Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Funnily enough, yesterday in my geography class we had six groups and we had to make these papers with vocab words... my group's vocab word was 'voodoo'. :lol:

Hmmm... 'Fannysmackin' Effect'... I like that one. What goes down must come up. (Felt like saying it.)
Sil and I have the same favorite actors. Teehee.

I just had an image of Greg and Sara eating little candy-like sticks while walking through the lab. (I got some of these sticks while I went to a store.)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

'Fannysmackin' effect'. :lol: Now that's kinda funny soundin'. It's true that you can't deny that Greggo does make Sara laugh, that's just how he is. He likes to spread his innate happiness to everyone, especially Sara. But really, can you think of anyone who needs a little happiness in her life more than Sara?
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

'Fannysmakin effect' :p :lol: I love it!! I think there will definatly be the effect. Their scene is just too cute to be forgotten.. I swear i've seen it a billion times! *sighs*

Silhouette said:
they also have to meet my cookie temptation (in which I'd lure them with a positivity cookie, and they'd have to admit that Sandle does make them positive, happy, and wanting to squee!! Hmm now that reminds me we still haven't got to make Yummy to squee :lol:)

Hehe yes, those cookies are very powerful. :devil: *Shoves 3583532 cookies over to Yam* That should make him squee... Right??? :p
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Cookies cannot make this guy squee. I have been pondering over this for a while, and I have come up with a theory. We shall get together in some secret lair of sorts and using our collective resources we shall find the saddest, angstiest story that... (wait for it...) has the sappiest, fluffiest ending in all sandle fandom!


Or maybe we could pinch him. I dunno. :lol:

Silhouette your idea is gaining followers! The Fannysmackin' effect is indeed worthy of adding to our special vocabulary even if it doesn't make it to the thread title.
Positivity cookies, cuteyful, Coffee Shift of No Return®©™, and now the Fannysmackin' effect! :) So adorable!
(And you know people fear the disapointed wagging finger. ;))
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

My friend was convinced that Greg had gotten over his crush on sara, but i think that "fannysmackin'" proved her wrong.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Aww... seeing that Fannysmackin' SANDLE lovin makes me love Sandle even more.

My friend was convinced that Greg had gotten over his crush on sara, but i think that "fannysmackin'" proved her wrong.

See how strong of a ship we are?

Whenever Sara is around Greg, she always seems that little bit happier. He makes her laugh and listens to what she has to say.

Now, I'm still single. And I'll be really lucky to have a guy who could be like Greg.

And if Sara takes Greg for granted, she's got it bad.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

MrsGregHSanders said:
I think that she always had a soft spot for him, she just hid it REALLY well.

Tsk. Sandle really is a tough ship. But an irresistable one at that.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yes, Hestia, I do know people fear the wagging finger :lol:

Well, thank you to the Fannysmackin effect, we do have a lot new ideas for thread title. For example, as frickangel had suggested, "She was there for him". And I was thinking "He knows that Sidle Scent" would be cute too :)

Hestia, could we put 'Sidle scent' into the dictionary as well? :lol:

Now that reminds me of the 'Top 25 Sandle Moments' I made a while ago. I'm proudly say that now we could add 'I know that Sidle Scent' and 'I came here for you, Greg' on the top of the list, along with decontamination shower and explodapotty :D

Talking about Sandle moments... I was watching Abracadaver and I was laughing so hard... "Swami doesn't do magic tricks... Swami is here to reveal your DNA secrets" :lol: :lol: I LOVE GREGGO!!! Oh and Sara smiled at the end, too cute :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hello everyone!
I'm new here, actually i registered long time ago but i just didnt want to post anything. Because I'm not live in the US or England and my english might be horrible. ok i know its horrible, but i hope you dont mind that i'll wrtite here coz I'm totally a Sandle shipper, and i made two pics bout them.
A wallpaper (kind of) from Fannysmackin' and a blend, i hope you like them:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Welcome TotallySandle09. I think your English is excellent, so don't worry about it. :D :) :D

The wallpaper is so wondeful! I'm using it on my desktop because I like it so much-hope you don't mind. The blend is very nice too. I wish I could make icons and things like that, but unfortunately, I think I lack artistic skills :rolleyes:. Oh well :lol:.

I might as well try though...
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Of course i don't mind, and im glad you like them:) i worked hatd on them...

anyway, is there any info about an ep where Sara and Greg work together? i really miss the old times... OK i really miss the "Iced and 4x4" times, and i want to see their chemistry... and not just when Greg was beaten up.

I'd like to see a scene in the hospital when Sara is visiting him and... maybe a kiss "upon his cheek"?:D
ok, i know its impossible im jut lost in my Sandle world:)

And i just now watched the Double Cross promo and i think i saw Greg in it... and then... he couldnt be in the hosptal:( *damn*
I mean i dont want Greg to being hurt but i really wanted a hospital scene with Greg and someone -ANYONE- whos not Grissom..... and it could be Sara if we have got luck... :) maybe they should show when Sara and Nick visiting him with the food:D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I can't stop looking at the wallpaper :lol: It's just too sweet... :D

If you don't mind me asking, TotallySandle, where did you see the Double Cross promo? I'm sorry, I'm just impatient :rolleyes:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Sidle Scent and 'I came here for you' are top Sandle-moments, definitely. Fannysmackin' Effect's a great new thread title. But I'm afraid that will still take a while. Keep on posting, guys. Positive thread. *gives cookies to everyone*. :D I really have a new Sandle-song, it doesn't contain any singing though. It's instrumentical and I really, really love it. :)
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