Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

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It means that he always protect her whenever she goes.... :D he always be there to catch her when she falls... :D SandleDL..i love ur fanfic its so nice :D
omg SandleDL that was an awesome poem, perfect for Sandle!

Oh wow, Heres a scenario :lol::

Sara is having an affair with Greg, right? (I'm already liking this lol) but he doesn't know it's an affair! So, eventually, when he finds out about Sara and Grissom and that its an affair and HE'S the other man, he confronts Sara and basically its an "Me or him" kind of deal, and she kisses him and says "It's always been you" :D

Now, did you get all that writers? lol

And I love the pic of the day, that's one of my favorite scenes becuase its so casual how he puts himself that close, like they do it all the time ;) and I'm with that posting the 100 reasons on my wall deal, count me in [[if we can find it]] :lol:
Very nice idea! Really like that, so if I sit in class in about 1,5 h doing my examination, and suddenly grin like an idiot only I'll know what I was thinking of - and that'll not be chemistry :D
Nice POTD, it's a cute schene, those two alone in the dark...
*has to leave due to upcoming dirty thought*
haha :lol: that will be cute scene...the writers need to write like that...hehe :lol: :lol: hey SandleDL you should post ur thoughts...this is a forum eventhough its a ditry thoughts :lol: :lol: :lol: :devil: juz kidd
This spoiler is just 4 the ppl who really wnat to be spoiled ONLY

I just watch this vid abt the upcomming episode..i really wanna be spoiled hehe :D...lady heather is BACK!! now thats great :p. She was layin in the hospital bed and Sara was there with her then lady heather look at the door and she called Grissom! the look of Sara's face was priceless :D scene brass ask lady heather where were she last night then Grissom said she with him together last night now thats good :D..hurray!! :D :D a fat chance for sandle :lol: :lol: :D :D :D
You guys post super fast. I just arrived from school. Coming back to school makes me sick. :( :lol: ;)

*passes the positivity cookies to kissmesweet* :) They're freshly baked! :lol:

'Stay away from my Gregy bit**!!'
*eyes widen* Ooohh! I'd love to see that. :) ;)

I love the part in Chasing the Bus when Sara comes to Greg and says: "Greg... you're really good a what you do." and he looks at her with this kinda sad look...
Oh yeah!! I love that scene. And Greg looks really cute while looking sad. I wish Sara would've come closer to him and gave him a kiss. :) And I'll read your fic later. But it sounds really good. And I love the title. :) And I really love your poem. You're so.. good at writing stuff. Bravo! *clap clap*

Eva, the SPOTD almost made me fall off the chair. I love it. Good choice! ;)

And GregsLabRat, I like the way you thought about that. Id like to see that. :D
Happy you guys liked the SPOTD. I love it too! He's so close behind her, as if he wants to protect her (of course he wants to protect her!). :D I'm sure secretly Sara is happy he followed her down. She must've been relieved she wasn't alone there. ;)

Ahhh it's so hard not to read spoilers! Especially because the sad or happy emoticons DO show up. So you're always like; Ohh my God, what does it say? I'm proud of myself I haven't checked out the last ones.. I wonder for how long I can keep doing that. :lol:

I totally love the affair idea! Secretly they have a very happy relationship, but they have to keep it silent because Grissom can't know. LOL! If we keep thinking of that, we can surive all GSR scenes on CSI. :)
I haven't read the spoiler too. :D I really really want to be spoiled but I want to see if how long it would last for me not being spoled. :D I wonder what it say though. *thinks*

Hurray we are in the 12th page! We really are moving fast. ;)

SandleDL, I love your fic. It was really sweet and sad. *a tear drops* I love the way you wrote it. it's clear and very good. :)
*passes the positivity cookies to kissmesweet* They're freshly baked!
Ha, very cute! :) Thanks Luvin! To get through this season (and hopefully the next! :))--we should really eat a HELL LOT of positivity cookies to keep us Sandle-loving!
Aww Cordy You're even a fluffy in here.
Awwww, Lynny! So true! I'm a fluffy E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E! :lol: ESPECIALLY at Sandle-threads!
Sara is having an affair with Greg, right? (I'm already liking this lol) but he doesn't know it's an affair! So, eventually, when he finds out about Sara and Grissom and that its an affair and HE'S the other man, he confronts Sara and basically its an "Me or him" kind of deal, and she kisses him and says "It's always been you"
Very sweet! TPTB should take some damn suggestion from US!
Ha, very cute! Thanks Luvin! To get through this season (and hopefully the next! )--we should really eat a HELL LOT of positivity cookies to keep us Sandle-loving!
You're welcome kissmesweet. :D Yup. A lot of positivity cookies are needed. *shares and eats a truck load of cookies :)*
What do you guys think the cookies are made of? :confused:

