Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I read the snowy fanfic and I loved it, araSgerG - I can't believe it snowed in Las Vegas! (It kind of reminded me of the season finale of this show I watched How I Met Your Mother. Really sweet.) :)
BTW: Mind posting a little something from your blog? I'd like to read it but I can't since I don't have a MySpace account. (perhaps you could PM me a little of what you said.)

Oh, and if anyone is interested, I wrote a little something that takes place during Fannysmackin'. It's kind of a Greg piece with a smidgen of Sandle. It's in my ficlets thread. ;)
Right here (most recent post at the bottom).
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

MrsGregHSanders said:
Those are cute! I have offically been converted from snickers to sadle.

*chuckles* It's Sandle though, and you're most welcomed to the Sandle fandom! We've got cookies and cookies and cookies and even cake when it's someone's birthday. :D

I have this fanfic bunny running around in my head, in which Sara comes by with the Mexican food and Greg digs into it, while Sara eats his hospital food.

*re-thinks bunny and hits it with a mallet*

Erg... nevermind, t'was a bad idea.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

okay so first welcome to the newbies :lol: i'm kinda late, i 'm always late :lol:

MrGregHsansers: you know you can be multiqhipper :rolleyes: don't have to choose between ships :D

I was wondering if any of you guys have some spoilers about the next episodes? especially sandle spoilers of course :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Guys, geez. I feel like a bad shipper, now. Haven't posted here in ages.

sissi, OT; I love your avatar.

Welcome to all the newbies, hope you'll have fun over here in the thread of positivity. :D

Sandles21 said:

Sara always has a good laugh when she's around Greg. They have so much chemistry, I can hardly stand it! :lol: Sometimes, I don't even think Greg is being all that funny, but Sara seems to enjoy it :)

Plus the looks they give each other are priceless. Whether it be 'Did you just say that?!?' or 'OMG look how gorgeous she is', there is never a dull moment between the two.

Oh no. No dull moments at all. I always laugh my arse off when I see those two. They have so much chemistry. :D Sometimes Greg's jokes aren't even funny, but Sara laughs about them so it's all good. I think it's so cute, Sara laughing about stupid jokes. :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Just nobody makes Sara laugh or smile like Greg does. And isn't the most important part of a guy his sense of humour?
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Greg has a hott sense of humour! It is one of the most important things to look for in a guy. Someone who will make you happy and smile. Exspecially when you're somebody like Sara, and could always need a good laugh. :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

First off, sissi, LOVE your new avi.
Second, I have to see that blog of yours, araSgerG. (I'm trying to read that ff of yours at the same time as I'm talking on the phone, but the girl I was talking to just hung up on me because I wasn't saying anything.)
Third- Will come up when I think of it. :lol: (First smiley I've usaed since I first got on!)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

i just watched 7x04 and omg she has to leave Grissom! that wasn't student/mentor love.. that was luvvvvvv!! :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

:eek: WHOA my internet was down for a day and I miss all this much??? I guess it's 'the Fannysmackin effect' :lol: I see more new people drawn to Sandle lovin' too here... Welcome, Togu and everyone new :D (hey that rhymes!) Have some cookies!!

OMG Lexxia, those Sandle cookies are just TOO CUTE!!! :D

I always believe Greg just loves to make Sara laugh because he loves to see and hear her laugh :) And he does always makes her laugh. That's LOVEEEE!!!! :D (hey that rhymes again! :lol:)
I guess when you love someone you want to see them happy. You can tell Sara's happy when she's around Greg :)

I'm re-watching the older seasons now and awwww I have to squee everytime there's a Sandle moment.
I was listening to the commentary, and there's a scene of Sara with Hank and the writers/director commenting "Sara, don't go with him! He's cheating on you!" or something like that. And I was yelling back at the tv "Yeah! You should be with Greg instead!" :p :lol:

Anyway, does anyone know if CSImedia's still under-construction? I miss that site :( I hope it'll be up soon.

PS: Sissi!!! I LOVE YOUR AVI!!! :D :D "Jack Nasty loves you" :lol: I saw that interview. Jake is so hilarious!! Wish he'd guest-star in CSI someday... That'd make my day.

OK, shutting up now :p
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Fannysmackin' effect... I like that! Maybe it could be a new thread name... but then again, it's too early to start suggesting. I really want to watch the CSI DVDs, now! Commentary like that sounds hilarious! :D

The person who made that icon definitely did a good job, szmandatogoholic. Hmmmm... posted on their LJ. (LiveJornal?) I might check it out - if I knew where it was. ;)

No one can deny that Greg makes Sara laugh! Deny other things if you want (and break my shipper heart if you do) but anyone who dares say Greg doesn't make Sara laugh will earn my disapproval.
*disapproval = wag of my finger!* ---> I hope I never have to bust this (not smiling) smilie out!
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

thanks guys for my avie, i really like it too, Jake is one of my favourite actor as you guys can see :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I agree with everyone! Whenever Sara is around Greg, she always seems that little bit happier. He makes her laugh and listens to what she has to say.
And then Sara makes Greg happy. He likes to be around her. What I'm saying is, they make each other happy.
And that's what we Sandle fans want, right?

:D :D :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Well he's my fave actor too, sissi, along with Eric Szmanda and Jonathan Togo :D These three men rules my universe...

Back on topic.
'Fannysmackin effect' :lol: Would love that to be a thread name too, Hestia, since I think we all feel it... :D If not, at least it could be a new added word in the Sandle dictionary... along with cuteyful and positivity cookies :lol:

Nobody could deny that Greg makes Sara laugh... cause not only they will have to face your, eh, wagging finger, Hestia... they also have to meet my cookie temptation (in which I'd lure them with a positivity cookie, and they'd have to admit that Sandle does make them positive, happy, and wanting to squee!! :D Hmm now that reminds me we still haven't got to make Yummy to squee :lol:)

...and I do have voddoo, you know... but I don't like using violence (so not Sandle-ish) so positivity cookie is enough ;)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Voodoo isn't violence... it's a higher form of persuasion. :p

I was thinking 'She was there for him' would be a nice new thread title, too. I mean, 'Fannysmackin' Effect' is a great title but I do always go *sigh-y* when I hear Sara say that to Greg (goes to show how many times I've watched the ep already).

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