Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

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You could PM but both is fine... I don't know if talking about the RP is considered off-topic here or not though? But I think if you have ideas about the storyline, it's considered talking about Sandle right? It's not against the rules hehe :D

Well it was supposed to be lab techs that could make cookies... and now my status has turned into CSI Level 1 I guess I can't make cookies anymore :(

I remember you wanna play Catherine, right, CSIangel? How are you gonna play her character? I'm up for ideas :)
22 days?!?
squeeee!!!!!! for hand holding and crying!! :D :D :D

I'm so exicted! I should really have a party. Even though I have to wait until like ... OCTOBER ... for Fannysmackin', but whatever.

Yey! New RP. w00t-w00t. Umm, I guess send either me or Silhouette ideas. This is gonna be fun!! Maybe it's just because i've been reading a thousand Sandle fanfics, or whatever, but I'm like ... excited! :D

Haha.. sorry, i'm hyper.
thanks sandersidle :)

Was just thinking that because they're putting Kevin Federline in the episode when Greg gets beaten up, then maybe he is the guy that hits Greggo :( cos they wouldnt give a 'celebrity' a minor role. Just IMO :)

Yeah id like to be Catherine if possible Silhouette , i will PM you and Hollie *goes off to write something*
I know! That's what I was thinking.
Like even if K-Fed does beat up Greg, Nick is supposed to hit someone..right. So Nick would kick K-Fed's ass. Hahahahahahaha.
Definitely, Iced is like the holy grail of Sandle. That and Organ Grinder, Who Shot Sherlock and alot more. Can't wait to see how they interact this season.

I read about the whole K-Fed on a different site, apparently he's going to play an annoying person. Imagine that :rolleyes: As for the new RP, whoever is starting it might want to think about what characters (besides the main two) will be involved. That way you can have a list of characters for people to pick from and have them actually be involved with the plot. Just a thought. :D
don't forget 4x4! that was an awsom scene! she saw everything...hence title! hellew!

no way! K-Fed...annoying? nuhuh! wow.

only 22 more days. that's really awsom. we've waited way too long to get dissapointed this season guys. we've been through it all. the season finnally, the shower, the explodapoty, the talks. i think season 5 was our greatest year, they had so much chemistry, but it's too bad Greg was having a giant bad hair day that lasted forever. he just couldn't pick a styly..*sigh*

Aww I miss the shower scene. She saw everything :D Grissom's face was priceless when she said that. He was probably thinking, "Oh crap! Greg is 100 times hotter then me!" ;)

Aww, I loved season 5. I know alot of people always comment that this ship is more a brother/sister type thing, but if you watch season 5, I can't see how people only see friendship. They have both asked eachother out. (Both times they didnt go out but thats beside the point :rolleyes:) Next season I hope is a Sandle season. In a way it has to be, because we are going to see Greg's emotions towards GSR. He is really going to be dissapointed. He's loved her for 6 years. He has to do something to get her back, and he will get her back..WHO'S WITH ME!? :D
You may take our lives, but you will never take our SANDLEEEEEE!!! (That's a Braveheart reference for those cinematically challenged). Am not wearing a kilt though. :D I loved Grissom's reaction too, was funny. Maybe we'll get another shower scene this season. :devil: *wink* *wink*
I'm with you!

another shower scene would be so awsom! yes, i could just picture Grissom's reaction when he finds out that they had to take another shower together! Greg should act all serious when he tells Sara that this time, he saw everything!

About waiting for the episode with THE best spoiler ever ( :D), I'm used to waiting. I have to wait until October 3 for VM... I guess October will just be a good month! <3

Sara and Greg deffinately don't have a brother/ sis relationship! People who say that really need to rewatch season 5(like sandersidle said). If we counted how many sandle moments there were, we'd come up with like... 50 :lol:
All of you talking about all these wonderful sandle moments is making me think of a possible topic. To pass the time and get to the new thread, maybe we could construct a 'Top Ten Sandles Moments.' (I've been hanging around General TV and Media for a while... Dave's Top Ten :D)
Has this been done, yet? I have a feeling we've done this before... in some way... I think. :rolleyes:
I dunno if that has been done before but it sounds like a cool idea. :D I don't think I could pick just ten though, there are so many good ones! The shower scene would be close to the top, right next to the "I could really just kiss you right now." scene. Hmmm decisions, decisions. Yeah Sandle21, Greggo and Sara definitely don't have a bro/sis type of relationship, I mean he's been asking her out since season 1!
Hello. I'm new at the SANDLE department and to be honest, it's my first ever CSI ship. I watched an ep where Greg researched on the suspect(back when he was lab boy) and Sara said "If only I could kiss you". Well, at times I become hesitant with wether or not I'll join this ship or not. Well, here I am. officially jumped through SANDLE after reading an Eric Szmanda interview. ;) Go Figure.
Welcome aboard, tanglewood!!! Have some Sandle cookies! :D Awww I know exactly which interview, we've been squeeing over it since too...

Hmmm I like your idea, Yummy... I'm going through the plot with hollie and we could later list the characters we need.
Well, so far... CSIangel's gonna play Catherine and she sent me her ideas which I like. I believe that Dutchie still wants to play Sofia and Hestia play Grissom? Let me know, I'll work you both in :)

Ooh I'm with you, sandersidle! Greg definitelly HAS to do something to win her back! Argh I can't believe I have to wait till next year to see that episode! Grrr... can a dial-up watch the episode from the CBS site? It's gonna be slowwwwwww :rolleyes: Oh well...

Okay, my Top Ten... eh, TWENTY Sandle Moments:
1. "I could really, really kiss you right now" :D
2. Shower scene
3. Exploding toilets!
4. "This is like a dream I had..."
5. "Really? I saw everything" :devil:
6. "What he's got that I don't get?" (just because it's my first Sandle scene ever :D)
7. "A real man wouldn't mind..."
8. Greg asking her out
9. Sara asking him out

(damn... the last one is hard... oh screw Top Ten, make this TWENTY!)
10. Teh hug from Dead Ringer
11. Teh HUG from Who Shot Sherlock
12. "I'm a good listener..." "Thanks for asking" from Unbearable (awwwwww! :D)
13. Greg gesturing 'call me' to Sara (in that episode when she was working with Nick and Greg informed them about make-out spots) and Sara cute smile afterwards :D
14. She remembers his birthday
15. She laughed out loud at his not funny joke (it's love! :D)
16. He defended her when she got suspended
17. "I heard that you just lost your virginity... First autopsy, how did it go?" :D
18. Mia said she heard from Sara, of all people, that Greg hadn't lose his virginity till college... (HA!! Greg told Sara everything!)
19. The glances, the smiles, teh look

Last one on my list... This isn't Sandle moment on screen, but Eric's comment... Got to put that in cuz it makes me happy!

20. "Because he hasn't given up on her" *squeeeee :D*

There you go... I'm sure there's more I forgot :lol:
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