Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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^ It's a really sweet story Naz! Of course Sara has to leave Grissom. ;) And I'll add your suggestion to the dictionairy right away. Sandlemantic is cute!

I'll soon read your story too Delia! :D

Beautiful poem again Katja! You're really talented. :)
Hmm... I should probably start calling people by their real names. I always want to, but then I'm afraid I'll say the wrong name or something like that, plus i'm terrible with remembering names. Hahah. :lol: But you guys can call me hollie, since that is my real name, just spelled differently. :D
Oh shoot. I've been reading through the posts and it looks like you all are gonna be wanting to go by real names. I'm also in hollie's boat... my penchant to remember names is not so good.
Everyone can call me Hestia (Not my real name because I'm evil and secretive like that... and I don't really like my real name. :rolleyes: Oh well.)

But I'll make an effort to either call you gals by your names or at least initialize your usernames (If someone posted a list or something of all the sandle shippers here and the names they wanna go by, that would be cool.) ;)

Last Thursday's episode was not only Greg-light it was "Greg-one" (like with PepsiOne. One calorie, or in this case one minute of Greg screen time. Yeah... that's my train of thought for this late, late evening. :lol:)

Oh and the poetry... oh the sandle-tastic poetry! It is so lovely, and descriptive and... I should really know better adjectives since I'm taking a poetry analysis class. :eek:

I need to post here more often when I'm more coherent and not constantly thinking about the last few weeks of classes... or Pepsi.

If we're bringing cuteyful back, and the sandle dictionary I want to personally handout Pecan Sandies(™) to each and every member here. Chocolate sandies for those who prefer it.
Thank you; good night!
(<--- hoping for some nice "sandleful" dreams)
Thanks to those who lvoed my poem. I love yours Kat. Keep writing more. They make me happy. :D And the dictionary too. :D

Naz, I hesitated at first in reading your fic. (I have spoiler issues ;)) But I still read it and it's cute. :D Just adorable. And kissmesweet, I'll read your fic later, I promise! :D

And kissmesweet, about that cocoon (I know that's not what you guys are talking about but..) I totally don't get it. It's very... ungifty. (Just a word I made up.) I mean, is that a gift? :rolleyes:

Hestia, You're here. I like your smileys. Hehe! :D Chocolate Sandies? Sound delicious.. :lol: I am still loving your banner. ;)
greg_sara_love said:
Greg will give smth more...smth physical :devil: :devil:

Oh yes he definitely will! :devil:

Oh last night was crazy. We wanted to go to the disco, had parked the car, left it, ready to go. Then my friend asked: "Erm Anke (my sister) do you have my keys?" - "No." - "Fuck." The keys were in her bag, and the bag was - in the trunk! Argh! She called her boyfriend to bring us the spare key, so he had to drive nearly 40 km, he had a headache - oh he wasn't amused... So we waited, and of course we only had our party clothes on. I was lucky wearing a jeans and a shirt, I pities my sis who had a skirt and a top and sandals. It was so damned cold, but you know what? I began thinking of Sandle, made plans for my ff, and I didn't feel so cold anymore :lol:

I agree with Hestia, a list with the names would be great, my memory is so bad ;)
im so sorry to confuse you Pau well in redrum...Grissom gave her a cocoon (not romantic :rolleyes:)
well there this one eppi in season 2 that sara was mad at Grissom because of meat...then, he ordered a plant (just a plant :rolleyes:) to sara as in apology that is so unromantic...

If Greg..he will giver her smth more...or maybe smth more physical :devil: :devil: :p
You didn't make me confuse, Naz, the cocoon gift thingy did. :D I haven't seen that epi yet. But I think that's where her being a vegetarian started. (I just think... Not sure!) :) :D

Oh Kat, Sandle makes me warm too. Totally! :D Sandle is like hot coco and GSR is a rainy day. :) :devil:

Kissmesweet, loved your fic! :D
nooo i love rainy days..whenever there's rain, i will come outand play in the rain...ermm Sandle is hot juz like in hell and GSR..erm..make it a hurricane :lol: :lol: jk...

hey how bout this words?? Sandly Hell it means sandle is hot as hell :D
Hmmm.. Hell is a horrible horrible, i-don't-want-to-be-in place. Comparing Sandle, adorable, adorable, super-cuteyful-ship to hell is kind of wrong.

I do love rainy days too. So, I guess GSR can just be a hurricane (Good idea!) or something. :lol:
hmm ok lets change...but its an expression as hot as hell well hell is the hottest it cannot be compared to anything but ok lets change...hmm as hot as....sun?? i love the sun it give me a smile on my this :D
lets change the 'sandly hell' into 'sunny sandle' :D i chose sun cuzz whenever there's flirt between bring out a smile on my face like this :D and they are happy with each other always laugh and smile whenever they with each other....

Thats why i loove this ship :D :D VERY MUCH :D
Oh I really really like that! There's always sunshine after the storm - there will be Sandle after GSR!!!
And I'm sure Sara prefers the sunshine to the hurricane :devil:

"Sometimes the last person on earth you want to be with
is the only one you can't live without."
Awww.. Sunny Sandle is really sweet. :D ;) And they do have a certain glow or shine when they're together. It's Perfect Naz. :) :D

I have to go now. My sis is bugging me. (This will lead into a pillow fight. :devil:) But I'll try my best to come back. But I might not. :D I'm making people confuse today. What's wrong with me?

I like that quote Kat. Perfect for Sandle! :)
i loove the reminds me of sandle...WAIT A is abt sandle.. :lol: god im so slow....we have so many ideas abt sandle...cuz they are perfect....the perfect couple...

YAY 4 Sunny Sandle!!!!! :D :D
I'm still here. :p Sunny Sandle is just so cute. Very cute. Spread happy, cuteyful and sunny Sandle-love! It fits them so well..

Sun gives energy right? So, Greg is Sara's sun and Sara is Greg's sun. They give each other energy. :D :)
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