Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

it would be really really good for ending...Greg begging Sara to bid for him!!!

Heh heh. I actually read a Without a Trace (Smarty :D ) fic where that happened. It made for a funny read.

I had to explain to my Dad about 'ships' today. He looked very confused, mainly because I started talking really fast about all my favourite ships, and explaining their names and things. I think he thinks that I'm insane now, not that he didn't already. But still. It's an important life lesson for him!

Also, I forgot to mention in my last post, I was watching a repeat of 'Play with Fire' the other day. Seriously, how does anyone think that Greg and Sara could have gone through that experiance without bonding in some way? It was good actually, I hadn't watched any CSI in a while, sort of got me back on track.
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I had to explain to my Dad about 'ships' today. He looked very confused, mainly because I started talking really fast about all my favourite ships, and explaining their names and things. I think he thinks that I'm insane now, not that he didn't already. But still. It's an important life lesson for him!

Oh, I so know what you mean! I explained my dad and he thought it was really funny and creative. Now everytime I'm watching CSI and he sees a girl and a guy, he goes: "I ship them!!! ... :confused:" And I'm laughing so hard. I keep trying to tell him he should ship Sara and Greg. :p

Also, I forgot to mention in my last post, I was watching a repeat of 'Play with Fire' the other day. Seriously, how does anyone think that Greg and Sara could have gone through that experiance without bonding in some way?

I've always thought the same. I mean, of all people, they were caught it in together. And after Sara is thrown to the floor, the first thing she does is look up to see Greg. I've always loved that. There's definitely been some kind of bonding. :)
I had to explain to my Dad about 'ships' today. He looked very confused, mainly because I started talking really fast about all my favourite ships, and explaining their names and things. I think he thinks that I'm insane now, not that he didn't already. But still. It's an important life lesson for him!

Freaky... I was just explaining the concept of pairings to my mom. It's very hard, epecially when your mom is a middle-aged Tamil woman who only just discovered the 14+ TV shows. I totally know what you're going through Salean.

Also, I forgot to mention in my last post, I was watching a repeat of 'Play with Fire' the other day. Seriously, how does anyone think that Greg and Sara could have gone through that experiance without bonding in some way? It was good actually, I hadn't watched any CSI in a while, sort of got me back on track.

Yet another CSI episode I didn't see... I've only just started watching the show in the middle of season 8! That, and I do see the occasional rerun on Showcase Diva. I really need to catch up on Sandle episodes... cath you guys later! *rushes off to see Sandle episodes*
Aww, karu, be happy! You still have all of the Sandlish moments and the cuteyful flirting to see, which is a great thing. Especially all of season five, you have to watch that! <3
Especially all of season five, you have to watch that!

Yep, Karu, you have to watch season five! It was such a great Sandle season...
But yeah, as Eva said, you get to see all of the cute Sandle moments for the first time. Not that they get any less cute the more times you see them... but still. You guys know what I mean, right?

And after Sara is thrown to the floor, the first thing she does is look up to see Greg. I've always loved that.

Yeah, it's such a sweet little moment. She's so concerned for him...

:lol: Parents and shipping. My Dad is very pleased with his new word, and said that when he went in to work today he was going to ask the people at his office if they knew what it meant. My sisters, on the other hand, are taking to the idea like ducks to water (I love that phrase, had to put it in there) probably because they both already have various ships, but they just didn't have a name to describe it.

