Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

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Wooow. I haven't posted in forever. Haha, Hestia , I think I'll be posting more frequently. Sorry about that. :p

Welcome GregsLabRat ! It's really nice to have more sandle shippers.

Thursday's episode disapointed me. It left too much to think about (haha). I can't wait until the next new episode to see how it all plays out. Hopefully there will be a whole lot more sandle.

Hmmm... have I missed much??? :) have missed a litte. But not THAT much. :D

Welcome GregsLabRat I shall sing you the welcome song on the next post, I have to dig it up again. :D

Yes, I believe that when she didn't say anything in comment to Grissom's "I'll miss you" she was kind of thinking, 'Nice that you say that NOW why couldn't you be like that earlier?'

Off to finish my vid, sorry to keep you waiting so long. :(
Hey, I've missed a few posts. So I've finally watched LLV. Good episode. :) But there was no Sara/Greg... there was only a single scene with the each of them. Still though. Even though I like Grissom, I'm glad that he's on sabbatical--so that Sara can finally figure out that she actually wants Greg. ;) I hope they're working together for the next few cases.

Oh on a seperate topic, since William Peterson won't be in the next few episodes, will his name still be in the credits? I'm also wondering the same thing with Lindsay over at NY. Just a question...
:eek: theres a song? haha has anyone heard of the website for the new guy, keppler? theres sneak peeks for upcoming shows and kepplers a noob, i don't like him. buuut one of the scenes has Greg and Sara standing (very close i might add:)) to eachother
Oh on a seperate topic, since William Peterson won't be in the next few episodes, will his name still be in the credits? I'm also wondering the same thing with Lindsay over at NY. Just a question...
Since they are both coming back to their shows, I see no reason for them to be taken out of the opening credits.

Also, GregsLabRat, board rules for signature banners state that they cannot be bigger then 220 wide by 75 tall and can only contain a banner or text. Since your banner contains both, could you please remove either the banner or text. Also, if you keep the banner, please resize it because your banner is 200x100. Thanks :)
Oh yes, there is a song! And it will be sung! ...Once Kate finds it again :lol:. I have in actual fact seen this Keppler site. Very useful if you want to see what's happening in upcoming episodes,or in our language 'Spoilers' :D

buuut one of the scenes has Greg and Sara standing (very close i might add:)) to eachother

Woohoo! Sandle-Closeness! Gotta love it. See, even small things that some people don't notice is always seen by Sandle-Shippers.

Can't wait for the vid, Kate. I was thinking of that song-Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer :D! I remembered-the previous day and then you announce you'll make a vid with the song in it :eek:...COOL! :D
Woops, thanks for telling me about that 1CSIMfan that'd be a fun thing to get in trouble for on my second day ha

nothing gets by the sandle shippers, except those times when said shippers have a 9 year old screaming during the scenes :(
I hate it when that happens, GregsLabRat ! Grrr, there's nothing worse than a prettyful Sandle moment that you can't hear or see because one of your nieces decides to annoy you by standing in front of the tv :mad:! :lol:. Aww well. I guess that's why they come out on DVD. :D

Still patiently awaiting a fic and a music video. Can't wait! :D

:lol:, the stars in my banner look funny. :D

Hope you enjoy the Sara/Greg thread and TalkCSI.

No doubt about it! :D
i like your signature Sabser is that really the icon for Sandle? thought we didn't have one :\ the gold stars work for it though :p
Sorry, we were in Conway shopping and coffee-getting Sunday so...Ididn'tgettotypethefic...sorry
It's okay, araSgerG we're a patient bunch, right people? *looks around* At least I hope we are! :)

Nice sandle banner Sabser! The gold stars are cute - no wait, cuteyful (there we go). ;)
I should make a sandle banner for myself, but I don't want to get rid of my ficlets link. *coughIneedsomerequestscough* There I go coughing again. :rolleyes:
Although, to be fair, we've been having weird weather here. One day it's nice and warm, the next day it's cold and windy!

:eek: theres a song?
Yes, GregsLabRat; an official song to welcome new members, sung by our very own Ziva__David (aka: Kate. I think that's her name. I'm one of those people who'd rather call you by your screenname. I know I would get confused with someone's real name and their user name :lol:)

But yeah, we like newbies! Come on sandle lurkers, come visit by and post, contribute, or just say "hey". :cool:
Welcome to TalkCSI and the Sara/Greg thread TRICK. You have to have 100 posts before you can post pictures and an avatar but you can link to them.
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