Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

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For me, I donno. I always watched the show and then maybe like eight months back my friend and I were like
"Aww, it would be so awesome if Sara and Greg got together, cause they would be a really cute couple."
And then I started shipping the show sometime near then. And then I found this website in like ... May? ... yeah. So the first Sandle thing I actually noticed was in like Iced or something. And then I started watching the reruns and noticed more stuff. :D
The first time that I noticed Sandle was probably in Organ Grinder. To be honest, I didn't really feel anything for it. Organ Grinder was like my third episode, and I didn't ship yet. I had a bit of a Snickers feeling for a few episodes, but I quickly turned to GSR. During season 5 I started to become a Sandle as well. Snickers is com-ple-te-ly out of the picture, that was just the first few episodes that I saw.
At the moment i'm extremely happy. Cause I think we finally finished the RP. Well, almost. So read it! It's good. :D
OMG hollie, I've just read it and it's so beautiful! *sigh* Can I cry now? *sniff* I can't believe we almost finish the RP... I think I'll give one more post to Greg's reaction... but it's 2 in the morning, I'm going to bed now, I can't think clearly!! Argh, I dunno, I might leave it as it is... Damn I agree it's getting harder to write... My last post really got me crazy, I practically needed 2 days to get it out :lol:
Oh God I love what you wrote about heartbeat... I wasn't sure about the part Greg having her hand on his chest, but how you turned it so beautifully makes me wanna cry...

These are happy tears I tell you :)
New chapter of Dear Diary in the fan fiction section :cool:


Gotta make this three lines, huh? Well, ok. Any of you interested in how I started lovin' Sandles? Well, here goes. The episode was Iced. The scene was the "Exploding Toilet." I thought that Sara's laugh was the cutest thing, and the fact that it was Greg who made her laugh :D :D Sooooooo cute!! :)
Just read it, littlesara... awww it's REALLY CUTE!! Greg has a diary :D Continue soon! It makes me smile :)

Hmm struggling for three lines...
Eh I haven't answered my own question :lol: Hmm first time I really watched CSI was Season 3. I did a marathon, completed it in a zap, and became addicted ever since. So the first time ever I noticed their chemistry, was the first Sandle scene in first episode of S3, that is, "What he's got that I don't get?"
Back then I didn't know about shipping... I just thought right away, 'Awww he likes this girl... how cute!' Even then, without knowing their history, I could feel his attraction to her. It just stole my heart right away :D

Anyway, I've just posted my last part of Greg's POV in the Sandle RP. I think we could call it 'The End' now... What do you think, hollie?
I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I do writting it :)
Wow, I missed a lot. Our internet has been broken down for almost a week and I got so annoyed. Anyway, today it was, surprise surprise, working again, so yayy. :D

I don't really remember when I first started shipping Greg/Sara. It was probably because the two of them were my favorite characters on CSI and later I realized they made the cutest couple ever. :)

By the way, how many posts do we need to have before the new thread comes?
My scene was in Iced, only it wasn't where they exploded the toilet. It was the scene where they first went into the bathroom, and Sara and Greg are talking about processing it, and Greg is looking st Sara the whole time. (points to SaraStar's banner :D) I was like 'do they like each other? how cute!!' Then I started to notice the chemistry even more during the 'explode-a-potty' scene. The way she laughed... because of Greg. <3
Then I got all the seasons, and watched all the sandle moents and fell in love :lol: That sounded like one of those dating commercials... :rolleyes:
Wow i go away for a week and three more pages! so much to catch up on. Anyway i voted for 'because he hasnt given up on her' just cos its so perfect for whats coming up.

I cant remember when i first thought sandle was a cute couple i think i just thought theyd be good together then in Iced like Sandles21 i thought there was chemistry between them.

the diary is great BTW littlesara1 :)

Are there any more sandle spoilers out does anyone know?
I donno about anymore spoilers, but I do know that K-Fed is gonna be in that episode .. grrrrrrrrrrrr.

I love Iced. That it sucha cute episode. Very Sandle. :D
:rolleyes: at Kevin Federline being in a episode. What, couldn't they get Flava Flav? On the other hand I heard on Sirius radio that John Mayer is going to be performing in the first two episodes this season. At least he has musical talent, unlike K-Fed. God I hope he doesn't rap, it'd be a new low for TV.

Oops almost forgot! Um Sandle is great and cuteyful! Iced was a wonderful episode. I like how Greg was staring at her the whole time during that bathroom scene.
^YES! Flava Flav! I LOVE Flava Flav! Flava of Love was like, the best reality show EVER. It made me so happy. So, so happy. *cough* I have standards.

Anyway. Sorry. Sandle love is rockin'! I was thinking we should start a countdown to the premiere, what do you all think? So officially.. 22 DAYS UNTIL THE PREMIERE!

Kevin Federline? :rolleyes: Right...
Damn, why don't they get Jake Gyllenhall instead??? Why, why, WHY???

Welcome back, CSIangel :) Have some Welcome Back cookies! :D ....oh wait, *gasp* I'm no longer a labtech! Oh no!! I can't bake cookies for everyone anymore!!!! *cries*

Oh well... I suppose now I'm CSI Level 1 like Greggo... so it's not that bad :)

Anyway, since the on-going RP is finished, we're gonna start the new Sandle RP soon. I've talked to hollie we decided to keep sissi's storyline.
- Synopsis fo the audition: A women is sending love letters to Greg, he doesn’t know how to deal with it, he calls Sara for help.
Now I wanna know who's in for the RP? And what's your planning for the role you'll be playing? I'd like everyone to have a purpose for their roles being in the story, not just, you know, passing in the hallways or something... whether it's adding conflict, drama, humour, help, anything! And we're up for ideas too :)
K-Fed? As in Britney Spears's husband? I didnt think he was famous enough for a guest star role, but then i dont know anything about him.

Thanks Silhouette . Why cant you make cookies anymore? :)

Do you want us to PM you and hollie with the characters or write it here? :)
Welcome back CSiangel :)

Ahh yes.. Iced. I loveee that episode. :D Its so adorable how Greg makes her laugh. They work so well together.

ONLY 22 MORE DAYS! I can hold on..I hope ;) Ohh and even betterrrr....

we get to see Sara and Greg hold hands and cry together!! *wipes tear* It's going to be great! :D :D
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