can make mistakes, even very smart people like me :lol: :lol: Anyway, chapter two is up as we speak. So everybody, check out the link that does work in my previous post :p

When is Raven giving us a new Chronical part? *shouts* Come on, girl, we`re graving for it..............

Amen to that, give it to us!!!! :lol: :lol:

And thanks, Tini, I love my new avi too. Although I was forced to get a new one since the powers that be decided to remove my old one because it was to big! The nerve of some people :lol:
Joy22 said:My guess is that we will see little scenes and be all happy about any scene that we can get because,lets's face it... Swarrick hasn't been a priority in any season so far.

You know, that`s what I love about our ship: it`s never going to happen! Means, there`s no reason for us being mad at TPTB, CM, the writers....producers.....other ships. Guess we are the most realistic people in this forum, though some might think we`re nuts for even starting this thread.
But who cares? It`s just huge fun to post here and my life wouldn`t be quite the same without you guys. So, thank you all! :rolleyes:

Anyway, chapter two is up as we speak.

I`m not going to say anything about your recent chapter, Joy , except: shame on you....if you feel like writing angst, again, heads will roll!!! ;)

Seems like Raven is busy? Or maybe she wants us to beg? :lol:
Tini said:
I`m not going to say anything about your recent chapter, Joy , except: shame on you....if you feel like writing angst, again, heads will roll!!! ;)

Don't worry, I'm not planning on wrtiting angst again in the near future. It's pretty draining I tell you :lol: Oh, the life of the fanfic writers... :lol: :lol: You people don't know what we go through before we post our stories ;)

Anyway, you bring up a good point, hun. Where the hell is everybody??? I feel a bit lonely in here!!!

That's it, I had nothing more to say :lol: :lol:
Joy22 said:You people don't know what we go through before we post our stories ;)

Care to explain, I´m curios? Are you afraid that your readers might not like it, or what? I hope your own heart broke while writing this horrible ,yet brilliant , chapter, Joy !!!! You deserve it, cause mine still hurts....... :lol:

Anyway, you bring up a good point, hun. Where the hell is everybody??? I feel a bit lonely in here!!!


Since 2 days I am actually asking myself the same question. It`s really strange. Maybe all the Swarrick is love gone? :eek:........Nah.....can`t be....*shouts* come on people, stop lurking!!!

It`s so cool that they changed the CBS picture again. I love it when they do such funny things. Esp. the "Play" / "Dead" thing, had me laughing! :lol:
Sorry guys :lol:

The Chronicles of Warrick and Sara Part Seven(??) *or eight?* lol

One day at the lab, Warrick, now cured of his fuzzy wuzzy curse, discovers something especially curious.


Warrick: What the heck is this? It has a clock on it...

Finally noticing what it was, he realized Sara was on her way down the hallway.


Warrick: Sara, move!

But it was too late.


^ = *Suckiest explosion ever*


Sara: What the hell was that!?

And later, Warrick is not the one comforting her...


Grissom: Honey, that doesn't look good.


OH GOD , RAVEN , HEAVEN SEND YOU!!!!!!!! :lol: Or did just you hear our prayers?


Girl, where have you been, we were dying here.....never do it again - that`s an order!

Thank you so much, especially for releasing Warrick out of his puppy state. But what must I see? :eek: :eek: How dare you, Grissom, comforting our Sara when it`s War`s job? :eek: :lol: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, smells like trouble..................... :rolleyes:

Edited: See Joy , shouting does work, maybe we should try it earlier next time.
:lol: I noticed the new replies and I thought 'Hmm, I haven't posted here in a while' :lol:

Bum, bum, bum! :p You'll just have to see! Does Grissom have something up his sleeve? :p
Well, I´m sure he has. :eek:

But what will Warrick do now? Is he going to hurt Grissom? How will Sara react? Stay tuned.............. :lol:

:lol: :lol: Sounds like the season finale promo! :lol: :lol:

And Raven , it was part 8! :D
:lol: *cues dramatic music* :lol:

Oh, thankies! I wasn't sure if it was seven or eight :p

Oh, and I was looking through screencaps yesterday...I think High and Low had some WS interaction! :p
Oh, I honestly wouldn`t know about that, Raven, sorry! :rolleyes:

Because of my multi-shipping it`s hard to remember every episode. Joy is our Swarrick expert here. :D

Ask me to give you GSR moments plus ep. and I would........immediately! :lol: But this seems to be the wrong thread for it. ;)

Edited: Wow I just realized the end of page 4 is near. LOL. Excited who`s going to crack it this time!!!!
OMFG, guys! :lol: I found a hilarious pic, I'm almost in tears! :lol: It's from $35k OBO :lol:


LMAO :lol:

Edit: OMG! This one's even more hilarious! :lol:


I so loved that scene :) When Sara goes "I can't go any further, I'll step on him" and then she smirks LMAO :lol: :lol: That was sooo cute
Poor Warrick, he always ends up on the floor somehow :lol: :lol: Like when she dragged him around in season three, it seems that the writers seem to know that we love to see our Gary laying down :devil:
Ehm...but that it not the point right now :lol: *Must not tell everybody about my secret Gary fantasies*

Moving on, quoth, I loved part eight. I especially enjoyed your suckiest explosion ever, did you draw that yourself? :D And also, the plot thickens, what will Grissom do to break them up?? It's getting exciting...
As always, great work. Please continue soon!

And Tini, you are so right, hun. Shouting does help, it gets us great new Chronicles and funny pictures of Warrick lying on the floor :D
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