Sara/Greg #6 - She Could Really Kiss Him

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Yeah, that's a nice picture. I read that a website was planning on mailing those types of surgical masks with read lettering about how "GSR kills". :eek:
But I won't talk about that, after all, we have multi-shippers here and I'm all about the positivity!

I need to find a picture of cookies. I wanna know if anyone has made a sandles banner to welcome any newbies. I'm gonna try and do that... well, after writing the ficlets I have to write and checking on other things.
I have alot on my plate! :)
that sounds like a good idead, but i'm a multi shipper too, only GSR isn't one of my boats.


gees i'm posting these things like mad!!!!! !!!

*shighs* ok one more! :D
Whoa, Hestia.. you do have a lot on your plate! I support it though, sandle banner is a great idea! :) Other than I totally support you writing that ficlet of course ;)

Maybe we should make a Sandle Positivity Banner and Sandle Birthday banner too :) Since a few of our members are having their bday recently...
Oh yes, I forgot... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dutchie!!! :D Here, here, teddy bears and sandle cake for you :) (psst! With any toppings you want! ;))

Hmm I'm feeling creative right now, I might make something later... Anyway, is there any spesific size for banners?

Frostbite - 'standing in the way' haha so true!

Sandles21 - Whoa, I guess we're not the only people out there feeling dissapointed by the finale... well at least, I am... but shhh, let's keep the positivity :D
*takes gifts* Thanks guys, it's so funny being congratulated from people all over the world! :lol: not my thing. Ugh. :( And yeah, june birthdays rock! ;)
I happen to like GSR. I don't post in here a lot (don't get me wrong, also not in the GSR thread) and I think we're not supposed to talk about another ship in a negative way here.
I read a lot, and it's a shame that some people talk about GSR in here, because I really like to read about Sandle when I am in this thread! :D
ahhh! Frostbite I faved that GSR Kills pic! :devil: It was awesome! Ooh, a banner thingy? :D Maybe I'll make a wallpaper welcoming everyone.........
on a random yet sandle-ish note....

last night I was at a birthday party and of course, my friends and start talking about sandles. Then my one friend says how GSR kills, and I'm like "No Sandle is the positivity ship. You just need more of Greg's Blue Hawaiian" and I handed her this imaginary cup and she's like, "Greg has a stash of Blue Hawaiian? Why hasn't he been sharing it with Sara?"
anyway...we kept passing around the "Blue Hawaiian" all night whenever one of us was being negative.
sorry if that was kind of random...
Yey, cuteness!! I'm in a very positive and happy mood, maybe too much of Greg's Blue Hawaiian?? Nonsense, there is no such thing!! This mood has inspired me to continue my fanfic. [there's a link in my signature if you want to read it]

We're all positivity!! :D I apologize for the GSR negativity.
Nah, it's okay hollie. We all have a relapse like that once in a while. ;) I'll keep that title in mind, FrostBite, but we've got a long way to go until our next thread!
FrostBite said:
aww cuteness. 'Passing Around the Coffee Pot' should be the title of our next forum.
I like that... should save it for our next forum. That's why, KEEP POSTING people!! Spread the Sandle love, so we could get to the next forum sooner :D :D

Hestia, awwwww for Sandle cuteness... hehe seeing their smiles make me smile too :) :)
I think I should print out Sandle pics to keep me positive, cuz so much stress from real life.
I might make myself a cup of coffee, but I'm still trying to stay away from caffeine cuz it makes me hyper...
I'll just enjoy the cookies :D

Sandlesgirl254 - haha that's so nice... passing around imaginary cup of Blue Hawaiian :D not only keeping positivity in this thread, but in real life
OMG!! i'm watching 'Organ Grinder' and after Greg asked Catherine if Sara would ever go out wiht him, you can see Greg talking to himself!

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