Sandle RP

[^^heee. I can imagine it too. And yeah, Sticky Fingers is a RS album.. we can call our RP that maybe! XD Anyway I'm gonna hang around in the background and..perform test..type..things.. for a while. Maybe I'll notice something on the body when I'm rinsing it down. *nods*]
"I'm kinda excited actually..."

Greg stared at a bushes behind Cath. Thought he just saw it moved... Hmm... Must be his imagination. He thought to himself, cut it out, Sanders. No Aston would jump out of those bushes just now.

Then he noticed Cath was looking at him.
"Well, as you know... I'm a bit fan of... the kinky side." He grinned. "You think Lady Heather would give me a present if I tell her I have a birthday coming up?"

Another weird look from Cath. "Nevermind..."

The door suddenly opened.

[Just watched Pirates Of The Carribean. I seem to mix Greg with Jack Sparrow as I write this o_O
Waiting for LH. Haha, imagine that ziggy, "Sandle RP: Sticky Fingers" :eek: Anyway, maybe you could be someone else for a while. Nick? Warrick? Go bother Grissom! :D :D]
umm k i really dont even know wut to say since i was gone and ive never done this before and i dont want to make the story if anyone wants to be nick go right ahead.. :}
{Hold on, let me stop laughing here for a moment. Gawd, you guys are killing me...Silhouette, mixing Greggo and Jack is a good thing. *is fangirl* Right, yes, actual RP now.}

That familiar sound filled the house. No, not the one of screams and horrible cries, that other one...A knock. Turning the handle of the door that would allow the person on the other side to gain entery to the house, Heather pulled it open with a dull expression. "Look who's back..." She commented with a false smile. Stepping to the side, she gestured for the familiar people to come in. Of course, last time they had scene eachother, it wasn't the best. But hey...

{Wow, I suck...*shrugs*}
[Oh are you Nick, Sandersidle? Aww sorry I didn't mean to cut you out or something... Please, rejoin us. Go bother Grissom! :D :D
Really, this is my first RP too, so it doesn't matter you know. We're just having fun :) Maybe you could work on the body with David, you know, help us out ;) Or do another case with Sara and Grissom. Hmm do we have another case, or this is a sort of 'all hands on deck' thing?]

"Ah yes, it's us again." Greg answered Heather's comment with a grin. "All roads lead to Lady Heather."

Greg gestured to Cath to go in first, "Ladies first..."

Following Cath close behind, he listened as Cath started asking a few questions.
He couldn't help but let his eyes wander a bit. The place was... interesting.

[BurnedToast, I think you're doing good :) Hmm Greg as a pirate would be interesting :lol:
Anyway, this seems like it's gonna take a while until we could see any Sandle moment (Blame Grissom! He sent us away! :lol:) so be patient ;)]
(Oh! I'm back, sorry! This is such a funny R/P! Love Greg's case. ;))

Sara looked at Grissom. "I donno ... I guess. I mean ... I just thought ... that you actually wanted to be with me. And that we actually had something. But, I don't know how I didn't relize it. I was blind to think you were capable of actually having feelings for me." Sara said. Wow she thought, suprised how easily all of her feelings just kind of came pooring out. She didn't want to be with Grissom anymore, I guess she just wanted ... you know ... closure.

She sighed as she looked at Grissom. She couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. She also was curious about the tarantula that was sitting in the box on Grissom's desk that he had just brought in. Why did Sofia bring him a tarantula? She tried to get that out of her mind and focus back on the indepth conversation inbetween her and Grissom.
He nodded in agreement. Their "relationship" had been more often than not strained. They fooled themselves into believing they were in love when it was merely an infatuation. A strong infatuation.
"I guess I understand. I hope things won't become strained between us. You've been a great friend first and foremost. And you're a superb CSI."
Grissom rose and placed the tarantula in a small bowl.
"I think Sofia might be needing some help with a case. See you around, Sara."
(Hollie's got me to talk to! Her best friend Sofia! :D)

Sofia saw Sara walking to the door and backed off, making it seem like she's just walked by. "Sara..." She noticed the look on Sara's face. " okay?"

Why did she even bother to ask?
"Yeah, I'm fine." Sara said putting on a fake smile. She didn't know what she was feeling, but she did know she didn't want to talk about it. "So, Grissom said you needed help with a case?" she asked quickly, trying to change the subject.
{Silhouette, thanks. It's just my first time playing Heather, so...*shrugs* Deal with it. v_v;;}

Heather's head tilted up slightly, dark red hair falling back and off her shoulders. "Any particular reason for your visit?" She asked, though she already knew the answer. Obviously they were on a case, and something...odd...had led them to her. "Or...Should I ask who died?" The screams coming from upstairs hadn't died out yet, but that was good. It was when there wasn't noise that she thought something was wrong...
Cath tossed her hair off her shoulder, too. She couldn't help glancing toward the screams, though she knew they were normal here. "Did Keith Richards ever indulge in your services?" She shifted a little as she waited on her answer. She wasn't sure why, but this place always made her a tad nervous.