Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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Thanks SandleDL that you liked my poem and the pic. Can I call you by your real name? :D And I agree that he can't take his eyed off her. Those glances are just so... cuteyful. Hihi! :D Cuteyful is like the official Sandle adjective. :) :lol: And I also see Sara making some secret glances at Greg too. :D ;)
You can call me Katja if you want to, or just shorten my nick to SDL:D What's your name?
We should propose "cuteyful" for the next Oxford dictionary as an official word.

cuteyful. Adjective to describe two hot persons who act in a very cute way when they're together. Especially used for talking about secret glances, Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks and shower scenes. For more information also see >Sandle, >sandlicious, >Sidle scent. Opp.: >GSR

Oh I like that idea! :lol:
Mine is Paula or just call me Pau for short. Just to let everyone know. :) I like your name. It's really... ummm.. what's the word? Cuteyful? Hehe! :D

I love the definiton. It's so cuteyful.. hehehe!! I've finally seen your Memories vid. It's reall Sandly and cuteyful.

I think they had a Sandle Dictionary. I saw it in the #9 thread. (or was it just my imagination? :D) *runs off and checks it out*
Glad you like my vid, Pau. Maybe you should just call me Kat for short, the shorter the names the better!
Oh and when you've found the dictionary make sure to post the link, please! Would love to read it!
I'll try. There are just so many posts. :lol: But I found a post that Hollie posted before.

Well, this wasn't really a Sandle scene, but I found it hilarious when Sara kept backing away from Grissom. I think the dumpster diving was just an excuse, she didn't really look like she wanted to go near him. ^_^
Haha! :lol: I know it's kind of late but that's what I was thinking when I saw the scene. And Grissom didn't approached her in a sweet way either. It looked like he was about to eat her. :lol: Now, we know why she doesn't want to be near him. (But I do like Grissom more with a beard though. :D)
Hey Pau thanks for your comment about my banner! I love it too! Teehee. I love my beautiful shippies! (Especially SANDLE!) I love your poem & that oh-so-cute picture you posted. It really makes me happy!

Well, this wasn't really a Sandle scene, but I found it hilarious when Sara kept backing away from Grissom. I think the dumpster diving was just an excuse, she didn't really look like she wanted to go near him. ^_^
Oh, honey! That's TOTALLY a Sandle scene! She doesn't want Grissom ANYWHERE near her anyway.

Sara's a liar though. She didn't go to the dumpsters. She was pulled into the supply closet by Greg. :devil: They totally did it! :D
Yep. I think it's during the SSCB.. :D ;) And that's why she doesn't want to be near Grissom because she smelled like Greg. :lol: Thanks that you liked poem. Im listening to Perfect Fan by The Backstreet Boys. I love this song.. Happy Mothers Day! :D

Here's the link Kat. Sandle Dictioanry I think their Sandle Dictionary idea started in this page. They had a lot of words made up.. All of them are very Sandly and sweet. :D
Aww I love the Sandle dictionary! It's so cuteyful and sandlesqueeable ... heheh, i love that word. I miss Sil. But now I have the urge to copy down all of the words and print them out and hang them on my wall, next to the over 100 Sandle reasons, of course. Which makes me think of another reason ...

Because there's a whole dictionary full of words dedicated to Sandle!


And Pau, cute poem! I love all of them, they make me happy. :D
i loove the dictionary its so so sandly....haha she was scared when Grissoom smelled her and she smelled like Greg...u noe Grissom....he like to smell people :lol: :lol: i watch this episode....grissom wanted to give Sara smth and end up him giving Sara a living plant without flowers...THAT IS SO UNROMANTIC...

But Greg will like give her a bouquet of flowers...roses, lilies, orchard or smth.... with teddy bear :D :D not thats what i call sandlemantic- as in romantic :D
Yay, thanks Hollie for the reason! I'll add it there tommorow.
Meanwhile, I've been working on a great fic.

GregSaraLove: Do you mean Grissom gave Sara the cocoon? That's totally cheesy by the way. Greg can do something cheesy and make it cute. Grissom... can't. :lol:

Anyway... without further adieu, this is my fanfic guys! Please review!
Interrogation: You guys will love it! It's about Catherine interrogating Greg because she knows that there's something up with Sandle! :lol:
Cath rocks! She gets a little violent here though... :lol:
Oh sure we have a Sandle dictionairy! I still have everything saved on my computer. Here you go!

Cuteyful Adjective to describe two hot persons who act in a very cute way when they're together. Especially used for talking about secret glances, Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks and shower scenes
Sandleling Rambling on and on about Sandle.
Sandleful Filled with Sandle love.
Sandlish Something that reminds you of or pertains to Sandle.
Sandlefication Being turned into a Sandle shipper.
Sandleology The study of all things Sandle.
Sandley/Sandly Being in a Sandle mood.
Sandlematics Sandle mathematics, such as Cute x Cute = Cute^2.
Sandlecheer The cheer of all the Sandle shippers.
Sandle Sense

Gotta Ship
Secret Glances
Special Glances
Sexy Glances
Super Geeks
Geek Shower
Gold Stars
Geek Surrender
So Gorgeous
Sexy & Gorgeous
Guilty Secret
Subtle Gestures
Geek Spirit
Swami Greg Scene
Geeky, but Soulful

So be careful, when saying something reminds you of Sandle it's Sandlish and when you're in a Sandle mood it's Sandly. :lol: The dictionairy says so! :p

Some words haven't been defined yet... anyone care to do it? Feel free so. I'v added Katja's definition of cuteyful already. You made me laugh SO much when I read it. :lol: Especially: Opp.: GSR. Brilliant! :p

Pau, I totally loved your Sandle poem! GREAT JOB. :D
Oh I love the dictionary! It's sandlastic (is that a new word? just made it up but I like it *lol*)!
I'm so sandly today, I started a oneshot and I hope I'll finish it soon so that I can give you the link!
Here's another poem, but I'm not quite sure whether I've posted it already. If yes, please tell me and I'll delete it.


Getting lost

We are
Two people
With two hearts
Beating the same
There's no need to hide
No need to pretend
Because you can read my mind
As I can read yours
And we know
That we could lose it all
Just by losing ourselves
But we also know
That we'll pay the price
Just for getting lost
In these feelings we share
So reason surrenders to heart
And we lose ourselves
In each others eyes
And get lost in the kiss
And whatever we've lost
It doesn't matter right now
'Cause we've won so much more...

Wow I'm so behind :eek:

And I'm also being lazy, I loved all teh sandle poems! It makes me so happy when i read them, I feel all sandley on the inside! :D

And we got everyone doing names now, (I so plan to jot these down becuase me and names do not connect :lol:) My name's Carrie, just to let everyone know.

Great story kissmesweet (I don't think I caught your name) poor Greggo, getting all beat up by Catherine, I loved the "I was gonna propose to you tomorrow" "I can't wait!" line :lol:

ALright I think I covered everything i missed. I'm gonna go watch CSI reruns now :)
OMG Delia loove ur fanfic...hehe thats what i call sandletastic :lol: hey in 'meet market' is there Sandle moments?? i really wanna noe :lol: love the dictionary...

can i add...
Sandlemantic: As in romantic...hehe

and Delia not the cocoon...the episode where Sara wanted to resign in season 2...and then Grissom order a plant juz to give to Sara...

Greg will give smth more...smth physical :devil: :devil:
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