Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Sorry sissi... It's a bit hard with hollie being MIA, and I was busy too myself. And even if now I'm back, it's hard to go without Sara...
But no worries, I'm back now! :D And look! A whole new post, even the LONGEST post I've made! :eek: Now, that's some enthusiasm right? ALL FOR THE SANDLE LOVE! :D

Oh, hollie, where art thou? Greg's getting lonely here... Please be back soon, where ever you are... Is Fannysmackin' not enough to smack you back into the Sandle realm? :D

Wow, Sandles21, your Dad rocks! :lol: It's still amazing how Fannysmackin' makes people see how Greg and Sara are great together...
And I agree with you Sissi... It's nice that we could see more about the characters. I hope we'd get to see more about Greg and what goes inside his head about Sara... I wanna see him looking at Sara and whispered to himself "I haven't given up on you yet..." :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I've brought some nice Sandle positivity cookies.

I'm waiting on my aunt to call me back. I'm supposed to go up to her house and watch all of the previous CSI episodes. (BTK 1 & 2, Toe Tags, and Fannysmackin'.) She has this cable box where you can watch them all for free until a certain date- BTK 1 is going off on the 18th and we arranged yesterday for me to come up and watch them all.

I'm gonna cry about Greg in all episodes now after "Fannysmackin'". (And every Sandle scene I'm gonna have to squee inside.)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

*Grabs a cookie and takes a bite* Wow...I feel so positive...

I think it would be so nice in the future to see Sara taking care of Greg and constantly asking him if he's okay. It would show that they have a strong friendship...and perhaps something more. :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I forgot to add: You may recognize the container. I don't have any Tupperware containers so I had to borrow some from Hestia. (I hope she doesn't mind.)

I'll be back in a few (hopefully). Sandle love!

Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yay! Cookies :)
I love Fannysmakin'. Not only was there those a-mazing sandle moments, but it's making a lot of people notice how cute they actually are together. Makes me want to squee out loud! :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Silhouette said:Second, frickangel, aren't you in Malaysia? Omg how did you get to see the new season? So far AXN only got to re-airing S6 :( Is it cable? Internet? Hey, spill. I'm dying here... :lol:

A lady never tells her secrets. :p

Well, she does but not in public.

I'm just extremely glad that the episode didn't dissapoint like a lot had anticipated. Both in Greg-centricism as well as Sandle moments. Hopefully, the writers will continue with this even until the inquest and further than that.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Sissi said:
ITA with you Sabser :D well i think that this episode will have an impact on greg's future and by extension to Sara's too; i'm pretty sure they spend a lot of time outside the lab, doing stuff together, like exploding toilet :lol: no i'm kidding but it would be fun ha ha

I almost spit out my drink when I read that! :lol: Explodapotty!! :D I love 'Iced' *sighs*

Where are you Hollie!? :( You haven't been on in forever!! *flies to house and drags her to talkcsi* There thats better ;) :D

Sandles21, your lucky your dad is a Sandle shipper! :lol: Mine just falls asleep :rolleyes: (Sorry dad!! :D)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Haha, Katie your dad is like my mom!! She falls asleep at everything. :lol:
I don't know what my dad does anymore... he and my mom are getting a divorce. :rolleyes:

Hehe... EXPLODAPOTTY!!! Hehehe... I like 'Iced', too. There's some Sandle in it.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

EXPLODAPOTTY!!!! Ohhhh....between the Sandle happy and exploding toilets that totally makes one of my top awesome-ist scenes. I love all the banners and av's ya'll have made from last week's epi. I'm working on putting out a whole load of Sandle fics so I'll give some links whaen I get 'em finished. I also will be giving the weekly "Sandle Report" on my myspace now so check that out (I'm madtimpanist or ) I'm putting one up as I

Oh and personally I think it was my Sandle-style Sharpie tattoo that got us The Scene. It was two DNA strands tied together. :p

(Oh, but you've gotta be my friend to see my blog so just say you're a Sandle-er and it'll be cool :cool:)

Oh and Mexican food and cookies should officially be the Sandle meal of choice now, right? :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

:D The exploding toilet was one of the greatest things ever. I like how we're getting to know the CSIs a little better this season, really makes you connect more with the characters. It's so great that Fannysmackin' is making more people like Sandle, seeing the chemistry they had in that scene together.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

*pops in*

Hello. I seem to keep reading thses posts but never actually say anything...maybe because I'm shy? Erm yeah...anyways, my name is Jules and Sandle is the cutest ship ever. Fannysmackin was AMAZING! :)

I just thought I would share my insane ramblings and thoughts of tonight in a simple picture of some cookies. Yes, cookies. Hope ya like it.


*runs away to hide under table*
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Lexxia said:
*pops in*

Hello. I seem to keep reading thses posts but never actually say anything...maybe because I'm shy? Erm yeah...anyways, my name is Jules and Sandle is the cutest ship ever. Fannysmackin was AMAZING! :)

I just thought I would share my insane ramblings and thoughts of tonight in a simple picture of some cookies. Yes, cookies. Hope ya like it.


*runs away to hide under table*

cute and look tasty :lol: they must be so SWEET <3
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Welcome to the thread Jules!! Dont be shy!! :D OMG. O.M.G. I love those cookies!!!!!!!!!! That is the coolest thing I have ever seen!! :eek: Like seriously, that is so friggen cool :lol: *hugs* thanks!! ;)

Im really glad we got to know more about the characters past. Especially Gregs! We knew practicly nothing, but now we know alot more. :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Tee hee, glad you like them. I agree, learning more about Greg's past was quite interesting *grumbles about it making her own fanfic falsified* oh well, it was really cool to learn more about the characters. I loved how emotional Sara got too, it was adorable. :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I forgot to add: You may recognize the container. I don't have any Tupperware containers so I had to borrow some from Hestia. (I hope she doesn't mind.)
Of course I don't mind, szmandatogoholic! In fact, I LOVE your icon. :) It's awesome and the clip is super clear! (May I ask where you got it?)

Big welcome to Lexxia! She brought sandles cookies - so of course we love you! I was once as shy as you, but I loved this ship (and still do) enough to delurk. Blue Hawaiian for you! :D (our cookies and coffee may be sweet, but not as sweet as The Scene.)
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