Sara Sidle and Det Vartan

Me too. I think they'd get along so well. And Vartann seems so smitten with her, I think he'd probably treat her like a queen. Sara deserves that.
Me too. I think they'd get along so well. And Vartann seems so smitten with her, I think he'd probably treat her like a queen. Sara deserves that.

yeah im sure of it too...... i guess that vartann is very shy with women, and he will treat sara better than everybody did.... sara needs someone who SHOW that he cares about her... im tired to see her chasing men, she needs a real man now and i think that vartann is a very good choice ;)
I know! Best example: when he opened the door for her in Mea Culpa. They were on a hill, she was carrying her kit and was having problems opening her door, so he quickly jogged over and opened it for her, shows how in tune with her needs he us. None of the other guys would've done that for her. Well, Nick, maybe, but no way Grissom would've picked up on that.
yeah it was cute...... grissom seems sometimes selfish : i mean he isn't aware of sara's pain and its just made me mad :mad:..... nick? yeah maybe greg too but i think that in that point of her life , she needs to discover someone else, to take a look on the man around her , not her coworkers on the lab, but outside the lab , on th police station i guess :rolleyes:..... maybe if vartann make a move to her she will go out with him, she seems to like when the man ask her out first, just like hank on "bully for you"...
Grissom didn't even know she's a vegetarian. She isn't really in tune with other people. I mean, he's known Cath for more than 20 years and sometimes she still surprises him.

I agree it'd be great if she dated someone outside the lab. Even though she works with Vartann a lot, they don't really see each other too much. And they make each other smile. I think that's so cute. Yeah, Vartann would worship her. I also like that he's very honest, because I think Sara needs honesty.
Grissom didn't even know she's a vegetarian. She isn't really in tune with other people. I mean, he's known Cath for more than 20 years and sometimes she still surprises him.

I agree it'd be great if she dated someone outside the lab. Even though she works with Vartann a lot, they don't really see each other too much. And they make each other smile. I think that's so cute. Yeah, Vartann would worship her. I also like that he's very honest, because I think Sara needs honesty.

yeah you right..... something else: grissom didnt point out that sara was working too much on season 4 and she started drinking..... nobody except BRASS saw it..... it shows that there isn' t a lot of people who cares about her :( she seems so lonely... she needs vartan for sure...... as long as she dont hurts him, he'll treat her like a queen (just like you said) ....... if he seems very cold sometimes with peolple especially women , its probably because he dont want be hurt again, just like sara............ they got a lot in common, just need someone who bring them together (yeah tptb :p)
True, only Brass noticed there was something wrong with her.

There's no bullshit with Vartann. He doesn't dance around the issues. He wouldn't let her get away with her dysfunctionality, so I think their relationship would be very healthy.

Sucks that Sofia is a detective now, because Vartann is getting less screen time. Blah. However, when he does get screen time he's the man!
Sucks that Sofia is a detective now, because Vartann is getting less screen time. Blah. However, when he does get screen time he's the man!

it is gonna be worse since ABRIT2 :(....... i think that tptb took too much detective: i mean vartan and brass were good, dont need to see someone else, especially sofia :lol:

just hope that tptb will do something on this way :rolleyes:
Yes Vartann or, "Tony" is soo right for Sara :D I loved them in the eppy with the scrap heap - and the guy jumped them, they had a few laughs in that eppy :D
Yes Vartann or, "Tony" is soo right for Sara :D I loved them in the eppy with the scrap heap - and the guy jumped them, they had a few laughs in that eppy :D

tony? is that his first name? i never heard his first name , i would love to heard it :rolleyes:
Vartan is so the man for Sara. They can bring each other out of their shell. I hope they add him to the cast and he becomes a full time detective on the show. I prefer him over the other male detectives.
Vartann is my fave detective too, and although I don't see him and Sara romantically(but you never know, you guys might change my mind I'm open to anything :)) I think that he and Sara have a great potential friendship. I can see tehm being really close.
Vartann is my fave detective too, and although I don't see him and Sara romantically(but you never know, you guys might change my mind I'm open to anything :)) I think that he and Sara have a great potential friendship. I can see tehm being really close.

well he could become her friend, then her best friend and more ..... :rolleyes: