Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I have always liked the idea of Sara and Nick. But I love that Greg has never let his little crush on Sara go. They really would be good together, sorta balance each other out.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Welcome to the thread Jules and evryone else I havent welcomed :D *gives cookies*

OMG Jules those cookies are incredible, put mine to shame, lol!

Im glad to that Fannysmakin has made people realise that Sara and Greg have a deep connection and the chemistry is undeniable.

One question, what do we learn about Gregs past? someone please tell me cos im dying to know, cookies and Blue Hawaiian up for grabs :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Cute cookies :) Oh and welcome (to evey new person)!

When Greg's in the hospital and talking to Grissom we learn that he's an only child and his mom was always disapointed because she wanted four kids. He tells that his mom was overly protective of him. Seems like another connection between Sara and Greg; their families. I wonder if he ever told Sara about his mom...
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Welcome, Jules! I'm sure I've read some of your amazing stories on I think they're absolutely wonderful!!! :D :D :D Cute cookies by the way! :)

I wouldn't think Greg has told anyone about his background, because he seems to get very emotional about it, like in his scene with Grissom. If Greg told Sara, I think she would feel much closer to him, since they're childhoods were both some sort of cute Sandle way. Like they could be the only two that understands how they other feels. And hopefully that will make Sara see Greg in a different light...if she hasn't done already.

Here I go again :rolleyes:. Rambling on about Sandle. Oh well, I can't help it. :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

:D Welcome to the thread Lexxia, don't be shy. I think what we learned about Greg was really interesting. Do you think he is closer with his grandparents (Papa and Nana Olaf?) than he is with his parents? Hmmm, the more background we get the more I wanna know!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I think Greg is closer to Papa Olaf and Nana Olaf, than to his parents. Think of how many times he talks about his Grandpappy! :D
If he is closer to his parents though, I think Papa Olaf is like Greg's inspiration. It seems like he gave Greg quite a bit of advice when he was younger.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hestia, I didn't make it, I got it off of the Sandle LiveJournal. Someone made it. She made two others too besides the one I have.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Thanks Sandles21 :)

Yeay i like learning things about Gregs past, cos we never seem to know much about it. I'd like to think that Greg had told Sara that, and maybe more before, cos Gil and him never seemed that close, whereas Sara and him have always been like best friends so I think she would know :)

It seems like they do have their relationships with theyre families in common, but in Saras case it was more of a lack of a mother and in Gregs too much of a mother :lol: I think Greg was closer to his grandparents than his parents, as their have been various mentions of Papa Olaf and his heritage and no mention of his parents til now.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Welcome to the thread MrsGregHSanders! :D I've seen you in the 'Leggo Our Greggo' thread :) Here, have a cookie *passes the cookies down*

They do balance themselves out. Greg has a great sence of humor and can always make Sara laugh. (for ex. "Well, I don't see homicide anywhere on the schedule.") ;) Cutest thing ever.

(I looked in the transcript for KKBB and it said that Sara laughed twice after Greg said something. First was the homicide joke and it said "(Sara laughs)" and then Greg says, "And, compadre, in the next chapter, Tony builds Lois the house. Connect the dots, buddy boy." "(Sara chuckles)") :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

CSIangel17 said:
Thanks Sandles21 :)

Yeay i like learning things about Gregs past, cos we never seem to know much about it. I'd like to think that Greg had told Sara that, and maybe more before, cos Gil and him never seemed that close, whereas Sara and him have always been like best friends so I think she would know :)

It seems like they do have their relationships with theyre families in common, but in Saras case it was more of a lack of a mother and in Gregs too much of a mother :lol: I think Greg was closer to his grandparents than his parents, as their have been various mentions of Papa Olaf and his heritage and no mention of his parents til now.

Remember, in 'No Humans Involved' Sara digs deeper into her mother's case. 'The People vs. Laura Sidle' she typed into the computer search engine-thingy at the end of the epi. And she thinks back to when she was in the foster care system.

As for Greg... *shrugs*
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hmmm...has anyone else gave thought to my cookies and Mexican food comment, or am I the only one crazy enough to try that combo?

Oh and szmandatogoholic , I quoted your scene quote on my Sandle Report, but I spelled your name wrong, sorry.

Anyway...has anybody read the Sandle Report? Did I miss anything major? I'm trying to hit the good stuff. We might need list of awesome Sandle-ness from that episode, cuz I've just got this feeling that I forgot something...

And I may have spelled the name wrong again...
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

sandersidle said:
They do balance themselves out. Greg has a great sence of humor and can always make Sara laugh. (for ex. "Well, I don't see homicide anywhere on the schedule.") ;) Cutest thing ever.

I totally agree. Sara always has a good laugh when she's around Greg. They have so much chemistry, I can hardly stand it! :lol: Sometimes, I don't even think Greg is being all that funny, but Sara seems to enjoy it :)

Plus the looks they give each other are priceless. Whether it be 'Did you just say that?!?' or 'OMG look how gorgeous she is', there is never a dull moment between the two.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yeah, sometimes they'll toss a look to each other and I'll just feel like screaming 'Would you just kiss already?!'
the other people in the room don't like that though, so I had to stop...

Now I'm working on a Sandle fic set in Little Rock, so I've gotta go back to work...
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

You quoted my what on your what, araSgerG?
All I understood was that you spelled my name wrong. (I'm a natural blonde, does that make things clearer?)
Are you you talking about the quote from Fannysmackin'?
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