Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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^I think it was the recent Greg-centric one: Big Shots. There was some nice Sara/Greg interaction near the end where she stood up for Greg when the mother came charging into the lab, looking for poor Greggo.

BTW, Standing Up For Her Man and He Knows That Sidle Scent are my favorties (so far)

As for yesterday's episode, it had no sandle but was still really funny and quirky for a "filler" episode. I never thought I'd see "grouchy Greg", but there ya' go. And his line was so funny I had to replace my sandle banner with it, but it will only be for a little while. (Toots described my feelings much better so I just paraphrased her).
Angry Greg is... *I can't believe I'm saying this outloud* hot! If Sara saw him, she would succumb... believe me. :devil:

Now I feel dirty for thinking such thoughts. :lol:
OMG!!! 'Kiss My Ass' did he told Hodges that?? omg :eek: :eek:i am so gonna watch that episode... :D hmm the episode where Sara told Greg she had that gold Gum Drop...nice Sandle moment there... :D 'Kiss My Ass' i really wanna see that scene... i will laugh till hell :devil:
araSgerG i totally know how it is! Most girls write Mrs.Brad Pitt or Mrs.Ashton Kutcher on their notebooks... well... i've got Sara Sanders, Lindsay Messer, Stella Taylor, Calleigh Wolfe all over mine!! Ha ha!! :D
Shame there was no sandle scene in Lab Rats, but I still really want to see it, it sounds like a fun episode :)

Angry Greg is... *I can't believe I'm saying this outloud* hot! If Sara saw him, she would succumb... believe me.
Wow theres angry Greg, thats like two episodes in a row! I agree with Hestia, if Sara saw him she wouldnt be able to say no. But I bet she finds him irresistable most of the time, she just hides it well :p

I love all the thread title suggestions :D When we have them all, I'll make a poll and then we can all vote for our favourite :)

Hestia, I dont know about anyone else, but I have no problem with you opening the next thread :)
Ow man... theres no sandle moment in 'Labrats' i thought there must be one...well i can say is that why in season 7 theres not much sandle moments??? it disturbs me man... :( im so sad...i will not be surprise if theres alot of sandle moments in season 8 :lol: BTW ppl...i noe my nickname is u ppl are welcome to call me Naz... :D
from reading all your posts..
i really really wanna watch Lab Rats.. :D
but it'll take a long time before i can watch maybe two months from now.. *sob* :( :eek:

even there arent any sandle moments. i really wanna see greg like that.. ;)
cant wait!! :) ;)
yeah luvincsi i so totally agree wif ya...haizz...2 months..i cant wait....why its so slow?? :( :mad: but i'll eat positivity cookies. *eating positivity cookies* feeling much better.... ;) btw wheres SaraStar?? i miss her n miss her fanfic... :(
2 months is too long, isnt it? :(

speaking of SaraStar's fanfic..
i like her fanfic Faded Away..
and her other fanfics! :D :)
very Sandlely.. :D
Aww you guys, here I am! *hugs* Thanks for saying that about my fics.. it means so much to me you guys like them. :D I have lots of new ideas for Sandle fics, I just have to find the time to write them out. Damn school just keeps me busy all the time.. :mad:

And I know about the waiting for new episodes! I suffer from it too. Last episode we saw here in Holland was 'Leaving Las Vegas'... we're so far behind. :( But fortunately we have positivity cookies. :D *eats them* They keep me positive and able to wait patiently for the episodes.

Oh by the way, Hestia, sure you can open the new thread. I'd love to open it sometime too. But there will be many more Sandle threads to come, so. ;) In my opinion you can open the next one. Our 10th. :D

So shall we make a poll with the suggestions we have now then? Or are there any more suggestions?
You're welcome SaraStar. :D I really love you're fanics.. please do make more. If you have time.. [no pressure here ;)]
I dont have any suggestions for a thread name right now. So, you guys can make a poll anytime.. :)
yeah... SaraStar take ur time :D i understand u...these days are the busiest day 4 me..haizz...but im still :cool: yeah..well 'leaving las vegas is a good episode..cuz Grissom is leaving las vegas... :lol: no juz joking im not that bad...maybe :devil:

Go Greggo! Go Greggo! hey it rhymes...BTW i got a poem...

There are many cloud but the sun is you
There are many friends but the best is you
To forget me is up to you
To forget you i will never ever do....

Greg should say this to Sara.. :D
greg_sara_love that is so adorable. Greg definitely needs to say that to Sara. Very nice poem! *clap clap* :D

we are on the page 23!
hurray! :) :D

i feel so Sandle-ly rght now. I read Sandle fanfics all afternoon.. Awww.. Sandle-love! :D name...I need me some Brain Beans....WHAT!? I'm out of M&M's?!...Sorry...Sandle-withdrawl effects me funny...need...Sandle...Whaddabout thos pictures I was promised?...Aye...ya'll ignored my birthday so could I at least see those pictures?

;) Not really mad, just playing around with ya'll...but
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