Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

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Welcome tanglewood!
I just entered this thread not so long ago, and I can tell you, it's fun! :D

I love watching season 5! All my ships have a lot of cool moments: GSR, Sandle, YoBling. It's like the most shippiest season ever.
Welcome Tanglewood *waves* :)

Silhouette said:
13. Greg gesturing 'call me' to Sara (in that episode when she was working with Nick and Greg informed them about make-out spots) and Sara cute smile afterwards :D
15. She laughed out loud at his not funny joke (it's love! :D)

I dont remember these ones, do you know which season/episode they're from? :)

Probably my favourite sandle moment is:
Sara: So relax and lie down on your back.
Greg: You know, this is exactly like a dream I had once, except it wasn't in a garage and Grissom wasn't watching.
Greg: That was a different dream. :lol: i found that so funny for some reason. And all the other ones that Silhouette mentioned.

Also, because William Peterson will be gone for a few episodes, that would be the perfect time for him to get her back - yeay!
I forgot the episode too... I think the 'call me' one is from Season 3... And the one Sara laughed to his joke, I think it's from Kiss Kiss Bye Bye?

Oh wait, right, it is from Kiss Kiss Bye Bye, I checked...
Greg (to Sara, in reference to Lois, who always has everything schedueled out): I don't see homicide anywhere on the schedule. (Sara laughs)
(from :))

I mean it's not even that funny but she just laughed OUT LOUD. Omg if that's not a sign of love I don't know what that is...

So, S3 is good for Sandle, as well as S5, so I presume that S7 would be as Sandlelicious? :D
thanks Silhouette i actually found that joke quite funny, cant remember the actual scene though, never mind.

Season 7 is definately going to be 'sandlelicious' :lol: im very positive about this season, because all the spoilers have been great so far and i think that the falling repeat ratings will spur TPTB on, to get the show back to how it was before, which should mean lots more sandle moments :D
Aww Silhouette, I love your list! Its very detailed :D I totally forgot about when he did the "call me" thing. I love Sara's face after he did that.. Its like she was thinking, "Was he serious, because really, I want to call him!" :D Alteast that was my interpretation :lol:

Haha yeahh i remember his lame homicide joke!!! She laughed sooo loud and it was the lamest thing ever. When Greg said that I was like uhh..okk..But then Sara laughed..Alteast someone thought it was funny :D :D ;)

Awww the Dead Ringer hug!! I love how he just pulls her in. I bet he wanted to do that for sometime!! :devil:

Awww He's a "good listener" and she apreicitates it!! (im pretty much going through all the moments here :lol:)

Exploding Toilets!! I love ittt! Awww soooo cute!! Explodapotty!! :D :lol: Man they must have alot of inside jokes :lol: ;)

She could really kiss him..and then he turned away..He should have been like, "I dare you Sarabeara." :D Sorry but im loving these moments.

He dreams of Sara!!! No better, He dreams of Sara...not in a garage :devil: ;)
Hmmm I don't remember that scene from Kiss Kiss Bye Bye, but then again I've only seen the episode once. Perhaps I shall watch it again. Hoping for lots of Sandle scenes in S7!

I'm glad you liked my suggestion Silhouette, I'm full of them. And full of something else or so I've been told. Quite rudely in fact.

This whole K-Fed thing is buggin' me. He's famous for being married to Britney, how does that get him a guest star role on a good show? *hopes something unforunate happens to his character* :devil:
Looks like someone's been taking a nice trip down the memory lane... *wink at sandersidle* Haha yeah I was typing those moments and I was smiling the whole time! Sandle makes you smile :D

Ooh, the 'call me' gesture is SO CUTE! I love it. Cool Greggo :D And that reminds me of...

#21 in my list: the scene from A Bullet Runs Through It, when they were re-enacting the scene, Greg on the phone with Sara and Sara said "I'll call you back!" Oh I bet she calls him back :)

And #22: I don't remember the episode but Greg walked into a room Sara was in, and he waved and smiled at her. It's just so cute. You could totally feel this guy's crush on her :D I swear if there was a pillar or a wall there he'd have walked right into it, because he got his attention on Sara :lol: You could just see the cute adorable 'I adore you, you bright my day' smile of his :D

K-Fed? Heh... I just hope Nick gets to punch that guy :lol:

Huh? 'Full of something else'? :confused: What do you mean, Yummy?
Silhouette I love your list!!

I remember the first time I saw Dead Ringer. [it was a re-run cause i missed it when it orginally aired] And my friend and I were at her grandma's house and we were sitting on the floor watching it. And we ended up talking about it for the rest of the night, and the next day. It was funny, here's our conversation...

Me: Yey the hugged!
Lindsi: Aww it's so cuteyful. See they even have a little spinny thing too, that's love.
Me: I know! I just wish it was longer!
[the convo went longer, but i'll spare you...]
And then there was here grandmother who was sitting in the room also, who was giving us the weirdest looks.

I'm gonna advertise here. Anyone else wanna be in the RP? We need Nick, Warrick, Wendy, and a stalker person [i'm pretty sure]...
Awww that's a cute convo :D Your friend is also a Sandle shipper as well? I wish that hug was longer too...

*sigh* That scene is so squee-able...

Haha 'advertise'... that's funny :) Oh c'mon everyone, join! Hmm, how about you, Sandersidle? Yummy? Hmm I wonder where's Hestia? :confused:
What? Im so lost. :lol: What should I join?

That hug should have been longer. He should have held her there for ever and ever!!! (Ok, so maybe not. ;)) But he should have held her when Grissom came along :( Does that sound cheesy or what? :lol:

Ohh I found such a sad Sandle song. Well its more like Greg and his feelings about GSR. Its called "Colour Blind" :D by Counting Crows. (I used it for other ships but the song reminds me of Sandle the most)
is that the one by Darius, sandersidle ?

YaM what are the little different coloured flying down things on your banner? they're very pretty, but cant quite make them out :)

Yeah the hug should have been longer, and there should be more hugs. They always look like they want to hug each other in most scenes :)

Finally got some S5 dvds and watched 4x4 again, hadnt seen it in ages, is such a great ep. Loved the bit when Greg is flexing his muscles in the mirror *swoons* and when he looks around at the end to see if Sara was watching :devil::lol:
Nope, its by Counting Crows :) Its an amazing song. I love it :D

YaM, they're hearts right? (in your banner)

Hahah I love it when he flexes his arm. Sara should have watched. If she did she would have been thinking "Alright, thats it. Hes too hot, I love him." :D I love how Greg turns around though, just incase :lol: :devil:
:lol: That was funny in 4x4, but I always thought he checking to make sure Sara wasn't looking. Didn't matter if she'd been watching or not because she saw everything later on, didn't she? The Dead Ringer hug should have been longer too I agree! *points down at banner*

Yup, those thingys are hearts. I'll join the RP, what characters are there? Off I go, Play With Fire is on!
YaM you are so right. they should have extended the hug to a full blown makeout session. that would have been better, besides we can all see that she wan'ts to kiss him and is just so dissapointed that he hugged her instead of kissing her.

:lol: Makeout session! Now that would have been great. One can only hope for more PDAs between Greggo and Sara this season.

Anyways I was looking a site, which starts with a you and ends with tube ( ;) ) and I saw a promo for next season. Dunno who's seen it or not. Anywho, if you want to watch it go to the site above and search for Waiting on the world to change. :D
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