Oh, if only that would happen! Well, there's always fanfiction. Speaking of which, where is everybody? *scatches head* Well, I oughta give you guys something to look forward to... here's a little snippet of the Sandle fic that Manuela and I are collaborating on. There's not much Sandle, Greg is a no show, but there's a little hint of it...
"Gil, just go ahead and just open it. I doubt emails carry electronic bombs. Well, not in this century anyways." Catherine peered over a pensive Grissom's shoulder at the unopened piece of electronic mail titled "CSI Charity Project".
"I believe you're refering to a Howler." Gil couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "I doubt that it would be quite as devastating as whatever idea they come up with for this year's charity project."
"Since when did the lab get involved with charities?"
"It's not exactly for charity. I believe that Ecklie came up with an idea to increase funds for the lab, though I don't have a clue as to what it is." He glanced at her over his reading glasses with a questioning look on his face. "Though I'm sure that you have your own theories."
She grinned mischeviously. "Well I always did have this reoccuring scenario where you boys were paraded around like fresh meat. Ecklie did mention a certain charity auction being held next month."
"Ah. Featuring the ever popular buy your own manslave for a week. I've been wondering why it's such a big deal for women." Gil finally opened the email and
the attachment that went with it and scanned through the contents, ignoring the mock glare he was receiving. "Though it appears that the department has something different in mind."
Catherine's eyes widened as she read over his shoulder. "Wow. Ecklie came up with this? Didn't think he'd actually go for it."
Neither of them noticed Sara walking into the office, reading the file that was on hand. "Hey guys, we got a hit on AFIS..." She glanced up to find the two with their eyes glued to the computer screen. "And you're busy. I'll come back later."
"No, no. It's okay." Catherine waved her to come over. "I think you ought to see this first before you divuldge info on new findings."
Sara, with a confused look on her face, went around the desk and looked at the screen. As she read, a disbelieving grin spread across her face.
The Las Vegas Crime Lab and the LVPD will be participating in a joint fundraiser to benefit Las Vegas Department Lab and Funds. It will be a tasteful calendar consisting of six male workers from each service. We have already received nominations and the final six men from the Crime Lab are given in the following attachment.
Please note that this is not a popularity contest, all nominations were considered seriously. The final six must report to their supervisor, further instructions will be given on Tuesday. Corgratulations to the final six.
Catherine whistled. "Well I'll be damned. Think you'll be up for it Gil?" Catherine noticed the grin on Sara's face after Grissom blushed. "So what do you think of our boys being served as beefcake for the main course?"
"I think I'm warming up to the idea." Images of the CSI men in cheesy calender shoots flew through her head. "Now we just need to let them know."
Grissom took off his glasses. "Well, you'll have your chance. I want you to break the news to Greg. Something tells me that he won't be as liable to freak out then." Sara raised an eyebrow at that. "Well, you're his best friend and in times like these, I find that having your best friend being the bearer of such news can soften the blow."
Catherine looked incredulously at him this time. "You make it seem like it would be torture for him." She trailed off when she saw the affirmative look on his face. "You're serious, Gil? This is Greg we're talking about. The loud mouth, the show-off. Hell, I'd go as far as to call him an exibitionist. What makes you so sure that he wouldn't jump for this?"
"Everyone has ways of finding these things out. Let's just say I got this piece of knowledge from an unexpected source." The mystic holy man attitude and the I-know-something-that-you-cannot-begin-to-comprehend expression he was sporting was starting to annoy her. I ought to just smack him. Or maybe I should lock him in the autopsy room...
Sara on the other hand was more interested in the fact Grissom was not giving the full story. Her instinct was telling here that there was something more to this. An embarrasing childhood incident? Was he actually, if it was possible, shy underneath all that bravado? Or was she maybe putting too much thought on a guy who was strictly her best friend? Sara went with the latter. "Alright, I'll let him know."
Something was still not clear to Catherine though. "Well I do know who nominated the rest of the guys, but I'm not so sure about Greggo. I've already talked with Wendy and the others and they denied any involvement." Realization dawned over her face. "That only leaves..."
Sara chose that moment to skedaddle, chuckling as she left Grissom's office and pretended not to hear Catherine as she called after her. "Hey, you didn't have anything to do with Greg being nominated, did you?"