Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Much better. :D Yippe! They do have Sandle-telpathy. :lol: ;) Yay! The thread is on fire!! I am loving this.. You should definitely write a fic, Liff. *thinks* Maybe I should write one too? :) Hmmm..

Well, Im off to bed! Nyt guys.. or good morning.. :D
^^Gnite! Hehe, I'll see what I can do! The only problem is that I've got a backlog of fic writing :p i've been neglecting in. :p hehe....soo we shal see!
SandleDL I LOVE your banner, SSCB forever! mwhahahaha :devil:

It's going to about Sara cheating on Grissom with Greg.
I like it already :D

Greg: Who is babysiting our daughter now?
Sara: Grissom
*look at each other*
Greg: Shit! he will make her play with his beetles!
then they both run to grissom's office
Greg: aww...look at our daughter.
Sara: yeah, it seemed like yesterday i was giving birth to her. And now, she's 2 years old.
Greg: and you're such a good mother.
Sara: Thanks honey.
Greg: Wanna make another one?

haha I loved these, poor Greg and Sara's daughter :p

Geez, page 19 already! We should be thinking of names for the next one! :eek:
Any suggestions?

Hey isn't Eva gonna be back today? :D yay!
Is it time already? Wow we're really fast, and I feel like having been here for an eternity although it's only been... well... not even 2 weeks I guess. Crazy!

A name?
What about "Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks"? *lol*
Or "She came there for him." ?
Or "She loves lollipops." :devil:
Maybe we should wait to collect ideas till the finale is over ..?
^^ :devil:

Just a teaspoon of Greggo helps the Sandleitis go down! (oh im sorry, I meant go up!)

:lol: Howdy guys! I'm popping in again and I come bearing fluffy thoughts! (dirty ones have been set aside for the time being)

Omg, finale's almost here right? (Not that I'll be able to watch it :p ) But there has to be Sandle moments in there!

If Sara were to die, as she lies down before her last breath, Greg will come as her knight in shining armour and give her the kiss of life. Drowning her pain and sorrows as her life is replenished with his love.

^^Corny right? It just came to me. Just like the lollipop. :D

I have to say, I like the lollipop name! Tho, I think essense of greg isn't available on the market. It's a secret homemade recipe ;) ( comes the dirty!)
Oh Liffthat's Sandle-telepathy! That's exactly the way I wanted it to happen. Worst case scenario: Sara's badly injured, Grissom comes to her, and her dying words are "I love you Gil..." Best case scenario: Sara's injured, fighting for her life, and it's Greg who saves her and stays with her till the paramedics arrive and strokes her hair just like she did in Fannysmackin, he he whispers "I can't live without you" and she smiles and says "You'll never have to..." And she'll be alive and they'll live happily ever after.

And no Liff I won't help you with the dirty thoughts cuase I love reading them^^
Hahaha, essence of Greg, hahahah! :devil:

Kat I loooove your banner! I live for SSCBs. That and drugged Sandle champagne. :lol:

I love the pictures and the captions. They're all really good. And Grissom is a closet shipper! :D Of course, everyone is ... they just won't admit it.

And I love the thread names ... but maybe we should wait for after the finale, since it does air tomorrow here. I can't wait ! ! ! :D And don't worry, I'll post what is happening in spoiler boxes for people who won't be able to see it yet! :D
Thanks in advance, hollie. Can't wait to see it.

OMG have you checked out already?
CSI files info Featuring Eric Szmanda, it's so stupidly funny :D

Time for another Sandlish verse, this time by one of my fav poets.

How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face.

* William Butler Yeats

Oh and I found this one. It's (nearly) PERFECT imho.

True love is giving all you have to someone you know you're going to lose.

* Ray H Wall

--well of course I hope he'll never lose her...--
Aww I love those quotes. They're very Sandle-y.

And I love SFT! Eric is hilarious! And it is stupidly funny. I feel so immature when I find myself laughing hystericly while watching it. Hahah. :lol:
And no Liff I won't help you with the dirty thoughts cuase I love reading them^^
You know you really shouldn't feed the flame, because I can't help myself.

Ahh, but right now it is way too late for a dirty thought so I shant post one :).

True love is giving all you have to someone you know you're going to lose.

* Ray H Wall

--well of course I hope he'll never lose her...--
Ahh, so sweet. But you also must remember the quote:
"The way to love anything is to realise that it might be lost" ~ G.K. Chesterton

Of course we hope that he'll never lose her, but perhaps a threat to her life will in fact prove to themselves how much they love together, and how they can't live without one another. :) Grissom will step aside once Greg steps up to the plate.

~ "If you want her, come and claim her" ~ strangely adapted quote from LotR. :D
Hey isn't Eva gonna be back today? yay!
Yeah.. I hope she'll bring us something good. :D ;)

And don't worry, I'll post what is happening in spoiler boxes for people who won't be able to see it yet!
Yippee!! Thanks hollie.. It's sad that I won't be able to see it. :( Well, Im not the only one. :D ;) *worries about the finale* Hope there will be some Sandle scenes. I hope so. Oh.. Im so excited and nervous.

True love is giving all you have to someone you know you're going to lose.

* Ray H Wall

--well of course I hope he'll never lose her...--
That is so sad.. :( I hope Greg won't loose Sara. Because if he will, I probably will go insane. :(

~ "If you want her, come and claim her" ~ strangely adapted quote from LotR.
I love that scene in LOTR. :D Kinda suits Sandle too.. ;)
He's just letting her.. do whatever it is she's doing until I knock her out.. But She'll realize Greggo loves her soon, its just a matter of waiting, really.

I like the whole Greggo finding her. I think in the promo Greggo's with Grissom when he looks at MCSK, Maybe Greg runs to find Sara?
I hope Greggo will be the one to find her. When he will, that's the time Sara will realize how much Greg loves her. And she will also discover how much she loves Greggo. :D

I found another pic..

I think this is really cute. :) Any cap?? I got nothing.. :D
okies..i think i haf a cap 4 that....not good though....

Greg: Ahh...looking at this car, reminds me of our wedding moments...
Sara: Yes lovely memory...
Greg: Some of them are happy and some of them are funny.
Sara: Yah especially you bumped you hed while entering the car... :lol:
Greg: Hey....dont make me remember it again!

hehe.....its not good...but hey, its sandle ;)
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