Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

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im having a bad day scared, whenever i go, i felt someone watching me...argh! :(

i think i may have a dialog :(

Sara: Greg!
Greg: Yes honey?
Sara: Im scared
Greg: What is it? *Kisses on forehead*
Sara: I've been watched
Greg: By whom?
Sara: Hank
Greg: Again?
Sara: Im scared
Greg: Ok I will do something...

Greg: Hank!!! How dare you!!
Hank: Noo!!!


Greg: Serve you right!!
Hank: Ahh!! *run away*
Sara: lets proceed with the investigation..
Greg: On 'Sandle'?
Sara: yes..

im sorry if my dialog are not good....but im scared :(
Nazzie , I like the dialog and you know that ! But why are you scared ?
Pau , I am going to visit my grandparents with Eric ; they've never seen him and they really want to . I'll return on Sunday . And you make me blush .
They're not bad, Nazzles! :) They're great. :) Oh, please don't be scared, Nazzles. You've done doing your part as a knight and protector. Now, it's my turn to protect you from whoever it is that's following you. *draws sword, Contessa Sword" Tehee! :)

Just like Greg, always there to protect Sara from her fears. He is really her knight in shining armor. :)

And have fun, Dani. :) And say hello to Eric for us. Tehee! :)
Here's the poem ... I know I have to work to improve it ; I'll do it on the way to my grandparents . Here's my tearjerker poem . Sorry if it's lame , I'll try to do my best to improve it . Eric said hello to you too ; in his own language .

I miss her

I miss her sweet voice , I miss her so much
I remember her eyes , I remember her touch
I can’t forget the love in my heart and soul
Her death hit me hard , destroyed me whole

My tears are falling on the ground
The world is quiet I don’t hear a sound
I turn and leave , my heart in horrid pain
Little by little my life’s gonna drain

I still her breath against my face
Remember how you smiled in my embrace
The way I kissed you gently , short and sweet
I’ll do anything to feel again complete

I hate I have no power over life and death
That’s why I watched you taking your last breath
I couldn’t do a thing to save you
I can’t believe we’ll never going to be true

You took me with you the day you died
I was so depressed , I haven’t even cried
But my soul was bleeding harsh on the inside
I’m so alone , there’s no one by my side

Today you’re here , tomorrow you’re not
I’m lost without you , you were all I got
Should I live or die ? Tell me what to do .
That’s not important ; what I know it’s that I won’t stop loving you .
i mean like everytime and anywhere i go, i felt like someone is following me and watching me..thats why im scared...

if sara had been watched, Greg will be there to protect her
Interesting . I think is not so pleasant to feel like you have a stalker .
Of course Greggo will protect Sara ; everyone protects their treasures obtained so hard .
Oh Dani I love your poems! They are so wonderfully Sandlish!
I'm planning a new Sandle vid, I already have an idea, I just hope my movie maker will work this time...
This was a good day at work, btw, so I'm in a good mood despite the rain! :) Thinking of Sandle makes me smile!
SaraStar said:
Haha Hestia, I didn't know about the toy truck. :lol: Well I didn't name you after a truck, I promise! It was just the nickname we use for my friend Hester. And her name is kinda like yours. :)
Oh, like Hester Prynne from The Scarlet Letter? In that case... ;)
But I understand, besides "Hess" is with double "s" and it's definitely different from my actual name (which isn't altogether bad).

luvincsi said:
Lovely to see you Hes. *hugs* You're back! Hooray! Yep. I am free as a bird no exams and no classes next week! *parties* But I still need to be in school. *sigh* and Jessie - (cute icon by the way) nice to see you're back too! :) And I've read your poem, it's wonderful! *snagging*
Many thanks, Pau. At least you can spend more time here with all the other shippers! You know, I almost didn't recognize you because you changed your icon. Goodbye Willy Wonka, hello... ummm who's in your icon, now?

And because we haven't had one in a while and we could use the visual stimulation. ;)

Sandle Pic of the Day
(from Big Middle)


I can just imagine it:
Greg: I just stumbled upon this site. At first I thought they misspelled the word sandal...
Sara: Wow. These "shippers" have really got us figured out. How did they know about the closet...?

Yes, all the dialogue you gals have put up has influenced me. :lol:
*pops in, and waves* ello!

First time poster, and I'm also a new comer to the ship!

I just started watching CSI in July, so I'm still new, and things that get referenced I won't know about, but I'm learning, and I'm watching, so slowly but surely, I'll be up there with the rest of ya'll... But for now....

"All aboard the Sandle Ship!" Toot. Toot. :)
Hello Happilyhappy, and welcome on board! There's always room for more Sandle shippers, so enjoy the voyage! ;)
Hes, thanks a lot for the pic, and the dialogue is awesome! Haha, how we know about the closet is our well-kept secret! :lol:

Sandle Quote of the Day

"I wish I could see through your eyes so I would know what you like to see. I wish I knew your wishes, so I could give you everything you want. I wish I dreamed the same dreams you do, and together we could make them come true. I wish I knew what makes you happy, so I could make you the happiest person in the whole world. And lastly, I wish I were a cell in your blood, so I would be sure I was somewhere in your heart."
Hahaaaaa Hes! That dialogue was amazing. Sara's expression on the photo is all like: "Oh no, they caught us!" Yeah, we did. We Sandle shippers are the only ones who know about the Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks. They think they've found a time none notices them, but we do. :D Grissom doesn't, though... :devil:

I've just gotten an idea for a new Sandle vs. GSR fic, so as soon as I find the time I'll write it and post the url here. And "Faded Away" is still on hiatus, but I'm working on the new chapter. :)
Happilyhappy (Heather), you came! :D I knew you would! Glad you could leave the hot beaches of Miami and come take a peak at the sandy dunes of Vegas...

Cookie time! Have some positivity cookies and Blue Hawaiian (Greg's favorite coffee).

If you have any questions about this couple, don't hesitate to ask.

And yes, we are the only ones who know what Greg and Sara secretly do during those commercial breaks! :lol: Thanks, Eva and if you want, you or anyone else as a matter of fact, can come up with your own captions for this or other future pics. ;)
Hello, everyone. A busy week is ahead of me so I'm taking the chance to do everything I want now that I still have the time to do so. :)

Dani, I think there's nothing to change in your poem. It's just really really sweet and lovely. Good job as awlays. :D

Kat, pls. do make another vid. Can't wait for it. ;)

You know, I almost didn't recognize you because you changed your icon. Goodbye Willy Wonka, hello... ummm who's in your icon, now?
Hes! Good to see you. :) Yeah. Now that I just changed my icon some people who knows me just calls me luvincsi again. They don't recognize me too. :lol: Well, that's Darlene Zschech from the Christian/Gospel Band, Hillsong. :)

Gret choice for the SPOTD. And cute dialogue. ;) Sara and Greg knows now that we know their little secret. :lol: Too bad, I dont have any idea for a caption right now. :)

Welcome, Happilyhappy or Heather. :) *shares positivity cookies and Blue Hawaiian* I miss sharing this Sandle comfort foods. :) Come by here more often. :)

Eva, a new fic sounds great! Can't wait.. :D
Aw I knew it was Hillsong, Pau. My best friend likes them! :) Do you also know Barlow Girl? She's a Christian and sends me all these songs by Christian bands. I love Barlow Girl's rocky music!

Okay back on topic! Welcome Heather! Nice to see you here and I hope you come by more often, like Pau said.
Hestia: Great quote! I love that S/G have finally found our little thread! :D They support us!

Heather: Welcome, honey! I'm sorry that I didn't say that earlier... I haven't been lurking as much.
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