Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

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Well, instead of being here, I should be like studying for a major exam tomorrow but I just can't stand not to visit this thread. :D Im hooked. :)

Thanks, Naz. :D And Dannielle, hope you feel better. *gives Sandle medicine* my rose are all runny and I hate it. :mad:

I love that poem, Kat. :D You're poems are amazing. :D And yeah, my teacher is impress with your work. ;)

I watched Leapin' Lizards yeaterday and when Sara was done reading the letter and she kind of look away she was thinking "There's something wrong with that one." And she'll tell Greg afterwards, "I'm kind if scared. I think Grissom's in love with me or something."

Sorry but Grissom + Sara just doesn't work. Greg + Sara = perfect! :D Same with Del. I love Grissom just not with Sara. :)
*takes Sandle medicine* Yup , I feel much better . Leapin' Lizards ... that's such a cool episode ... that girl who bite Greg ... it was such a funny scene . I loved it ... maybe Sara gave Greg a special treatment when he arrived at home . Who knows ...
Special treatment, huh? :devil: Makes me have dirty thoughts...

Sara: Let me have a look, Greg.
Greg: Ouch! It hurts, damn I hate being bitten!
Sara: You weren't so whiny last night! :devil:

Wow it's so hot here today, the weather had been bad for the last weeks but now it's really hot.
I'm not sure if we had this already...

Sandle Quote of the Day

Where there is the greatest love, there are always miracles.

* Willa Cather
I love your poems Kat!

Well I'm back from Sweden. Yesterday was hell... my flight from 5:55 pm was delayed until 11 pm! :eek: So I had to spend more than 6 six hours all alone in an airport. And when we finally got into the plane there were other problems. So in the end we didn't get into the air until midnight, for only one hour flying. It was so exhausting... anyway I'm home.

That quote about a friend is someone with whom you can be yourself is indeed a perfect Sandle quote! They are totally comfortable around each other. Greg makes silly jokes and Sara even laughs at them (Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang). Iiih. They're so cute!
haha Kat good one..hmm the weather is hot eh?? well i think its not the weather...its Sandle which makes it hot in here... :lol:

well i have a sandle dialouge...for fun..

Sara: Happy birthday Greg. Here's a present for you :D
Greg: Cool, thanks *open the box and look inside* *Shocked*
Sara: How was it?
Greg: You gave me Gatsby Moving Rubber?
Sara: Yah.. i miss the old hair Greg.
Greg: Look down and walk behind Sara. *looks sad*
Sara: *Just stood there*
Greg: *rubbed his palms on Sara's cheeks and sing the gatsby song* Ahhhh!!! Can give you Gatsby..Gatsby...
Sara and Greg: :lol:
Warrick: What the hell? *And walks off*
hey Eva wonderfull that you're here...hehe i hope that you will complete the fanfic 'Faded Away' its so beautiful and brings tears to my eyes....i hope that you can finish it... :D :D

haah...what a day....some people wrote this on my table..."Sandle rox to the core. No one can separate them"
I laughed and scream when i saw that.. :lol: :lol:
Ha Naz that's so cool! Whoever that was, he/she should join our group! Maybe you should write the link to this thread on the table! :D
Eva, that must be a very hard day, but I hope you still had lots of fun in Sweden! Good you're back!

What about a new

Sandle Photo Story

Sara: Hey Greg, you know what?
Greg: Oh, I see you've got something on your mind...
Sara: I do - and my thoughts include you, me, and a lot of liquid chocolate and whipped cream...
Greg: I remember you telling me about your shopping tour with Cath yesterday. Did you buy something nice?
Sara: For you my nicest clothes are those you can rip off easily...
They get closer.
Suddenly Grissom is standing in front of them.
Grissom: Who is ripping off what?
Sara and Greg part away from each other, trying to look innocent.
Greg: Nothing, Grissom.
Sara: he told me about a film he watched recently.
Grissom: Okay.
Greg: You think he bought it?
Sara: I bet he did.
Grissom: Greg - would you swear that you were talking about a film? Greg: Well, I think that's my private life, Grissom. I won't say anything without a lawyer.
Yodel my lovely Snadle people...happy Sandle day!! I have finally written a new chapter in my Sandle story!!! So anybody post a Sandle pic of the day yet?
Yodel my lovely Snadle people...happy Sandle day!! I have finally written a new chapter in my Sandle story!!! So anybody post a Sandle pic of the day yet?
Well, I would've liked to wait for Eva to post it since she's the unnofficial poster of those lovely pics but she's had such a long day (what did you do for 6 hours at an airport, hun? :eek:)
So I'll be posting the pic, and it's one of my favorite in terms of color (very bright, unlike my last SPOTD) :D

Sandle Pic of the Day
(From Built to Kill 2)


Sure there are people behind them, but they all seem to disappear when these two are together. :)

Looks like Kat is the unnofficial sandle poet! And I'm sure Pau will get a wondeful grade for her paper. Hi ericloca (Danielle), hope you're headache is long gone!
Naz, I really like your icon, is it from one of Eric's movies? (I'm sure I'd remember if it was from a CSI episode!)

Once again, I must find time to read all the lovely sandle fics and see the sandle videos (I'll make time - or at least I'll try! ;))
I like the pic, Hestia! The people are just curious because they hope to see LV's hottest couple finally kiss in public! ;) (Would actually have been a perfect situation for a proposal, wouldn't it? I'm sure it would be on the news in no time - and just imagine Grissom watching the news alone at home and sees that!)
Unofficial Sandle poet? Oh I like that one, thanks! :)
Ah once again I'm so sorry for not posting a SPOTD. I'll post one tomorrow. But Hestia picked one of my favorites. :D I love that scene! And yeah, six hours at an airport was terrible. And I was all alone... so boring. Most of the time I read, since that kills time the most. But I'm so glad it's over.

Lovely photo story again Kat! Aww I love this thread.

Naz, I'm so incredibly sorry about 'Faded Away'. I really, really want to update it, but I need to find that right inspiration moment. I don't want to rush my chapters. I'm not someone who's easily satisfied with her writing, so it takes some time to get it like I want it. But believe me I'm working on it. I hope I'm gonna be able to update it soon. Thanks very much for reading, it means so much.
Hello everyone! Just have alil time to spare. :D

I'm studying for our exams tomorrow. The subject is "Filipino", Philippine things. ;) And even though Ihave that subject since Pre School, I still don't understand. :( :rolleyes:

I am so happy I can have a quick visit here. :) First of all, I'd like to comment on Naz's cool avatar. It kind of made me laugh. :lol: ;) And so did, Kat's lil dirty thought up there. ;) And really cool, SPS. :)

And I'm glad you landed home safely, Eva. :) And nice to see you here too, Aleh. :) I'll read your fic if I have the time. Dont worry I know where to find them.. or do I? ;) :lol: And your fic too, Dani. And those masssive headaches your getting, I experience them too.. a lot. Every single day. :(

And thanks for the SPOTD, Hes. I really like that scene. :) Sara looks like she could just jump and pull him into a passionate kiss. :) Well, I have no problem with that. :) And I also hope I have a good grade on our activity. :)

*off to finish studying*
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