Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

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I personally don't like Sofia. And was annoyed when she said she had been to Greg's apartment. But that's just me...

I know, they are always there for each other! Haha, we'll just have to be sure to post a lot so we can get to thread #9 faster.
I dunno, I kinda like Sofia. Sure she was a bit annoying in the first few episodes but she kinda grew on me. And she isn't movin' in on Greggo anymore so Sara seems to tolerate her. Sara is very territorial, as Greg once said. :lol:
Long time no chat.
Most of you here prolly don't even remember, or know me.
Anyyway. I'm still a Greg/Sara supporter ! Field Hockey is a pain in the ass and they are killing us with tryouts this week. I'm sure I'll start posting again once school kicks in.

I rewatched some of the SaraGreg eppies. Organ Grinder is the best.

Anyway I'm out, gotta wake up earily.
hehey! let's not bash Sofia! CSX is one of my favorite ships, more bashing *grins as eye twitches*.

Organ Grinder is one of the best Sandle eppy's and welcome back Sin to the Sandle board! i remember your sig...i love that sig.

but about Sofia moving in on greg *kicking up Sandle shipper-ness* i think Greg and Sofia had a plan to get Sara jelous, it was huge and in the end we all know what happens. :devil:

Since SinCityx decided to finally delurk, I decided to follow suit. I've been reading what you've all said and I think I can honestly say that Organ Grinder makes it into the top three best sandle episodes!
Also, I like the way you think, FrostBite! :) Sara may try and laugh him off, but she can get possessive over her little Greggo. :D
You all have a little over a hundred posts until the new thread and I'm currently making something for the opening. :) Photoshop tutorials and hours of "test subjects" won't be in vain! (which is one reason I haven't been here as often)
Welcome back, SinCity!!! I remember you :) Here, have some Welcome Back cookies :D

Sofia? I'm neutral. I don't love her, or hate her. But Sara being jelous cuz Sofia's been to Greg's apartment is a good sign :D

What's the countdown till the next thread? I need to prepare something to celebrate it...
I remember SinCity!! :D

I loooove Sofia. She grew on me :) I just like her attitude.

The new thread is coming sooo soon. All though it seems like we've been on page 22 for years.
Organ Grinder is definitely one of the top 3 sandle episodes. :D I didn't really like Sofia in Season 5 but she was better in Season 6, in my opinion. It is a good sign that Sara seemed a bit jealous of her having been to Greg's place.

Welcome back SinCityx, have some cookies! :) Argh, the evil 22nd page, always lasts forever. Anybody know what's going on with CSI-media? I know the forum is still up but what about the site? Still under construction?
Wow SinCityx I haven't seen you in like, forever.

Sorry, FrostBite.

Yey Organ Grinder! It truely is one of the best Sandle episodes. I mean Greg asked Sara out. Stupid, stupid case!
I don't know, Yummy... I think it might still be underconstruction, but why it takes so long? I miss the Sandle vids :( I hope they'd be back up soon...

Oh wow Page 22... should we start a countdown or something?

Umm discussion. Do you know any Sandle website or communities? I only know CSImedia and Not So Unrequited (Sara n Greg LJ community). Know any others?
Welcome back SinCityx :) I remember your banner.

We need to post faster then! We're stuck on page 22 :lol: ohhh im the 40 post on this page! one more and its page 23!!! :D -editt--YAY page 23 :D

Hehe Sara getting jealous :devil: I like ittt :D I love Organ Grinder! and Who Shot Sherlock, because Sara asks Greg out but hes too busy to notice! :mad: :( wahh
YAY page 23!!! :D

Shouldn't we start a poll for new thread name? Edit: Eh wait, we HAVE! :lol: Sorry, it's the caffeine... :lol:

Hmm discussion... jeez I have no idea. Favourite Sandle episode? For me it's Organ Grinder :)

Oh wait, discussion... what was the first Sandle thing that you ever saw? (Scene, picture, fanfic, etc)
Hmm the first Sandle thing I saw? It'd have to be their first scene together in Cool Change I believe. When Greg was giving Catherine her results I noticed Sara looking at him. Sara was smiling and my first thought was that she was attracted to him. Or she at least liked him a little bit. Obviously I was right. :D :lol:
Oh man. I can't remember anything about my ships. I answered a question like this in another thread and I can't remember..I was a Sandle shipper long before I came here :) So I really just dont remember :( I guess it was a combination of all the little cute scenes, how much Greg was infactuated with her ;), how Sara would always laugh when she was with him, how she takes him more seriously now that he is a CSI, and how they have both asked eachother out..How much more proof do you need? :D
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