I keep trying to tell him he should ship Sara and Greg. :p

Obviously. Everyone should. :p
I had to explain to my Dad about 'ships' today. He looked very confused, mainly because I started talking really fast about all my favourite ships, and explaining their names and things. I think he thinks that I'm insane now, not that he didn't already. But still. It's an important life lesson for him!
Yeah, speaking about shipping and parents…My parents definitely think I’m crazy and they always tell me that they would never understand me…I try so many times to explain them shipping but every time I finished talking about it they tell me: “It’s that shipping?” and I answer yes. They ask me: “CSI is a fictional show, isn’t it?” and I say yes. Then, they tell me that I have to stop living in my world and they began to scold me, telling me that if I don’t stop with these “bullshits” like they say, they won’t let me see CSI again!:(
So, shipping and my parents really don’t match together!
When I’m watching CSI, they always make fun of me. For example, when there was the final of the season 6, I was so sad, I was going to cry. My heart broke into pieces and my parents were laughing so much, I was going to kill them! For Fannysmackin’ too, when there was the beautiful scene between Sara and Greg, I cried so much and my parents were looking at me with the look:wtf: “Oh my God, what have we done to God to have a daughter so crazy” and laughed so much. It’s always like that when I watch CSI, always! When Greg said a beautiful thing to Sara and I’m all happy like if I was on cloud nine, they broke all the magic of the Sandle’s moment with their teases and remembering me that Sara is with Grissom! I really hate when they do that and they ship GSR on purpose just to make me angry and so does my brother too.:mad::mad::mad:

Anyway, they are often angry at me because I’m living in my wonderful Sandle world and they tell me that life isn’t like that, that I have to stop dreaming and etc…Okay maybe, my world isn’t like the reality but it’s so beautiful to have a world with so much love and no fears…and with so much Sandle of course…I could spend my day dreaming of this…but my parents don’t understand why I do this…
I would like so much that my life is like in my little Sandle world and I would like to have a guy like Greg…I’m still looking for him but it doesn’t seem he exists! I really hope I would find my Greg Sanders one day…;)

Oh and Karu, like the other say Season 5 is wonderful! It's one of the most beautiful Sandle seasons I ever watch! You're so lucky! You have all the greatest Sandle scenes to watch!!!
You guys know what I mean, right?
Salean, I know exactly what you mean. They are still beautiful scenes that you could never stop to watch but on the other hand, they had lost the magic that you felt when you saw it the first time! Season 9 really need to surprise all us, all the Sandle shippers!!!
Aww, karu, be happy! You still have all of the Sandlish moments and the cuteyful flirting to see, which is a great thing. Especially all of season five, you have to watch that! <3

Cool, thanks for the heads up guys! I think I've seen a couple of season 5 episodes... I don't know their names, but I'm pretty sure I spotted some Sandle moments.

Tough break Manuela... don't let them get you down though! Anyways, how's the writing going? I have an idea about Greg's photo shoot. I think he should dress up as a rock star... for some reason, he's always reminded me of one and it'd suit him... look at his music choices. After all, who doesn't love a sexy rock star?
I have an idea about Greg's photo shoot. I think he should dress up as a rock star... for some reason, he's always reminded me of one and it'd suit him... look at his music choices. After all, who doesn't love a sexy rock star?
Karu, another great idea, I thought about Greg as rock star too! I’m going to write it! I really found a great ending, I’m still working on the rest…

how's the writing going?
Anyway, I didn’t want to talk about this but I think you deserve to know, especially you Karu. You proposed yourself for helping me with this fic and I really appreciate it, really…As you know, Saturday morning I will leave for Sicily and I really wanted to finish this story before I left…but sadly, I don’t think I will be able to do it. I’m really sorry, I feel so bad:(…I could understand you’re angry, I really do…
Today, I’ve had a tough day. I’ve spent my day at the hospital because of my heart problem. I have tachycardia, my heart beats faster than it should. I just went home two hours ago. Doctors said I could leave, so I preferred to do it…Really, I don’t think I could have stayed this night in the hospital, it’s a so cold place… Now, I need to stay in my bed, I have no right to stand up and I need to have some rest. I will try to continue to write if I feel better because now I’m so tired, I don’t think I could do it. I will try to finish my story before I left, so I can send it to you, Karu but it really seems difficult…but as Jorja always says: “Never say never.”:) Tomorrow, I have to return at the hospital to do some medical exams. I don’t have so much time but I will try for you…

So, I just wanted you to know. I don’t like to speak about it because I really hate to feel so weak, it weakens me a lot and I prefer people not to know but you deserved to know it. I still can’t send PM, so I had to write it here. Sorry again…I hope Sandle will cheer me up…:(
Anyway, I didn’t want to talk about this but I think you deserve to know, especially you Karu. You proposed yourself for helping me with this fic and I really appreciate it, really…As you know, Saturday morning I will leave for Sicily and I really wanted to finish this story before I left…but sadly, I don’t think I will be able to do it. I’m really sorry, I feel so bad:(…I could understand you’re angry, I really do...