I guess..
1/2 cup shortening
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup chopped Grissom
1 pail full Sandle-love
1 cup of cuteyfullness
2 cups (or more...) of Greg and Sara
1 cup Sandle-vids
1 cup Sandle-fics
And a lot of Shippers

Hmmm... Well, thats what mine are made of. :lol: :D
And hurray! I'm a Lab Tech. I always wanted to be one. :D *throws confetti*
Yay I love positivitiy cookies! I had some this morning (remember what I said ybout sitting in class and all?) and the examination was sooo good!! *could dance around* I'm sure the whole positivity was finally better than all preparation *lol*
Oh I'm a spoiled kid, I've just realized...
Well that sound's fantastic, he can have Lady H, and when Sara gets sad then Greg will help her get over it!!!
Glad you liked my little poem, I can't get enough of writing, and for a long time I've only written Ncis and D/L stuff so there's still so much Sandliterature (yeah new word creation^^) for me to write :)
I love the idea of the affair... *whistles* you got me knock knock knockin at your door, and I'll be comin' back for more, we made a promise and we'll keep it our dirty little secret...
It's nice to know that you're test went well. :D And Im hoping of reading more from you. :D

I just wan to share another Sandle-scene that I noticed in Play with Fire. I think the reason why Sara was awfully quiet outside the lab after the explosion is because she was shock to see Greg being badly injured. And moments aftyer the explosion, when Sara was already on the floor, you sould see her look up. I guess she was trying to see if greg was okay. :D ;)
Yes I'm sure about that! ;) It's just a pity that she didn't visit him at hospital...
Btw did you also notice that Greg had turned his head to have a look at her right before the explosion? He could have got it far worse if he had looked at the desk instead! So maybe this saved his life! Or at least his beautiful eyes^^ Another proof that he is meant for her and she is meant for him!
Oh and not to forget about the contamination shower. I mean, c'mon, she saw him naked, how can she not want him then? Who in their right mind could at all? (Not me, definitely :devil:)
SandleDL said:
Btw did you also notice that Greg had turned his head to have a look at her right before the explosion? He could have got it far worse if he had looked at the desk instead! So maybe this saved his life! Or at least his beautiful eyes^^ Another proof that he is meant for her and she is meant for him!
Oh and not to forget about the contamination shower. I mean, c'mon, she saw him naked, how can she not want him then? Who in their right mind could at all? (Not me, definitely )

haha I never thought of that, he probably was turning to look at her, maybe say something flirty ;) his love for Sara saved him :D
And I second that statement, I haven't even seen him naked and I already want him! :lol:


I saw that commercial thing too, omg i was like screaming at the TV "YES GRISSOM CHEAT ON HER CHEAT ON HER!" haha i can take Sara being a little upset when it leads to SANDLE! :D
Gosh, I can't wait for the new episode! :) *Eats positivity cookies with Greg's face on them* :rolleyes:
luvincsi said:
I guess..
1/2 cup shortening
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup chopped Grissom
1 pail full Sandle-love
1 cup of cuteyfullness
2 cups (or more...) of Greg and Sara
1 cup Sandle-vids
1 cup Sandle-fics
And a lot of Shippers

Hmmm... Well, thats what mine are made of. :lol: :D
And hurray! I'm a Lab Tech. I always wanted to be one. :D *throws confetti*
Hahahah. I love that recipe, especially the chopped up Grissom part, heeheehee. :D And congratz on being a Lab Tech. We used to have the Lab Techs make the cookies. Hahah.

SaraStar said:
Ahhh it's so hard not to read spoilers! Especially because the sad or happy emoticons DO show up. So you're always like; Ohh my God, what does it say? I'm proud of myself I haven't checked out the last ones.. I wonder for how long I can keep doing that.
Oh, I gave up on trying not to read spoilers a long time ago. Hahah. It's so hard not too. :lol:

I love Play With Fire. I love the Sandle in that episode. It's perfect except for Grissom calling Sara 'Honey' ... grrrrr. But anyway as mentioned they share looks and Sara is obviously shocked and worried after Greg gets blown up. *shudders* Just thinking about that episode makes me sad. :( But really, who knows, Sara prolly visited Greg during the commercial break. :D
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