Of course I'm not mad at you! How could I be? Don't worry about it, take all the time you need. Besides, I think I should be helping you more with this fic. How 'bout you PM me when you can before you leave for Sicily and I'll do some writing too. It'd be a good project for me and it might help me get over my writer's block. Then I can PM back to you and you can take a look. What do you think? Should we do it?
I’d like to, but Karu, I still can’t send PM. I guess I don’t have post enough messages. I really think it’s a good idea, I could send you my ending so you could see if you like it or not and while I’m in Sicily, I will write the rest of the story and when I’m back, we compare our writing and choose what to write or not and what to improve in my English…but the problem is that I can’t send PM.

How are we going to do? I can give you my MSN address and you could send me an email. So we have each other addresses… I don’t know, what do you think? Do you have another idea?
Oh my God, I'm so, so sorry to hear all that, Manuela! Such news must be so hard and scary to take in. I can imagine how you feel! *hugs tight* Remember we're here for you in the Sandle thread. Especially for you I'm posting these two amazing Sandle moments, with hopes that it'll cheer you up a little bit.

Sandle Pics of the Moment dedicated to Manuela
(from Fannysmackin')

(from Big Shots)
Oh my God, I'm so, so sorry to hear all that, Manuela! Such news must be so hard and scary to take in. I can imagine how you feel! *hugs tight* Remember we're here for you in the Sandle thread. Especially for you I'm posting these two amazing Sandle moments, with hopes that it'll cheer you up a little bit.
Thank you so much, Eva for these wonderful pictures (my favorite!).:) Don’t worry, it cheers me up a lot, I really need it. Thank you. I’m really touched by your concern, I didn’t expect that. I don’t cry easily but I really had tears in my eyes when I read your post…
It’s good to have someone who cares, my parents act like nothing happened and they don’t think I need support now…They always compare me to Sara, it’s true I’m strong like her and I hide my feelings but like Sara, I need support when times are hard.
Now, I guess you understand why I always have so much hope and I’m always positive, my problem teaches me that, to never give up, to have hope that maybe things will be better…and so, I think about Sandle too...

Anyway, thank you so much again, Eva. You can’t imagine how much it means to me, really. Thank you from the heart. *Hug*:)
*whistles* Those are amazing pics Eva... I especially love the first one. It's so heart-wrenching! By the way, I think I might have come across bad news. Apparently Grissom is leaving after season ten and Sara is involved with his leaving. I really hope that TPTB are not planning on resurrecting GSR. It didn't work out the first time and I don't want to see Greg alone again. Anyways, what do you guys think?

How are we going to do? I can give you my MSN address and you could send me an email. So we have each other addresses…

Oh yeah I forgot that you can't PM. *smacks herself on the forehead* How ignorant of me. Anyways, I can just give you my email and you can send me what you have so far. It's it's long and complicated, I know. Oh and before I forget this time, *gives bear hug* hang in there and remember that we're all here for you. And I can't wait to see what you have so far!
By the way, I think I might have come across bad news. Apparently Grissom is leaving after season ten and Sara is involved with his leaving. I really hope that TPTB are not planning on resurrecting GSR. It didn't work out the first time and I don't want to see Greg alone again. Anyways, what do you guys think?
Yeah I got the news too, here's the excerpt:

"...Several characters will return in storylines leading up to his departure. These will include Grissom's former colleague and girlfriend Sara Sidle, who is played by former ER star Jorja Fox..." - BBC

Well there might be possibilities that Sara would be talking to Grissom but let's not forget AT LEAST Sara's back! In person! Which means she and Greg will meet too! ;)

Won't hope for much coz it seems Sara and Grissom's a couple (did they break off or anything? I didn't follow much :rolleyes:), just wish TPTB would at least grant Sara and Greg a private moment of their own...well even a 3 minute (by themselves! by themselves!) in the changing room is good! :drool:

PS (to Greggo): You better seize any opportunity you see :devil:

So what other ideas you guys have? Spill spill spill! :thumbsup: